It's complicated

My first two weeks were the same as the first day: learning bizarre laws, taking tests, and not allowing my brain to drift off. Every day became a routine. I would wake up, go to work, come home and sleep. Roxanne was doing real training at work and was always tired when she got home. We both had one day off a week, but the first week, we spent the day organizing things, and I reserved our second free day for the doctor's follow-up. We both woke up and cuddled in bed. I said, "It's nice to have a day off and spend it with you." Roxanne agreed, "It is lovely." We finally crawled out of bed and ate some breakfast. There were limitations as to what the blood could taste like. It was all meat products because the animal's blood was fused to human blood, but there were unique ingredients I couldn't understand that could add flavoring to the meat or a particular accent, such as being fried or grilled. Regardless, it was a nice change in the diet. That evening for breakfast, we had bacon-favored blood. Roxanne and I drank our breakfast, got our things, got Merlin ready, and got in the truck. The three of us sat silently for the drive because Roxanne and I were nervous about how the visit would go, and Merlin hadn't fully woken up yet. We arrived at the office and gathered the courage to go inside. I was encouraged, "It will be fine. No matter what, we still have each other and our fur baby." We looked back, and Merlin sat up. He yawned and began to wag his tail. Roxanne asked, "Is he allowed inside with us?" I confidently answered, "Yes." I pulled out a card that Corey had given me. It was a photo of Merlin with the words "VAMPIRE DEFENSE K9." I explained, "He can go anywhere with this card." We walked inside, and I showed the receptionist the card. She said with a smile, "You are good. The whole town knows who you two are." That was a scary thought and I must have had a concerned look because, she continued, "It's all good, I promise. The doctor is ready for you all, so you can head back to room four." We walked inside the room and waited. The doctor entered and announced," Good evening. Roxanne. Please do me a favor and go pee in this cup. I want to run a pregnancy test." Roxanne left with the cup, and Dr. Smith addressed me, 

"Hank. I want to be honest with you. I am unsure if her getting pregnant is possible or what will happen to Roxanne if she gives birth to a baby with your genes and unique blood." I countered, "Roxanne told me she spoke with a doctor at her hospital and she said it was possible." Dr. Smith looked agitated. "That would be Dr. Howser. Dr. Howser is a good doctor, but her information is centuries old. She has been around a long time, but who knows if the process or probabilities has changed since she got the info. Vampires are like every other creature. We evolve, and who knows if the original four's blood properties have also matured." I said, "I understand, but Roxanne is excited about it, and I'm not sure how to address this so as to not hurt her feelings." Dr. Smith nodded, and Roxanne entered the room with the specimen. Dr. Smith took the cup and announced, "I will be back shortly." She left, and I admitted to Roxanne, "We will figure something out if we can't have a child." She asked in a concerned tone. "You don't have faith do you?" I carefully responded. "I think there is a chance, but I don't want you to be devastated if it doesn't work." That was a favorite defense mechanism of mine. I rarely got excited about something for fear it wouldn't pan out. Before Roxanne could call me a pessimist, Dr. Smith walked in and declared, "Roxanne. You are pregnant!" Roxanne gave me this little grin and mouthed, "It always works out for us." She was right, but I thought we were due for a disaster. Dr. Smith admitted, "I couldn't tell you how far along you are until we do an ultrasound, but I suggest we wait four months." Roxanne kissed me, and Dr. Smith, said "I'll see you in four months." She left the room, and we gathered our things, including Merlin, and left the office. I suggested, "Can we walk down to the park?" Roxanne agreed, "That would be nice." The three of us strolled down a few blocks and entered the park. The park had a sign that read "Marked couples only." I thought it was a little weird, but we entered anyway. There was a pond with a spectacular water feature with bright LED lights. We found an open bench and sat down.

We sat admiring the water features when we were interrupted by a VDF officer, and he announced, "I'm Officer Van Hindler. I need to see the papers for the dog and your marks." Roxanne got snarky. "Why are you bothering us? We've been here ten minutes and haven't seen you check anyone else." He looked at me and said, "You better control your girl." Merlin growled, and I knew that statement was not going to be tolerated, and Roxanne launched off, "We don't need to show you sh.." I cut her off. "Roxanne, Merlin. It's all good." I showed the jackass Merlin's card, and I lowered my shirt. Roxanne did the same, and Officer Van Ryker stated, "I'll see you around, newbie." He walked off, and Roxanne blurted, "What was that about?" I responded, "Bs cop stuff. It doesn't matter where you are. Cop culture never changes. He was trying to get a rise out of us, and there's no reason to give him the satisfaction." Roxanne still looked pouty. I finished, "Let's not let it ruin our free day." Roxanne and I snuggled up and watched the fountains for about another hour. We eventually got up and decided to walk through the downtown Vampire Sector. It was lively with many couples, but we walked past a bar called "Lone Wander's Paradise. A sign read, "Singles only." Roxanne asked. "How are the laws formed here?" I responded, "It's complicated."