Doctor Smith

We proceeded down the road through the city, and the downtown area was elegant. It was the weekend, and the streets were filled with Vampires on their way to the bars. We proceeded through the main drag and got onto a highway. We continued and could see nice suburbs on one side contrasted by affordable housing apartments on the other. Three police vehicles went flying past us, took an exit, and headed towards the apartments. I said, "Some things never change no matter where you are." Roxanne advised, "It will take time for us to learn everything, but we will do it together." I grasped her hand and stated, "Together until death." We continued and got off at Vampire's Dream. We followed the road up to the gate, and as promised, it opened. We proceeded through and pulled up to our magnificent home. Roxanne exclaimed, "Oh my lord, it's beautiful." We exited the truck, and Merlin rolled around on the grass. Roxanne sat on the grass with him and encouraged, "Henry, come join us." I got on the grass, and we looked up at the sky. It was crystal clear, and we could see all of the stars. I noted, "Roxanne. You are the only one who could get away with calling me Henry." She responded, "I like it better than Hank. Hank makes you sound like a scary rottweiler, but Henry sounds more like you." I asked, "How?" She continued, "You are a cute Golden Retriever. You are caring, thoughtful, and funny." I admitted, "Henry sounds hot when you say it." She smiled and kissed me. Merlin let us have our moment but then decided it was his turn. He wiggled between us and started to lick both of us. Roxanne and I laughed, and we gave him some rubs. We got off the ground and headed inside. The house was fully furnished and immaculate. The kitchen was enormous; the living room was massive, complete with a colossal T.V. and, most importantly, direct access to the front porch. We wandered out to the patio and had a fabulous ocean view. The deck came equipped with lawn chairs, a lovely table, an outside bar, and, most importantly, a hot tub. Roxanne exclaimed, "I love it. This is the new start we needed!" I cut right to the point. "Tomorrow, we will find a doctor's office and see if we can have a baby." She looked at me with her precious smile and cooed, "Sounds great!" We returned to the truck and spent a few hours unloading everything. 

We retreated up to our room on the second floor. It was massive and had a 180-degree bubble window view of the ocean. It had automatic blinds that shut during the day. There was a staircase from the deck all the way down to the ocean. We both got on the bed, and Merlin made himself at home in the neighboring room, which was furnished with a small bed. I told him, "That will be the baby's room." He barked. "I stated, "I wish we could understand him." She giggled. "He's a good dog, so we should assume the best." We lay facing each other, and I asked, "If we weren't vampires and didn't have the biological marker. Would you still be in love with me?" She said in a loving tone, "Remember when you spent an hour talking to the 10-year-old who wanted to kill himself?" I had to think that one through for a minute because there were a few. She narrowed it down, "The one whose dog was shot by his drunkard dad because he got a C on a test." I said, "Yeah. I do," She continued. "That kid was a mess and blamed himself for not studying harder, and you told him "Killing yourself is not the answer. Your dog loved you more than anything, and he wouldn't want that. He would want you to live a full and happy life. You'll join him when the time is right, but that is not now. Someday, your dad will face the consequences." I smiled. She continued, "You took the time to ensure that kid knew it wasn't his fault and that someone cared about him. After seeing that, my human side was in love with you; that is all that truly matters." We nuzzled close to each other. The sun rose, and the blinds shut. We fell asleep with the aspirations of having a baby, but I couldn't help but be nervous about Roxanne's family history of infertility or vampire biology. 

I woke up before Roxanne and carefully got out of bed. Merlin got up with me, and he was not an evening person. I told him, "You better get used to waking up in the evenings because that will be our new life for a while." He raised his paw, and I shook it. I let him outside, and I went to the computer that came with the house. The internet was designed solely for Cabo de Libertad. I searched for doctors near me, and a few showed up. I found one with appointments that same day and booked it. I heard footsteps on the stairs and listened to her heartbeat. She said, "Good morning, Henry." I returned, "Good morning, honey." She walked over to me and kissed me. She asked, "What are you doing?" I moved the screen so she could see and explained, " I booked a doctor's appointment before our mandatory class, which is in a few hours." She exclaimed, "We have to get ready." I nodded, and we spent the next thirty minutes getting ready. We both showered, shotgunned a bag of blood, and conversed with Merlin about behaving. We got into the truck and took off for the doctor's office.

 We got to the clinic with 10 minutes to spare and checked in. The receptionist said, "Good evening. I'm Rose, and I will get you two started. Read through these sheets and then sign them." Roxanne and I took the forms and filled them out. The questions included family history, the date of being turned, and whether we had relations with several vampires. We handed back the forms and patiently waited for our turn. The doctor came to the waiting room and introduced herself, "I'm Doctor Smith, and I will take care of you two. I want to examine you two separately, and then we will all talk at the end. Hank, you will come back first." I kissed Roxanne on her soft lips and headed back to the examination room. Dr. Smith requested, "Please take your clothes off so I can do a quick examination. I did as told because I wanted to get to the important part. Once I pulled off all of my clothes, Dr. Smith stated, "You are quite the creature. Take a seat on the exam table facing up." I lay down, and she said, "This is going to be slightly uncomfortable, but I am going to feel around your testicles." She put on a pair of gloves and began her exam. She asked, "What are all of these scars from?" I explained, "Some are from my childhood, the one on my arm is from a dog bite, and the one on my Achilles heel is from a knife wound." She exclaimed, "You have some road miles. You have been marked, and I assume Roxanne is the same." I nodded and she continued, "You requested this appointment to see if a vampire could get pregnant and if there is no easy answer. It depends on the vampires and how long they have been a vampire. Eventually, some human organs cease to operate, depending on how potent the male's semen is. You are a strapping young vampire, so I like your chances, but I'm unsure about Roxanne. I will have to do some tests. I want to collect a blood and semen sample from you." I said, "Okay. That's a lot of information, but I think I understand. "She continued," I'll take your blood, and then you can go into the bathroom to get me the semen sample. Once you're done, I should be done with Roxanne. Dr. Smith took the blood, and I went to the bathroom. I remembered the Vegas experience and instantly got to work.