Baby Bump

The first two months were rinse and repeat. Roxanne and I would wake up, eat, and head to work. I finally got to the critical part of my training. It was all firearms and evasive driving from the second week to the end of the second month. I was already a decent shot and drove like a maniac, so I passed the qualifications quickly. The last two months of training involved Merlin. He finally got his revenge on me for penis-shaming him and bit me when I had the protective suit on. He already had the training, so it was more for me. Merlin knew how to track vampires, locate significant amounts of blood and bite the shit out of anything that earned it. He was great at his work, and I learned to work well with him. The alarm went off, and I got up excited. It was four months since we moved in, we had adjusted well, and it was time for our appointment. After the appointment, I had a little ceremony for my graduation from training. Roxanne had a little baby bump, and hopefully, we would get the baby's sex. I woke up before Roxanne and got us ready for the day. I took Merlin outside and threw his toy for a minute.

We went back inside to find Roxanne making breakfast. She was tired because she had worked a swing shift the previous day and got less sleep than usual. I proclaimed, "Good morning, princess." She smiled, "Good morning, prince." We had been so busy that I just remembered that I had to bring up an important event. I asked, "When do we want to get married?" She thought for a second and said, "I am not sure. I can't believe we forgot about it." I reassured her, "It's okay. We should wait until we have the baby and figure it out." She responded, "I agree. We need to find out who to invite." I laughed, "We hardly know anyone. We should get out more. There are less than five people I would invite." She giggled. "I have two, and one is Merlin." I laughed, and we got the rest of our things ready, including Merlin. We got in the truck and got to the doctor's office. We went in and were greeted by Dr. Smith.

Good morning, you two. We will head back to room six and then do an ultrasound for Roxanne. We headed back, and a tech brought in a machine. Roxanne lay down, and the tech put a jelly-like substance on her belly. She moved the wand around and asked do you want to know the sex?" Roxanne looked at me. I encouraged her, "It's up to you." She rejoiced, "Yes!" The tech responded, "It's a boy." I thought, "Yes!" Roxanne said, "You're going to be a great dad!" I encouraged "Your going to be an even better mother." I bent over and gave her a quick kiss." The tech said, "Dr. Smith will come in in a minute." She left, and then Dr. Smith walked in. She announced, "The baby looks healthy but is bigger than usual at this phase, but is expected. I want to see you both in three months." She left, and we got our things. We returned to the truck and headed toward the VDF's facility. We got there, and Roxanne said, "I am so proud of you!" I said, "Thanks, babe. I love you." We kissed, and we headed in. Corey was in the front and announced, "Roxanne! I have heard a lot about you! It is great to meet you finally!" Roxanne divulged, "The pleasure is mine. Hank has told me that you are his favorite supervisor and trainer." Corey expressed, "Hank is very talented, and Merlin is a star." Corey bent down and gave Merlin a few pets. We walked into a conference room with a squad of officers waiting. Roxanne sat down, and Merlin and I walked up to the front. 

Corey joined me by my side and announced, "Today, we celebrate the beginning of an officer's career and welcome a valuable asset. Hank and Merlin excelled in their training, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they both accomplish here." There was a cheer from the ground, and Van Hindler was emotionless in the back. Corey shook my hand and handed me two plaques. One was for me, and the other was for Merlin. Corey pinned a badge to my chest and one to Merlin's collar. Once the cheering stopped, Agent Martinez revealed himself from the back and approached me. We shook hands, and he announced, "Get some sleep because we have an operation tomorrow. Take these keys to a loaner car and hand me your truck keys. You are going to get an upgrade. I did as told, and Roxanne approached me. "Congratulations, but you must promise to come home to me and the baby every night." I affirmed, "I will endeavor to make it home every night." We kissed and exited before I had to introduce Roxanne to everyone. The three of us piled into the little sedan, and Roxanne asked, "Can we go to the beach?" We haven't been there yet, and it's still warm outside. I packed some towels, and we won't need swimsuits because it's a nudist beach." I said, "Sure! That sounds fun." We headed towards the city center because it had about two miles of beach that stuck out between the Vamppire and Orge sectors. We parked, disrobed, and walked to the beach. I was always self-conscious about being nude in front of other people but had nothing to worry about. I had Roxanne, and she didn't care what I looked like. We walked down to the beach with Merlin, and it was the first time I saw a combination of all the other creatures. The Orgs were massive individuals, the Sirens were gorgeous women, the shapeshifters looked like average humans, and the Werewolves were all Greek gods and goddesses. We wandered down the beach and sat down on our towels. The moon was full, and the Werewolves turned into dogs. I had learned in class that there were exceptions to being a humanoid, and it was granted to the Werewolves, who were allowed to transition in public on full moons. All of the other creatures were leaving, but the werewolves stayed. Roxanne asked, "How come they get exceptions?" I carefully responded, "The Werewolves do all the mining and a lot of political power with the Mexican government."