Spoils of War

Once we returned to the room, I went upstairs, put the spoils of war in the safe, and returned to find Roxanne unclothed in the infinity pool. I undressed and went to the Bluetooth speaker. I put on one of my favorite love songs and entered the cold pool. I waded over to Roxanne, who was deep in thought. I came up behind her and put my arms around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and asked, "We have gotten lucky over and over. Aren't we do for something not to go our way?" I smiled. "I'm supposed to be the catastrophizer. My therapist tells me I must live in the moment and not worry about what isn't here yet." Roxanne responded, "What will we do if we get ourselves in trouble." I replied, "My therapist once told me, Heny, you have overcome a lot, and if you get put in a tough spot, you'll get through it." She turned around to face me and smiled. "A tough guy like you seeing a therapist? That's hot." I laughed, and we kissed. I moved my hands down to her hips. As we kissed, something bright caught my eye, and we separated. The sun was rising, and we turned our attention to the horizon. Roxanne yawned and asked, "Why do you think Vampires aren't fans of the sun?" I hadn't considered the answer to one of the biggest questions that directly influenced how I lived my new life. I pondered, "I think it's the universe's way of separating humans and us." Roxanne giggled. "That didn't work out for you and me." I responded, "The universe shouldn't have made the shift differential as alluring as a mimosa on a Sunday morning." We both laughed and got out. I turned off the music, and we went upstairs.

We crawled under the covers, and as I reached over the nightstand to press the button to lower the blinds, Roxanne took the opportunity to attach herself to my back like a squirrel on a tree trunk. Roxanne rested one hand on my chest and used the other to mess with my hair. She whispered, "Guys don't typically like being the little spoon." I responded, "I don't need to prove my masculinity to anyone, and it provides an opportunity for a..." Before I could craft a witty analogy for a handjob, Roxanne caressed her hand down my abs and rested her hand directly above my penis. She began to stroke it softly. It rose to the occasion, but I had to stand my ground. "My little friend may not know it, but will need rest tonight." Roxanne giggled. "You want to make this special, don't you?" I said, "I've wanted to do this since I read about it, but I just needed the right person." Roxanne conceded, "Okay. I'll behave." She moved her hand to my chest, and I announced, "Set the alarm for 9 pm." The alarm chipped twice, indicating it was set, and we both fell asleep.

The alarm began hooting like a majestic owl. Roxanne and I were still locked to each other, and neither moved for 16 hours. Roxanne removed her hand from my chest and stretched. I announced, "I haven't slept like that in a long while." Roxanne responded, "Me neither." I rolled over and we pressed our foreheads together. Roxanne asked, What time does the surprise happen? " I declared, "Midnight." Roxanne asked, "Can we walk down the main drag? I read all sorts of interesting things online that I would like to see." I said, "We should have about an hour and a half to make it happen." Roxanne said, "Okay. I'm going to hop in the shower real quick." After Roxanne got out of the shower, we got dressed, and each drank a bag of blood. I grabbed some cash from the safe, grabbed one of Miles's pills, and we made our way to the elevators. We made it out to the main drag, and there were 100's of people. I asked Roxanne, "How have you gotten used to how bad humans smell?" She smiled and handed me a small tube of toothpaste. She instructed, "Rub a little under your nose." I followed said instructions, and it no longer smelt like a middle school boy's locker room. I handed back the tube, and we continued walking. 

There were shops, restaurants, other casinos, and street performers. We found a gaggle of shirtless men attempting to pull off the vampire vibe to promote a strip club. Roxanne asked, "Can we take a photo with them?" I laughed and said, "Careful. They may think I'm your gay best friend." She giggled, and we walked over to them. Roxanne asked the men, "Can we take a photo with you guys?" One of them said with a lisp caused by the vampire teeth prosthetic, "Of course, for a small tip." Roxanne handed him 50 bucks, and we all lined up in front of the professional automatic camera. Roxanne and I were together in the middle, flanked by the men. It felt like this was the setup for a lousy porno, but then Roxanne's mind linked a smiley emoji with big teeth. One of the Neanderthals had a remote button that set off the camera, and he counted down. I gave myself a 50/50 chance that I understood Roxanne's request. Once the countdown reached one, I bared my fangs, and the light faded, so I think my eyes went black. Once the camera printed one sheet, one of the guys grabbed it, but Roxanne snatched it and asked while holding out another 50 bucks, "Can I see the camera? It would be an awful shame if my husband got ahold of this." The guy nodded and took the money. Roxanne deleted the photo, and we walked off. Roxanne held up the picture, and we both barred our fangs. Our fangs, contrasted to the strippers' fangs, were 4k resolution compared to 780p. I joked, "I must be a hella of a side bitch then." Roxanne laughed. "The best." 

 While Roxanne and I were walking, we were interrupted by a little girl tugging at Roxanne's shirt. The little with an olive skin tone girl asked, "Vrykólakas?" I had no clue what language the girl spoke, but Roxanne responded, "Υποσχεθείτε να μην το πείτε σε κανέναν." The little girl countered. "Μόνο αν αγοράσετε κάτι ακριβό από το κατάστημα της οικογένειάς μου." Roxanne nodded, and the little girl grabbed Roxanne's hand. The little girl led us to a shop. I asked, "Care to share what that was about?" Before Roxanne could respond, the girl's mother yelled from behind the counter, "Ἐρατώ Ξέρετε καλύτερα από το να ενοχλείτε τους πελάτες." The little girl released Roxanne's hand and entered another room with her head down. Roxanne told her mother, "It's no worry. She wasn't bothering us." The mother said, "Thank you. What are you looking for?" Roxanne scanned the giant jewelry wall and then approached a locked case. Roxanne pointed at a gorgeous golden necklace with a pendant. The pendant appeared to be pure gold,was inlaid with diamonds, and in the shape of a sword. Roxanne asked, "How much for that necklace?" The woman responded, "4,000 dollars." Roxanne asked, "Would you consider a trade?" The woman asked, "What do you have?" Roxanne produced a little box and put it on the counter. The lady opened the box and nearly fainted. She exclaimed, "Where did you find a Athena and the Owl Silver Tetradrachm?" Roxanne pushed, "Do we have a deal?" The lady excitedly nodded, and they shook hands. Roxanne took the necklace and put it around my neck. I looked in the mirror, and I loved it. I said, "You didn't have to do that." She said, "It's my turn to do something nice for you." as we walked out of the store, I told Roxanne, "You were speaking Greek to that little girl, and you planned this all out." Roxanne complimented, "You are as smart as you are cute."