
Loud windchimes woke me up, and I was in bed in my old house. I gasped, "What the flying fuck." I looked at my phone, which said 4:30 pm July 6th, 2032, meaning I slept for four days. On my nightstand was a pill container, and I picked it up. I thought, "Shit, I forgot my doctor changed the dosage." These were 200 milligrams when I was taking 50 milligrams. I looked at my wrapped arm and unwrapped it, but it was not how I remembered it. It looked like a human bite. I had several missed texts and a few calls. I looked through the texts, and there were none from Roxanne. One from Chester asked, "Are you coming to work?" I responded, "Yeah, I'll be in." I stood up out of bed and was starving. I tried to bare my fangs, and none came out. I went to the fridge and located the holy grail: a pot pie. I scarfed down the pot pie and two bottles of water. I jumped in the shower and tried to process everything. I couldn't believe I dreamed about all the stuff with Roxanne. Somehow, I dreamed about four days worth of activities and felt fear, anger, pain, lust, and happiness. I truly believed I was in the present and did all those things. I began to cry because I had never felt joy like I did with Roxanne. I pulled myself together and got out of the shower. I got all of my gear and got into my truck. Before I put it in gear, I got a text from Roxanne that read, "I never heard from you. Are you okay?" I quickly responded, "Yeah. I slept for four days because I mistook my medication." She replied, " Oh my god, are you okay?" I affirmed, "Yes, and I want to talk to you when I see you tonight." She said, "Of course. I am looking forward to it."

I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to work. I was driving down the road, and an armored police truck busted ass past me. At the intersection where the only option was going to the hospital and towards the prison, it went towards the prison. I thought, "Mother fucker. I can't catch a break." I figured I might not have time to talk to Roxanne that night, so I called her. She picked up and asked, "Hey, Hank. Are you doing okay?" I responded, "I'm okay. I have something to ask you, and I won't have time to ask you tonight. An armored police truck hauled ass towards the prison, and I can see smoke in the distance." She concurred, "We can't catch a break." I continued, "I really like you and want to take you for a nice dinner on our next night off." She coerced, "It took you getting bit to ask me out?" I paused, thinking I royally screwed the pooch, but she continued, "Of course, Hank. You saved my life several times and are the most caring guy I know." I exhaled. "Awesome." My phone buzzed, and it was the emergency line from the hospital. It read, "ALL SECURITY, TRUAMA PERSONAL, AND PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIALISTS ARE TO REPORT TO THE HOSPTIAL IMIDATLEY FOR A LEVEL ONE EVENT." I said, "Holy fuck. Did you get the text?" She said, "Yes. I'm coming in early." I concluded, "I'll see you soon. Stay safe." She responded, "Hank. I love you. Be careful." If I hadn't spent the last four days dreaming about being in love with her, I would've thrown up all over the truck." I said I love you too." I hung up the phone and got a text message from Chester. It read, "The moment you hit the property line, you are automatically clocked in. Get to work and do what you do best." I said, "Copy," and put my foot down. 

I put my vest on while driving and threw on a pair of gloves." As I rounded the corner, I saw a line of prison vehicles and ambulances waiting to pull into the hospital. As I made my way past the line, I saw a camera crew covering the event and thought, "Shit. I was on the internet once when a group of protestors threw a stink about our policy regarding firearms in the building, and I didn't want a round two." I entered the lot and saw a prisoner dash out the ambulance bay door. There were two overweight guards in pursuit, and they had no chance. I pulled onto the curb to avoid blocking the emergency vehicles and bailed out. The prisoner saw me and changed directions. He had a belly chain and wrist restraints but no ankle cuffs. He was fast, but not fast enough. I yelled, "HOSPTIAL SECURITY STOP!!" He retaliated, "FUCK YOU RENT A COP" I was not in the mood to play nice due to my recent dreams being shattered. I hit stuck the guy. I pinned him on the ground and whispered in his ear, "If you ever call me that again, I'm going to rip your balls off." His eyes widened, and the other guards jogged up, panting. I looked up, and ten feet away was the camera crew, who were in disbelief that I leveled the prisoner. 

I thought, "Shit. That's going to go viral." The older of the two guards said, "It's a shit show in there. We got him. Go in and help." I nodded and ran back to my truck. I properly parked and ran to our office. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and ran into the emergency room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Roxanne in a medication room. I ran over and went inside. She turned around crying and said, "A prisoner just told me he wanted to have my baby, and he was going to do it whether I liked it or not." I hugged her and reassured her, "Don't let those assholes get to you. We will get through this." I lightly grasped her chin, kissed her, and wiped away her tears. I said, "I have to go." She nodded, and I left the room to find Chester. I heard from a room down the hall, "GET OFF ME YOU BALD MOTHER FUCKER!" Found him. 

 I ran into the room to find Chester with two guards trying to hold this beast of a prisoner to the bed. I jumped on one of the legs, and the guard on the other leg lost his grip. The prisoner's knee connected with my nose, and I heard a crack. I instantly felt blood running down my face and onto my vest. My patience vacated my soul, and I determined that I made it to the portion of our use of force continuum that allowed strikes. I wound up and delivered the mother of all Charlie Horses to the guy's outer thigh. The guy screamed, "I'M DONE, I'M DONE." We strapped the asshole to the bed, and Chester ordered, "Go get that reset, and let's get back to it." I nodded and left the room in search of a doctor. It was mass chaos, and I saw a doctor exit a room. It was Doctor Smith. I ran over, and he said, "Jesus, Hank. Hold still." I held still, and he reset my nose. It hurt worse than when my Achilles was slashed in my dream. I heard some commotion around the corner and took off before Doctor Smith could say anything else. I saw a massive prisoner running down the hallway, plowing through guards. I caught up and was preparing to wrap up his legs and hope for the best when I heard, "GET ON THE GROUND OR I'LL SHOOT!!" I was in mid-tackle when gunshots rang out. I collided with the prisoner, and I slammed onto the cold floor. I flipped onto my back and felt blood spurting out of my neck. The light faded when I heard Roxanne cry, "HANK NOOOO!" She ran up and put my head in her lap. She dug her hand into my neck, trying to pinch the artery, and said, "Talk to me, Henry." She was the one person in the world who could get away with saying my legal name. I tried to say, "Thanks for....," but the light faded to black.