I Have A Plan

The GPS on my phone had us headed for the highway, but then it rerouted us into an industrial part of the town. While driving, Roxanne asked, "Are we in the right area?" I said, "I'm not sure." Two black SUVs pulled up behind us and turned on their police lights. It went through my head that we should run for it, but there was a chance it was nothing. Roxanne looked at me and said, "We should pull over and go from there." I nodded and pulled over. I turned my phone on record mode and left it on the dash. We waited a minute, and two men in suits approached the truck. I rolled down the window with all the paperwork in my hand, and the officer said, "I'm Officer Roy. Can you please step out of the car, both of you?" Roxanne looked at me, and I said, "Let's do as they ask." We both exited the car, and the officers patted us down. The second officer ordered, "Mam, go to the other side of the truck." Roxanne did as she was asked. After she stood next to me, the second officer returned to his SUV and brought back a German Shepard. These guys may have been DEA or ATF agents.

The dog sniffed both of us and sat down. Roy stated, "We've been looking for you two. You left quite a mess where you used to live. We are going to bring you in for questioning." Roxanne brain linked. "Shit. These guys are with the Feds I was telling you about." Before Roy could continue, a man exited the second SUV. All I could see was an outline because the spotlights were pointed at my face. He smelled different than the other two. I looked at Roxanne, and her face was pale white. The man walked right up to Roxanne and said, "Long time no see Roxanne."

Roxanne quivered. "Jimmy." With a serious tone, Jimmy said, "You must be who I'm replacing." Jimmy looked at Roy. "Cuff them." I whipped around and landed a haymaker on Roy's face. I turned to do the same to Jimmy, but the dog latched onto my arm. My arm felt like it was dipped in battery acid, and I realized they had replaced the dog's front teeth with silver teeth. The second officer shot Roxanne with a dart, and she collapsed to the ground. Roy began to handcuff me with silver cuffs with the dog still attached. After I was cuffed, the dog let go. Roy pointed a dart gun at me and said, "You have a hell of a right hook." Roy pulled the trigger, and it felt like I was drowning. I fought it as hard as possible and started to pass out. Roy and the other guy were lifting Roxanne, and while locking eyes with me, Jimmy pulled a gun and squeezed the trigger twice, instantly killing the second guy and wounding Roy. Roy blurted out, "We had a Deal!" Jimmy taunted. "Plans change." Jimmy shot Roy in the face, and Jimmy tried to shoot the dog but missed because it made a run for it. I blacked out. 

I woke up to see Roxanne tied to a pole, and I had a large silver chain around my chest, connecting me to a pillar. We were in a warehouse, and my truck was parked inside. I asked. "Roxanne. Are you okay?" She mumbled, "I'm okay." Jimmy entered from an office and said, "Good morning, love birds." Jimmy told Roxanne, "I missed you, but it seems you have moved on." Roxanne stated, "I thought they killed you." Jimmy responded, "Those jackasses turned me over to the feds, but after you two left a disaster in your wake, we made a deal." I find you two, and they let me go." Roxanne growled. "You haven't changed a bit. Killing innocent people just for fun." Jimmy walked over to me and kicked me square in the face. Roxanne screamed, "NO!" Jimmy diabolically laughed and ripped my shirt off. Jimmy roared, "YOU MARKED HIM YOU WENCH!" Jimmy took a few breaths and calmly said, "No matter. You will be mine." I figured I could get the best of his ego, "You and I will fight to the death. The winner gets Roxanne," Jimmy laughed, "I was going to kill you anyways, but I might as well make it a slow death. Your last breath will be watching me carrying Roxanne away."

There was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. Jimmy untied me and removed his shirt, revealing many scars. Jimmy said, "The feds tortured me for 87 years trying to get information on how vampires work." I said, "Your efforts to find us will be for nothing after I beat your ass and ram my claws into your neck." He laughed at me, and I stood up. I had a lot of material art experience, so I liked my chances. I took my necklace off and set it on a shelf. I got into a fighting stance, and Jimmy pulled out a silver Karambit. He taunted, "You thought this was going to be fair?" Roxanne piped in, "Jimmy, you scumbag!" I thought, "Shit. This just got more difficult." Jimmy lunged at me and swung the blade straight for my face. I ducked just in time, and some of my hair was cut off. When I ducked, I swung and landed a kidney shot on him. He backed up and laughed. "Your martial arts bullshit won't work on me. I learned from the best while I was locked up with vampires who are older than this country." I knew I had to get the blade from him. He stepped in to swing at me, and I closed the distance. My timing was off, and the knife got lodged in my shoulder. I wrapped my hands around his wrists and kneed him in the stomach. It was enough to loosen his grip on the knife, and I peeled his fingers off it. I landed a kick straight to his chest, and he went head over heels. I jumped on him and yanked the knife out of my shoulder. I put it against his neck and was ready to slit his throat. He boldly said, "Do it, you pussy." I looked over at Roxanne, and she had this defeated look. I decided I didn't want to become like Jimmy and let the Vampire side of me envelope my human side. I stood up and said, "I'm better than you." Jimmy forewarned, "Nice guys finish last." He pulled out a knife from his boot and sliced my Achilles tendon. I collapsed, and I dropped the Karambit when I hit the ground. Jimmy got on top of me and tried to jam the knife in my chest, but I grabbed his hands. He had leverage, and I couldn't hold it for long. He said, "Any last words you wish to say?" I looked at Roxanne, and she said, "Henry. I love you."

 I needed to fight, and the voice roared, "LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT!!" I looked, and my silver spoon was on the ground. It must have slipped out of my thigh holster when I hit the floor. I let up on Jimmy's wrist, and the knife went to the right, cutting my side. I grabbed the spoon and drove it into his right eye, ripping it out of the socket. He got up screaming, and I grabbed the chains I was in, burning my hands. I tackled Jimmy and wrapped the chains around him. He shrieked, "Get off me, you fucker!" I elbowed him in his jaw, dislocating it. I limped over to Roxanne and untied her. She got up and hugged me. She cried, "You are a better man than him." Once she let go, she ran over to Jimmy and kicked him in the groin like she was trying to kick a 45-yard field goal. She screamed, "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!" That was a solid reminder to never piss her off. Roxanne asked, "What should we do with him?" I said, "My phone!" I limped over to my phone, still in the truck, and it was still recording audio. I could not believe it recorded a two-hour-long video. I said, "We need to keep him alive, and I have a plan."