Rush of Feelings

We were both tired and sore. We entered the shower together and got cleaned off without saying a word. Roxanne asked, "Can we cuddle in the hot tub?" I said, "Of course." I got out and turned on the water for the tub." I got back in the shower, and we embraced each other. Roxanne said, "That was the best surprise ever, but why did you take the pill?" I thought about it briefly and responded, "I wanted it to be the best surprise possible and thought you might like it. Missy swore by it, and I figured it would be interesting for both of us to try. I also wanted your first time to be special." She giggled. "Missy and Miles are something special." I looked at the tub, and it was almost full. I got in first, and Roxanne sat in my lap. The tub was huge, and I could stretch out my long legs. Roxanne flipped onto her side, and I wrapped my arms around her. She continued, "That was the best experience of my life. I've had a lot of time to think about what sex would be like and was looking forward to trying new things but I never imaganived my first time being ona space craft." She asked, "How many girls have you been with?" I held up three fingers. She exclaimed, "Really?" I said, "Yup, and that includes you." She asked, "Who was the second girl?" I looked at her with a confused look. She said, "I know you lost your virginity to the CNA. I heard her talking about how the first time was a drunken shitshow, but you got okay at it after." I responded, "I knew if I hooked up with her, word would get around, but it doesn't sound all bad." Roxanne said sternly, "That bitch told another CNA that you were too easy to cheat on and that if you found out, you would still be with her." I said, "The moment I found out, I ended it."

I wanted to leave the past where it belonged and continued, "The other girl was a rebound after she cheated on me. I was also a rebound for her because she and her fiancee split up." Roxanne continued the onslaught. "You are the most selfless person I know and smoking hot. The other nurses said they tried to flirt with you in the past, and you shut them out." I said, "They were all shallow and just wanted sex. Most ER nurses wanted to constantly chase the rush, and I wanted more. I was also working myself to death and didn't have time to nurture a relationship." Roxanne abruptly pivoted the conversation and asked, "Do you believe in god?" That question has ruined relationships and started wars. I carefully responded, "Until I met you, I didn't believe in God and thought this planet was spinning in a random direction. I didn't consider getting bit by a deranged vampire could have any positive outcome, but I am in a bathtub cuddling with a gorgeous, intelligent, charismatic girl. This perfect outcome is beyond the dumb luck I typically attribute to my success. What about you?" She rolled to look at the ceiling, and I adjusted my hands around her waist. She said, "Growing up, we were religious, but after getting turned, I thought there was no way God would allow me to live a happy life. I lived most of those years in solidarity. I would make friends but then leave shortly after and had zero lovers. I thought that God was punishing me, but then I met you. Who knows how or why we could match perfectly. Divine intervention, a build-up of good karma, or dumb luck, but nonetheless, we met. The moment I met you, I knew we were a match."


I was nervous about my first day at work at the hospital. As usual, I was afraid that someone would recognize me. My orientation group was walking through the emergency room when I heard a sliding door to a patient's room get pushed off its rail and slam on the ground. I heard a deep, authoritative male voice command, "HOSPTIAL SECURITY... STOP!" A skinny meth head sprinted past us, and then a large security guard rounded a corner in hot pursuit. Once the Security Officer ran past us, I got a rush of feelings I'd never felt before. My eyes watered, and my stomach fluttered. The meth head tried to round a corner, and the security guard tackled him. The nurse giving us our orientation said, "The Security Officer's name is Hank, and this is a daily occurrence." One of the other girls asked, "Is he single?" The nurse giving us the tour said, "Feel free to ask him yourself." 


I chuckled. "I remember that one. I went back on the camera and saw the shocked look on all of your faces." Roxanne cooed, "That you did." Roxanne cautiously pondered, "How did you afford our special flight? Flying up that high seems expensive." I laughed, "It was only 4,000 for both of us because it is technically experimental. All I had to do was leave a five-star review." She giggled, "If we died, we would've been together." I confirmed, "That was the idea." The hot tub felt great, but we needed some sleep because we had a big drive ahead. We got out and hopped in bed. Before I fell asleep, I texted the phone number Missy gave me for the mechanic, asking for some upgraded parts for the truck, including offroad front and rear bumpers as well as bright lights. We cuddled and nodded off. We woke up to my alarm set for 6 pm because I scheduled a late check-out time for 7 pm. We both got dressed and I attached the thigh shealth for my spoon of mass destruction. Roxanne saw it and giggled "You made it a weapon?" I joked "What? You can have a silver knife but I can't have a silver spoon?" She laughed and we continued to get ready. I called the front desk for the truck to be brought around. We went downstairs and checked out. On the way out, the Robot asked, "Did you two lovebirds enjoy your aircraft adventures? Roxanne stated, "I'd give you the dirty details, but your processing chip would fry. The Robot said, "I have the best processing speed in the world and can assume that you two had the best experience possible." The Robot opened the door for Roxanne and then my door. I put the truck in gear, and we took off.