
It took me 10 minutes, but I got the sample. It was weird masturbating because that was the first time I had to do it solo in a while. I returned to the exam room, and Roxanne was putting her clothes back on. Dr. Smith said, " I'm going to be honest. I am going to give you two a ten percent chance. Roxanne's reproductive organs are still operational but barely. It will be heavily dependent on Hanks's semen. I will evaluate the results and see if the chances change." She left the room, and I looked at Roxanne, who was defeated. I hugged her and reassured her, "It will be okay." We sat silently for about 15 minutes, and Dr. Smith barged in. She interrogated, "Hank, it would've been nice to know you were bitten by one of the original vampires. What symptoms do you have?" I explained, "I was bitten by a scrawny female vampire that died." Dr. Smith exclaimed, "Oh my. That Vampire was a parasite looking for a worthy host." I clarified, "It didn't come directly to me. It tried to bite Roxanne, and I threw my arm in the way."

Dr. Smith explained, "Fate is a certain factor with these complex equations." Dr Smith asked, "How does everything else feel?" I responded, "Everything seems normal except for two things. My sex drive and ability to recover after intercourse are through the roof, and I hear a voice that saved my life a few times." Dr. Smith was silent momentarily and then admitted, "I have no idea what the voice is or how it works. I also don't know what this means for Roxanne's ability to get pregnant and, if she does, if the baby will already be a vampire or if it will have to be turned." I asked, "If it comes out a vampire, will it age?" Dr. Smith admitted, "I am not sure. From rumors I have heard, it will stop aging after it hits puberty but will have vampire abilities from birth." We processed the information or lack thereof, and Dr. Smith continued, "Keep trying, and I want to see you both back in two weeks." We wrapped up with Dr. Smith and went to the receptionist to pay.


I brought some American cash with us, and when I asked, "How much is it?" She answered, "Nothing. The government covers it since you are a part of the VDF." We got back into the truck and drove to the government class. Roxanne still looked depressed, so I tried to cheer her up. I said, "At least we have a chance, and hopefully, Mr. Hyde can help us." She responded, "I hadn't thought about it until today, but I am worried about us meeting the Vampire that bit the teen that bit you. It would make sense that Vampire would want to come to meet you because you are a decedent." I admitted, "I hadn't thought about it either, but we will cross that bridge when it comes." Before Roxanne could respond, we arrived at the government center. We got out of the truck and walked inside. We followed the signs that said orientation. We went into the classroom, and it was the two of us. An older man walked in and introduced himself. "Hello. I'm Bruce, and I will give you two your orientation. Once we are done, I will provide you with your official papers. 

He began, "Both of you have been assigned your jobs and will start them tomorrow. Hank. You will extensively learn the laws, but today, we will cover the basics. Most rules here mimic American laws, so we don't need to cover that since you two came from there. There are a total of six sectors. The sectors belong to Vampires, Werewolves, Shapeshifters, Orges, Sirens, and the city center. The creatures can enter the city center whenever they want but need a visa to enter the other sectors, and that's where you will come in, Hank. As for the Mexican government, they recognize our sovereignty. However, if a vampire commits a crime outside of our land, the Mexican government has a separate prison for them. Humans are also allowed in the city center, and many work in the skyscrapers that house offices for our exports. Bruce continued for about an hour with the tiny intricacies, and then we were done. He finished, "You two will fit in perfectly here and should quickly make friends. Here are your official papers." I said, "Thank you, Bruce."

We returned to the truck and decided to head to tour the city center. The truck clock read 9 pm. We left the Vampire sector and crossed into the city center. It was vibrant with art, a pond, and outlandish skyscrapers. We went to a newsstand, and I bought a map of the Cabo de Libertad. The city center was in the middle of the sectors, the Orges and Vampires were on the beachfront, the shapeshifters bordered the forest, and the werewolves and Sirens were on the hill. The map explained what each clan did. The werewolves mined for minerals in the mountainside, the sirens worked for the Mexican government, the shapeshifters logged, and the Orges worked with the Vampires on oil rigs.

A fancy-looking restaurant was open, so I asked Roxanne, "Do you want to try that place?" She giggled. "You know that we struggle with solid food, right?" I responded, "I know, but a restaurant called The Kitchen Sink must have something for us." She conceded, "Sure." I parked the truck, and we headed inside. The host was human, and he introduced himself, "Good evening. I'm Alberto, and I'll get you two seated." We followed him to a booth and sat down. He handed us menus, and there were different pages for different creatures. I flipped to the Vampire page, where various flavors of blood supposedly tasted like human food. I asked Roxanne, "I thought that blood tasted like our favorite sweet." She responded, "Me too."

The waitress, who appeared to be a vampire, enthusiastically stated, "Hello! I'm Tiffany, and I'll be taking care of you two. I'm sure your curious about how the flavored blood works and it's more chemistry than cooking." I looked at the menu and said, "I'll try the Prime Rib." Tiffany stated, "Excellent choice." Roxanne took her time and finally said, "I will try the Salmon." Tiffany said, "Good choice as well. I will be back soon." I looked at Roxanne, and she was closely examining the menu. I asked, "Are you okay?" She responded, "Yeah. I am just curious as to what it will taste like." I admitted, "Me too." I probed, "How do you feel about tomorrow?" She confessed, "I am a little nervous." I would like to know how to medically treat vampires because the last time was 67 years ago. What about you?" I said, "I am in the same boat. I don't know what kind of police work Merlin and I will be doing, but it sounds like the Feds have something in mind." Before we could continue our conversation, Tiffany brought our two glasses. She stated, "Enjoy." She departed, and I said a toast "To a new future." Roxanne repeated, "To a new future," and we clinked our glasses. We both drank our warm concoctions, and Roxanne began to cry. I asked, "What's wrong?" Roxanne blurted out, "I haven't tasted anything but cake in 87 years, and it is delicious." We both finished our glasses, and Tiffany returned. Roxanne asked, "How do you guys do that? Tiffany stated, "It's our little secret; however, once you guys return to the Vampire sector, head to a grocery store, and you can buy a cookbook." I pulled out my cash, and Tiffany stated, "No need. We always give free meals to our new customers. I insisted, "Here's 50 dollars for the information about the cookbook." She smiled and took the cash. Roxanne and I got up and returned to the truck. I felt full for the first time since I was bit, and tasting something real for a change felt nice.