Feminine Side

Roxanne and I were both tired from traveling and went to bed immediately. We both woke up around 6 pm, and Merlin was ready to relieve himself. I told Roxanne, "I'll take him outside." She said, "Okay. I'll pack up." I put a leash on Merlin, and we headed outside. Merlin went to the restroom, and I asked, "Why did you agree to come along with us?" Merline spun around and put his paws on my chest. I gave him a few face rubs and said, "That makes sense." Ryker texted me, saying, "I'm 15 minutes out." I headed back to our room, and Roxanne had everything ready. She asked, "Is Ryker on his way?" I said, "Yup." I grabbed as much as I could, and we carried everything downstairs. When we got outside, Ryker was waiting with the truck, and he turned it into a beast. The truck had brand-new headlights, a slight lift, a massive push bar with a winch, an enormous antenna on the roof, and a rear metal bumper. Ryker said, "You can see everything from the outside, so let me show you the inside." Ryker opened the door, and the center display screen had been switched out. Ryker said, "I replaced the entire GPS system from an American to a Mexican one. The Americans won't be able to track it, and I removed the Emergency Road Side Service system. You didn't remove it all the way when you tried it." I gasped, "Oh my. You did a great job." Ryker held up a Mexican license plate and said, "For an extra five grand, you can have this registered plate, and I'll send you to a place right across the border where you can get your Achilles reattached." I asked, "How did you know?" Ryker explained, "Vampires aren't the only creatures with special abilities." Before I could press the issue, Roxanne reached into her purse, grabbed a bundle of cash, and lobbed it at Ryker. He caught it and walked over to place the plates on the truck. Once Ryker was done, he walked over to us. He said, "Have a wonderful time down there and have a great trip. Try to enjoy the drive down there, and here is a map to an inclusive resort along the way." I began to ask, "How did..." He cut me off and said, "Once you get down there, you will understand." We shook hands, and Roxanne, Merlin, and I got back in the truck.

Roxanne looked at the sticky note with the clinic address and said, "I've heard about this place. You'll get a sneak peek at what the town in Mexico will be like. I encouraged, "Let's make it happen." Roxanne put the beast in gear, and we headed toward the border. We had about a 15-minute drive, and it was easy to cross. We weren't bothered crossing, and once we crossed, Roxanne made a right off the highway. We headed towards the ocean and pulled into a large parking structure. We headed to the bottom floor, and once we got there, a large garage door opened, and we saw extravagant vehicles ranging from sports cars to luxury SUVs. The beast was a rekneck yatcht compared to the other vehicles. Roxanne parked the beast, and all three of us got out. I asked Roxanne," Is there a place for Merlin?" Roxanne explained. "This place is similar to a cruise ship. It has everything one may need to thrive, and many creatures vacation here." I assumed, "The Mexican government seems to encourage things like us to come instead of ignoring them." Roxanne affirmed. "Yes. The government decided they could make money from us, and you will see once we reach our final destination." We walked in to find a modern setting with fountains, shrubbery, stores, and marble everywhere. The most surprising part was the other creatures. They were all humanoids, but I could smell that they were different. 

Roxanne asserted, "All creatures are required to stay in human form. Small indicators include smell, eye color, height, and sex." As we walked, a gorgeous female with big breasts in a black dress walked past us and seductively said, " If you ever want a woman who will keep you from getting stabbed, come find me." Roxanne growled slightly while barring her fangs and told me, "That's an Aswang. They are the boogieman of vampires, but they are technically shapeshifters. They can pick which type of creature they want to be, such as a vampire or werewolf. They fly at night and attack anything that moves." I stayed quiet, and we all walked into the clinic. The receptionist said, "You must be Ryker's friend. We will take you back now, Mr. Anderson. I kissed Roxanne, and she said, "Good luck." I followed the lady back to a surgery room, and a doctor walked in. He said, "Good evening. I am Doctor Welder." He continued, "Recall in your head exactly what happened and visualize it." I remembered the encounter with Jimmy and the painkiller concoction. Dr. Welder said, "Wow, that was quite the fight and an intricate concoction your friend gave you." I thought, "How does this work?" He explained, "I'm an Angel." I must have looked surprised because he laughed. "You must be new to this." I nodded, and he said, "I'm going to make you sleep for this little procedure, and for aftercare, take some of the stuff your friend gave you. You don't need it, but it will make you feel better. Before I could ask questions, he put his hand on my shoulder, and I fell asleep.


I woke up to my Achilles, feeling much better but groggy. Doctor Welder explained. "I fixed your Achilles, and you should feel better within a few hours. I suggest you sleep while Roxanne drives." I groggily said, "Okay." I fell asleep again and then woke up being wheeled out to the truck in a wheelchair by a nurse. Roxanne had done some shopping because she had some bags, and Merlin was wearing a pink sparkly collar. I thought, "Oh, Jesus. It didn't take long for my dog to become her dog." Roxanne laughed and said, "What? A ferocious police dog can't be in touch with his feminine side." I chuckled. "It's 2032, so I guess he can do whatever he wants." Merlin had a pig-in-shit smile, so he didn't mind. We got to the truck, and I climbed into the passenger seat. Roxanne handed me Mile's contraption with a loaded vile and said, "Drink up." I ignited it and drank it." It was the roofie for vampires because I instantly passed out.