I Love You

Roxanne and I returned to the hotel lobby, and our limo was waiting by the time we arrived. I opened the door and said to Roxanne, "Ladies first." She smiled and said, "I thought chivalry died in the 80's." I got in after her, and there was a lovely bouquet of roses and two glasses of champagne. Roxanne asked. "You know it takes a lot of regular alcohol to do the trick, right?" I laughed. "I know. I like the taste." We sat on the back bench together, and Roxanne asked, "Care to tell me where we are going?" I figured it was time for a hint. "We are going to the airport." Roxanne looked puzzled and asked, "Why would we be going there? I said, "You'll find out." She said, "Fine, you got me." I laughed and said, "Cheers." We clinked our glasses and drank our champagne. We finished the bottle by the time we got to the airport. On the drunk scale, I felt about one and a half, and when Roxanne was watching a large plane land, I took the pill with the last sip of champagne. The limo pulled up to a special aircraft designed to fly into the stratosphere. The pilot opened the limo door, and as we stepped out, he said, "Good evening. My name is Chris, and I will be your pilot for the evening." Roxanne looked at me with a mischievous grin. 

As we boarded the futuristic plane, I joked, "Took you long enough." Roxanne retaliated, "Hopefully, you last as long as to how long you kept it a secret." As I ducked my head to get on the plane, I said, "Ouch, babe." Roxanne laughed and hugged me as we collapsed into the comfy bed. Chris said from the cockpit, "Good evening, love birds. The flight is scheduled for an hour. I will have my noise-canceling headphones on, so make love to your heart's desire. You two will not feel the takeoff but once we approach the stratosphere, I'll give you more instructions." I gave Roxanne a devious look, and she bit her lower lip. The plane accelerated, took off and before we knew it, we were at cruising altitude. We wasted no time. As she lay on her back, I planted myself between her legs. I carefully lowered her pants, and to my surprise, she had no panties. I looked at her with a raised brow, and she just shrugged her shoulders. I began to kiss the inside of her thighs and used one hand to massage one of her breasts, causing her to moan. I made my way to her entrance, and then I slowly began to lick her entrance while using my free hand to massage her clit. Her moaning got a little louder, and she began to play with my hair. The pill had kicked in, and I took a break to remove my clothes. 

Once I pulled off my underwear, my cock flew out like a stallion on his first race. My penis had never been that hard and looked girthier than usual. I knew Roxanne saw it because I could hear her heartbeat quicken, and she mouthed, "That's what the pill was for that Miles gave you." I looked at her, slightly perplexed. She said, "I saw it in the bag." I asked, "Are you okay with it?" She taunted, "Why don't you find out." I moved up in the bed, dragged it up her thigh, and rubbed it on her folds. She sighed as I teased her entrance. I slowly put it in, and she grimaced a little. I reached into a basket with miscellaneous supplies and found a tube of lube. I put the lube on my veiny soda can and then put it back in. She exhaled. "Thank you." I began to thrust and braced both arms near her shoulders. She wrapped her hands around my biceps, and I quickened my pace. Her pussy was tight, and I could feel each ring. We went for about five minutes, and was surprised that I hadn't busted yet. My penis naturally veered left, so I turned her on her right side, straddled her right leg, and her left leg rested on my shoulder. My natural pecker lean allowed me to get at her G-spot. I rubbed her clit with my left hand and my right to base myself on her thigh. She began to moan loudly, and I could feel her pussy tightening. I continued to thrust, and I felt her start to squirt, and she screamed, "OH MY GOOOD". Her body began to shake, and I stopped. I asked, "Are you okay?" She said, "I didn't know I could orgasm like that. Holy shit. I need a second." I laid down next to her and began to masturbate. My dick felt huge in my big hand, and I thought, "This may have been a mistake taking that pill. " Roxanne whispered, "No, it wasn't, but from now on, no more special pills." I chuckled, and I turned over to face her. We began to make out again, and she tugged on my penis. Roxanne stated, "My lady bits need a little time out." Before she could offer a solution, she was cut off by Chis on the speaker. "Some fuzzy restraints will rise from under the bed. Attach yourselves and then hold on because we are going to enter the Stratusphere." We put on the restraints, and the aircraft launched upward. Roxanne and I clutched each other for the 30-second ascend. The restraints automatically released us and retreated under the bed. Without missing a beat, Roxanne asked, "Do you want to stick it in my ass?" That matter-of-fact question caught me off guard. Roxanne giggled and said, "You can put your eyes back in your face now. When I showered, I did a little special cleaning." I said, "I guess it will be a first for both of us." She smiled, sat up on her knees, and braced her arms against the side of the plane, looking out the window at the stars. 

I applied some lube and slowly put it in her anus. She let out a big sigh, and I used slow, deep strokes. I put my hands on her hips and continued at a steady pace to get a feel for the new territory. I decided to switch it up. I used one hand to grab her waist and pull her against my chest. She giggled and said, "Oooh, I take it you've wanted to try this before." I responded by using one hand to rub her clit, the other to massage one of her tits, and nibbling on her neck. I thrusted harder, and she yelled, "HENRY, HENRY, HENRY, HARDER, HARDER, HARDER" I was pounding her ass as hard as possible, causing my balls to slap against her clitoris. She screamed as she squirted all over the side of the plane. She cried, "For fucks sake, can you hurry up and cum." I taunted, "Usually, it's the other way around." I awakened a beast because she spun around and tackled me onto the bed. She got on top and ordered, I'm doing all of the work." I nodded, she slid my dick into her, and she bounced up and down. I started to put my hands on her hips, and she grabbed them and put my hands behind my head. She moved her hands to clutch my flexed biceps. She lowered her chest and was rocking back and forth. She quickened and asked in between moans, "Are you ready to be mine?" I said, "Yes, mam." She grinned and ordered, "Start thrusting," I obeyed, and her fangs came out. She bit me on my chest, and it felt like someone shined a kaleidoscope light in my face. My abs tightened, my body started to shake, and I nutted. I started to say, "Good god al ..." and I blacked out. 

 I woke up a few minutes later to Roxanne sucking my struggling cock. She stopped and said, "There's my hero." She laid on my chest and said, "Your turn." I flipped her over and slid my dick back into her soaking wet pussy. It was an interesting combination of my cum and her juices. I put my chest to hers, and she wrapped her legs around my back. I was thrusting as hard and fast as possible, making her shriek. My fangs came out, and I bit her on the shoulder. Her pussy tightened like a clamp, and her body locked around mine. It felt like I came again, but I couldn't tell if anything came out because I was certain my balls got drained after she bit me. I rolled onto my back with Roxanne still attached, and she whispered, "I love you." I kissed her on the forehead and said, "I love you more. Thanks for being a team player with the dick pill experiment." She giggled, and we both sat up and looked out the window. We could see the curvature of the earth. Chris got on the intercom and said, "We are going to start the descent, so apply the restraints when they rise, and then we will circle over Las Vegas. There are fresh towels if you two need to clean up once we return to the Troposphere. The restraints extended, we put them on, and we descended. Once the restraints were released, I grabbed a towel and handed it to Roxanne, whose pussy was still leaking cum. She tidied up as much as possible, and then we got dressed. The plane landed, and before we got into our limo, Chris handed 24-high club certificates. We got back to the hotel and retreated to our room.