For Fucks sake


All I could muster was, "I knew that you dedicated your life to helping people but had no idea it went to that extreme. You saved a lot of people. How did you guys escape because it sounded like the Soviets knew about the tunnels?" Roxanne chuckled, "They said it was a battalion of Soviet soldiers who were defecting." I stated. "I'm glad you kept in touch with Miles and Missy. They are both great people." Roxanne asked, "Miles didn't scare you off?" I laughed. "No. It's flattering, and I got a laugh out of Missy scolding him." Roxanne continued, "They are quite the duo." The truck's automated voice rang, "One hour to your destination." It was about five AM, and I typed in hotels on the truck's internet screen and booked a hotel. We planned to continue down to the border the following evening, and it was about a ten-hour drive to where we were headed. The road was long and empty, with some dark clouds overhead. The voice in my head boomed, "BE READY." Merlin began to bark frantically, and I turned around to see him barking at the ceiling. I opened the sunroof, saw a drone overhead, and looked in the review mirror. Behind us was a sizeable armored truck flanked by two SUVs. 

Roxanne asked, "What do we do?" I calmly said, "I figured this would happen. Just keep driving until they turn on their police lights." Right on cue, they turned on their lights and sirens. I grabbed the laptop with Jimmy's emails and the recorded video I transferred to it. I looked in the mirror, and a tube extended from the front side near the wheel well. The truck sped up, and I told Roxanne, "A big harpoon with a cable attaching it to the truck is going to shoot out and latch on to us. When it does, slowly come to a stop. I'm going to get out once we stop." Roxanne cried, "They are going to kill you!" I calmly said, "If I don't give this a shot, they will kill us anyway." The armored vehicle shot the harpoon, and it went through the metal wheel well of the trailer. The armored truck slammed on its brakes, and Roxanne brought our vehicle to a slow stop. I told Roxanne, "Get ready to hit the gas." She nodded and said, "I love you." Before I jumped out, I gave her a quick kiss. I couldn't see anything because the trucks had bright spotlights, and the drone had a light on me. I heard over the loudspeaker, "Face away from us, interlock your fingers behind your head, and get on your knees." I had the computer with the emails and quickly dashed to the trailer hitch. I unhooked it, set the laptop on the ground, and booked it back to the truck. The officers were yelling at me the entire time, but I ignored them. 

Once I made it into the truck. Roxanne slammed her foot to the ground like she was stepping on a venomous spider. My truck peeled away, and one SUV continued to chase us. I told Roxanne, "We will find out soon if the plan worked. The SUV trailed, and I still saw the drone above us. The SUV was waiting for the armored vehicle to detach and catch up. We went about another mile in silence when the SUV slammed on its brakes. The drone got a little closer, and I was afraid it would drop an explosive on our heads, but it said, "Have fun in Mexico, and I suggest you both stay out of the States for a while." The drone accelerated into the sky, and the three of us had the thousand-yard stare out the front window, hoping it was all over. Roxanne asked, "Is it all over?" I presumed, "For now, but we aren't there yet." Merline started to whine, and he climbed up into my lap." As he stepped on my crotch, "Roxanne giggled, "You're too big to be a lap dog, but for a ferocious police dog, you're a sweetheart." I lifted the center console to reveal the bench seat. Merlin slid into it and put his head in my lap. I rubbed his head, and he started to fall asleep. Roxanne stated, "Merlin trusted you rather quickly." I guessed, "I think it was an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation." The GPS said we were only 20 minutes away. I texted Ryker, the mechanic, "We are 20 minutes away," and he responded, "I will come to pick the truck up from your hotel and bring it to you in the evening." I started to nod off but was woken up by police lights behind us. I uttered, "For fucks sake." This time, it was a state trooper who was probably curious about the earlier commotion. I told Roxanne, "Don't stop, but don't speed up." She nodded, and suddenly, the police car slammed on its brakes. Roxanne asked, "How did you know that was going to happen?" I said "When the officer typed in the description of the truck and temporary license plate, either he got a phone call saying to leave us alone or a notification popped up on his computer." I continued, "I think we have a free pass to Mexico."

We pulled into the hotel, which was a significant downgrade from the Vegas hotel, but this one was pet-friendly. Ryker was waiting for us. Roxanne, Merlin, and I got out of the truck, and I limped over to Ryker. Merlin went up to him, sniffed, and returned to my side. Ryker asked, "Do I want to know where that came from?" I responded, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." He laughed, "Okay. I'll hook this truck up with the full offroad package. It'll be 10,000." I was slightly concerned about how much money we've paved through, but Roxanne butted in, "Would you take a watch that is worth 15,000?" I looked at Roxanne, and she mind-linked, "It was the watch Jimmy stole." I nodded, and Ryker pondered, "How do I know it's real?" Roxanne countered, "I will show it to you." Roxanne went digging in her bag and pulled out this beautiful watch. Ryker examined it and said, "Deal." We unloaded everything of significance and went into the hotel room. Once we got into the room, I decided to take another hit of the painkiller, and when I loaded the blood into the mechanism, Merlin barked and sat down. I stated, "He is trained to detect significant amounts of blood?" I limped over to the corner where we put Merlin's stuff and found his Kong. I tossed it to him, and he violently shook it. Roxanne vocalized, "I'm glad he's on our side."