
While driving, I sent the recorded audio to the burner phone. It wasn't super helpful, but you hear Officer Roy screaming at Jimmy. I sent important photos of essential things to my email and hoped I'd have to access them at some point. I saw one that made me smile. Roxanne asked, "What did you find?" I said, "It's a photo of Chester, Jacoby and me in front of the hospital with all our tacticool gear on." Roxanne smiled and asked, "Do you miss them." I said, "I do, especially Chester. He was the dad I never had. Someday, I want to go visit him." Roxanne affirmed, "Someday, once we have a kid." I said, "Fuck it, we already have a dog, so we might as well add a kid to the equation." Roxanne asked, "Would you be okay if we adopted a kid?" I hypothesized, "I always thought that if I were going to have kids, I would date a gal with kids. I am afraid that my kids will be born with a severe defect, and I won't be able to provide a good life for them." Roxanne calmly said," I understand. It is a fear of mine as well. I also am pretty sure I can't have kids." I explored, "We could certainly try. You took that test a long time ago, and it may have been faulty." Roxanne nodded and asked, "Can you go through my phone and send yourself what looks important?" I was surprised by the level of trust she had in me. I went through it and sent all the photos and realized something. We didn't have any photos of her and me. I brought up the burner with a shitty camera, but then I got a text on my cell phone from the mechanic at the border....." It said, "I'll hook you up, brotha." I texted that we would be there by morning." He texted, "See you then." I took a photo with my burner of Roxane and me. She asked, "What are you doing?" I stated, "We haven't taken a single photo of you and me." She said, "Let's take a proper one next time we stop, which should be in a few hours for gas." I said, "Awesome." I chucked our cell phones out the window.

I had a few more questions for Roxanne. I tactfully asked, "Is there anything of wayward origin in your bag?" Roxanne grinned and countered, "I was wondering how long it would take you to ask about it. It was a gift from Shawna for my birthday." I asked without booting, "Was it used?" Roxanne laughed, "You're disgusting!" I laughed, "What! I'm a guy. What did you expect?" Roxanne said with a stern look, "No. It was in a package." I returned, "Why did you not give it a shot?" Roxanne innocently said, "I wanted my first time to be with someone special, and it certainly was." I said, "I wish my first time were like that." It was time to ask the most paramount question I had. "A few times, I've heard a voice telling me what to do. What is it?" Roxanne looked at me like she had seen a ghost. She said, "Holy shit. You decide to tell me now?" I responded, "I didn't think it was necessary." She exclaimed, "The teen that bit you was bitten by an Elder Vampire, and she wasn't strong enough to handle the passing on of the powers." I questioned, "Powers?" She said, "It's rumored that if you have been bitten by an Elder Vampire or a vampire who was recently bitten, the powers would be passed on." I cross-examined, "What's an Elder Vampire?" Roxanne explained, "An Elder Vampire is one of four vampires created by Death, one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. Death formed the Elders to balance the spread of humans. This is all speculation, but vampires, who are scholars, believe that vampires originally burned when in the sun, but like every other creature on Earth, we evolved to tolerate it." I wanted more information on the powers. "Specifically, what can I do?" Roxanne responded, "To be honest, I'm not sure. Clearly, you have an alter ego that helps you, but I have no clue how that happens. There are rumors that one with powers can read minds, so there is a possibility that Jimmy saw the spoon, and you read his mind. I disagreed, "I don't think that that's it because it told me to drink blood right after I was turned, and it reminded me that I almost left the spoon in my old truck." She concluded I have no clue how your powers work." I laughed. "What should we name it." Roxanne snickered. "Your alter ego or the dog?" I looked at the dog, who was sprawled out in the back. I said, "Merlin, and for my alter ego, Hyde." Roxanne asked, "Every time Hyde makes an appearance, please tell me?" I said, "I will. I promise." The truck's fuel light turned on, and Roxanne said, "It's time for gas." I typed "gas" into the truck's GPS, and it said three miles. We pulled into the gas station, and my achilles started to hurt again. While Roxanne went inside to pay for the gas in cash, I dug through the truck bed and found the mechanism and the correct vile. I used the igniter and drank the blood. I instantly felt better, and it made me think about Miles and Missy.

Roxanne returned with a disposable camera she bought. I poked, "Do you remember when those were invented?" She asked, "Are you calling me old?" I taunted, "Maybe." She walked up to me and kissed me. She asked, "Do my lips feel old?" I asked, "Which ones?" She laughed and said, "The painkiller makes you quite the comedian." A family in a minivan was gassing up next to us and Roxanne asked the dad "Could you take a photo of us?" The man said of course." I grabbed Merlin from the back of the truck and said, "Platz." Merlin laid down with a pig-in-shit smile on his face. With Merlin on the ground between us, Roxanne and I kissed. The man took the photo and handed the camera to Roxanne. He said, "You two are a cute couple." The man went back to his family, Roxanne filled up the truck, and I took Merlin to go to the restroom. I heard a weird buzzing sound and looked up into the night sky. I didn't see anything. I decided it was time to get going. Once, Merlin and I got back to the truck and I put him inside. I punched the trailer, and I heard scrambling inside. I got in the passenger side, and Roxanne got back on the highway. I decided it was time to kill the mood and said, "Missy told me you saved Miles's life. How did you do it?"