
We wrapped up our dinner, and I was ready to go gamble. I asked Roxanne, "I'm going to hit the craps table for a minute. Do you want to come with me?" Roxanne said, "I don't have anything nice to wear." I said, "We can fix that." I grabbed the tablet with the room and went to the shopping section. I could buy many things through the app, from clothes to wedding rings. I asked Roxanne, "Pose, please." She looked at me, smiled, and posed. I took a photo and uploaded it. The website automatically displayed different dresses on the picture of Roxanne. I flipped the tablet around and asked, "Pick your favorite."

Roxanne scrolled through the tablet and said, "What do you think about this one?" She handed me the tablet, and there was her photo of her wearing a gorgeous red dress. I purchased it without hesitation and ordered an excellent suit for myself. I figured I would go on the mother of all Craps runs and produce the 3,000 I spent. I also saw an advertisement for wedding rings, and it automatically displayed both of our ring sizes. I thought about it briefly but elected to wait on that choice, but remembered her ring size. Before I could tell Roxanne that the clothes were on their way, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find a robot holding both sets of clothes. I took both sets and handed the dress to Roxanne. She pulled it from the package and exclaimed, "The dress is dazzling!" without warning, she pulled all her clothes off and slipped them on. I managed to behave and not make a move. I exclaimed, "You're enchanting!" She pressed, "Your turn." I pulled off all of my clothes, and Roxanne closed in. She grasped my member and asked, "Do we have time for some extracurricular activities?" I smiled and said, "I don't want to inhibit the surprise for tomorrow." She smiled. "You are doing an excellent job hiding this from me." I returned, "I've wanted to do this for a long time and finally found the right person to do it with. I also want to make your first time special." I accidently imagined the limo that would take us to the destination." Roxanne moved her hand to my back, pulled me closer, and whispered, "I've never been in a limo." I laughed. "You almost got me, but it won't happen, honey." She giggled and went upstairs. I got dressed in the suit and followed her up. I found her loading the contraptions that Miles built with viles. I asked, "What is this supposed to do?" She handed me the contraption with a vile, which said, "Buzzed." Roxanne announced, "On three....One, two, three." I put my mouth on the mouthpiece, pushed the igniter button, and drank. I felt like I had six to seven drinks. It hit Roxanne harder, and she yelled, "Let's go win some money, honey." I thought, "Oh lord. What did I get myself into." 

We departed the room and went down the elevator to the casino level. The casino was packed with people, and as a warm-up, we hunted for a blackjack table. When picking a blackjack table, there are a few prerequisites, such as being nearly full, containing outgoing people, and having an energetic dealer. I looked around and couldn't find the right one, but Roxanne grabbed my hand and led me to a table. The table had two spots left, the other players were excited young women, and the dealer was a flashy young man who was wearing a fishnet shirt with a bowtie. It was not what I had in mind, but it fit my three rules. This table also had an intriguing element. Each round required one dollar to buy in, and if you got a blackjack, you would spin an electronic wheel that could grant you five to 36,000 dollars. As we approached, Roxanne asked the girls, "Can my boyfriend and I join you all." The dealer interrupted, "Only if the young man removes his shirt to add a little spice to the action." Roxanne countered, "Only if all of you look and don't touch." One girl was looking at me while biting her finger and said, "That's fine...for now."

I got the side-eye of approval from Roxanne and removed my suit jacket and shirt. There was a ceremonious cheer from the other girls and the dealer. I gave Roxanne 100 dollars, and she cashed it in with the dealer. We split the 100, and each started with 50. I bet 25, and Roxanne cut right to the chase with 50. The dealer dished out the cards; his up card was a 5, and I had two tens. Roxanne hit a blackjack first shot. Among the other girls, there was a 15, a bust, two 16's, a 20, and an 18. The girl with the 18 had 1,000 dollars down. I figured I had lady luck next to me, and on my turn, I split my tens, which is a bold but dick move. The dealer prompted, "Bold move, sweetie." Now that I had 50 bucks on the line, I started to sweat a little more. My following cards were a five and a six. Not great hands.

The dealer's first card was ten, totaling 15. The dealer decided to chase rather than retreat. He busted with a 9, causing a roar. The dealer was a humble loser and said, "Well done, sweeties." He looked at Roxanne and said, "Go ahead and spin." Roxanne spun the little dial, and after ten strenuous seconds, it landed on 5,000 dollars. Before I could say anything, "Roxanne grabbed my face and gave me a long kiss, causing an uproar from the other girls." After the release, I said, "I think it's time to move on. The chances of that happening were less than zero. We should tip our new friend and go wander." She affirmed, "You are the most caring person I know." Tipping the dealer was more of a bribe for good luck, but it was in good taste to give a little back in the case of a big win. The dealer handed us our chips, and I tipped him 250 dollars. We said goodbyes and went on a stroll.

Roxanne asked, "Where did you learn how to play blackjack?" I paused because it was a sensitive question. Roxanne stopped and asked, "Is there something wrong?" I said, "No. I haven't told anyone about this, including Chester. I had an older brother, Landon, who was six years older, and we were close. We united against our parents, and he taught me how to survive in the wild. He taught me how to play blackjack, so if our parents ever cut me off, I would have a crafty way to stay afloat." Roxanne asked, "Had?" I nodded, and she sensed I wasn't ready to further the conversation, so she asked, "How come you tell everyone you are an only child?" I responded, "Because I am. I don't like people feeling sorry for me." She hugged me and said, "Thanks for trusting me." We wandered around for a while, played some slots, and lost a little money. I placed 500 bucks on the New Ireland Spuds for the finals, and we retreated to the room without playing craps because I wanted to quit while we were ahead.