Roxanne asked what are you doing?" I responded, "I'm trying to find a service that delivers enclosed trailers." Roxanne voiced her concern, "There's no way that..." I interrupted and said, "I found a place." Using a debt card, I ordered a 3,000-dollar enclosed trailer and paid 1,000 for instant delivery. A minute later, a helicopter dropped off the trailer in the front. Jimmy tried to talk, and I told Roxanne, "Grab some duct tape from the truck." Roxanne ran over, grabbed the duct tape, and put it over his mouth. I continued, "Could you go into the office he was in and see what you can find." She nodded, and I had to figure out how to turn off the emergency roadside service stuff from the truck. I figured it out as Roxanne brought back a computer. It belonged to Jimmy, and there was a password. I pulled the tape off and asked, "What's the password." He tried to spit on me, but it didn't make it far. Roxanne started trying passwords. Roxanne said, "Jimmy. At least you remembered my favorite song." Roxanne turned to me, "The password is Leaping Through the Galaxy." Roxanne continued, "Holy shit. There are emails between him and the hunters saying they were to kill anyone involved in our last town except me." I looked at Jimmy, and my eyes turned black. I started to walk up to him, and he looked terrified. I said, "That's what I thought, bitch. Did you turn the kid that bit me? He quickly shook his head." I asked Roxanne, "My Achilles is severed. How do we fix it?" Roxanne said, "We need to wait until we get to Mexico and hope the facility has a doctor's office." I said, "It hurts like a motherfucker."

Roxanne went into the truck bed and dug through the stuff in the bed. She produced Miles's contraption and a vile labeled pain killer. She said, "Try this." I grabbed a bag of blood and filled the container. I hit the igniter and drank it. The pain instantly went away, and my face felt warm and fuzzy. I must have had a massive smile because Roxanne asked, "Better?" I said, "Better." I still couldn't walk, but it was a start. I asked Roxanne, "Do you feel comfortable driving the truck with the trailer?" She said, "It's been a minute, but I can do it." I said, " Great, can you grab the trailer out front and bring it in?" She said, "Of course." Roxanne went to collect the trailer, and I got on my phone. I sent a request to my bank that I needed the money in an hour. The bank instantly sent an authorization form, and I filled out the security information. It said the money would be ready for a fee of 500, and I authorized it. Roxanne brought the truck with the trailer attached. Roxanne got out and asked, "What now?" I directed, "Grab a pair of cuffs from the hunters' bag and open the trailer door." Roxanne did so, and I dragged Jimmy inside of it and used the second set of cuffs to chain him to a railing. I grabbed the laptop, and I clambered inside. The voice roared, "YOU'R FORGETTING SOMETHING IMPORTANT!" I got out of the truck and limped over to the crate where I put my necklace. I put it back on and returned to the truck. I told Roxanne we should go back to where we got stopped, a phone store and the bank. Roxanne said, "Okay."

We used the truck's GPS to see where we were pulled over, and both SUVS were sitting there with the lights turned off, and the bodies weren't there. I told Roxanne, "Stay in the truck," she nodded. I grabbed a gun loaded with silver bullets and put on my truck gloves. I got out of the truck and limped over to Jimmy's SUV. There was nothing of interest, and I went to the officer's SUV. The bodies were in the back and nothing else. I heard a growl behind me, and I whipped around with my pistol aimed at chest height. I looked down, and I saw the headlights of the truck bounce off of the set of silver teeth. The dog was ready for a second round and took a step forward. I aimed my gun at it, prepared to shoot it, but my alter ego boomed, "PLATZ." I commanded, "PLATZ." The dog paused and then lay down. The dog raised its nose in the air and then ran over to the trailer. It growled at the door and started barking. I went over to the trailer and had a thought. I told the dog, "PLATZ." It lay down, still barking. I opened the door, and Jimmy was in the corner. "I said, "If you try any fuckery, the dog will tear your nuts off." He muffle screamed, and I slammed the door, and the dog looked at me with a disappointed look. In college, I took a criminal justice class, and we did a week workshop with police dogs and remembered a few commands. I said, "So Ist Brav." The dog's defeated look turned happy, and it jumped up with paws on my chest. I gave it a few rubs and then returned to the SUV. I looked under the seat and found a Kong with a rope on it. I chucked it a few feet, and the dog grabbed it. The dog ran back to me and dropped it at my feet. I threw it a little further, producing the same result. 

I walked back over to my truck, and before I could beg to keep the dog, Roxanne said, "Of course we can keep it." I opened the door, and it climbed in." There was one more thing I had to do. I went back over to the SUV and looked in the back. I moved one of the bodies and found that the lojack was disabled. I went to the front and found the radio. I pressed the panic button and sped limped back to the truck. I commanded, "Punch it!" We took off and headed to the phone store. Once we got there, Roxanne ran in and bought two burner phones. Once she got back in, we drove to the bank. I limped in and asked for the money. The teller seemed unphased, and I signed a paper. The money was in two colossal suitcases. I opened the bed cover and put them in. I returned to the truck and told Roxanne, "Head towards the border, and we need to grab the dog some food." Roxanne said, "I'm already ahead of you." I looked back, and the dog was eating." Roxanne continued, "I had it delivered by a drone, when you were in the bank. "I laughed. "I'm going to miss Vegas." Roxanne put the truck in gear, and we took off.