
There were a few Vampire couples on the beach, but most were the werewolves trotting around in wolf form. In my class, we had a brief lesson on other creatures, and Werewolves had an interesting power dynamic. A pair came up to us and transformed back into human form. The male introduced himself, "Hello, Hank. I'm Mike, and this is Sabrina." I asked, "How do you know my name?" He responded, "Word travels fast, and I am a WDF officer. We got a notification about you." We shook hands, and I said, "This is my fiance Roxanne and my dog Merlin." Merlin was staring down Mike and Sabrina. Sabrina transformed back into a wolf and slowly approached Merlin. Merlin was cautious but curious. Sabrina became submissive and allowed Merlin to check her out. They began to run around and play with each other. Mike continued, "Sabrina is my sister, and she is mute."

I questioned, "Are you guys lone wolves?" He answered, "You are astute. Since Sabrina has a disability, we roll by ourselves. Most Werewolves live in pack houses, but we live in a little home, just the two of us." I questioned, "What's your specialty at WDF?" He responded, "I do asset protection for the mines." I complimented, "That's an important job. I heard you guys occasionally square off with the cartels." He laughed. "Occasionally. We mostly break up fights between rival packs." Sabrina and Merlin returned, and Sabrina sniffed Roxanne's stomach. She transformed back into a human. She signed to Mike, and he translated, "She congratulations on your baby boy." Roxanne signed back, and Sabrina's face lit up. They began signing with each other, and Mike said, "Your reputation proceeds you." Mike asked, "Can we stay in touch? We don't have many friends, and Sabrina gets lonely." I said, "Of course." Roxanne butted in. "Do you guys want to come to our wedding?" Mike exclaimed, "Yes!" Roxanne signed to Sabrina, and they hugged, both butt naked. Mike and Sabrina turned back into wolves, and Merlin said goodbye to his new friend. 

The two ran off into the night, and Roxanne exclaimed, "I like them!" I concurred, "I'm glad they introduced themselves. The Werewolf rules are vicious, and, unfortunately, they are not accepted for who they are." Roxanne proclaimed, "They don't need their pack. They will have the three of us." I said, "You made Sabrina's day, if not month, and Merlin, good boy." Merlin had a huge smile, and Roxanne asked, "Can we take a walk?" I encouraged, "Lead the way." We held hands and strolled down to the water line. I asked, "How many languages do you know?" She taunted, "A few." I pressed "Why?" She paused for a moment and looked up at the stars. She continued, "I had so much time and loved learning languages. It also made it easier for me to live and work in different countries. Talking to someone in their language makes them feel appreciated, and I like making people happy." I brought her close and said, "You are the best thing that has happened to me. You care so much about people, and I'm glad you enjoy having me around." She expressed concern: "I love you, Henry, and you have made my world worth living. I am worried about you and your new job. It sounds like Martinez has plans for you." I consoled, "I'll say it a million times. I will fight to hell and back for you and our new baby. I bent down and kissed her stomach. She laughed, "Get back up here." I stood up, and she kissed me. We continued walking a little, returned to our towels, and returned to the loaner car.

We got in and headed home. We got home, washed our feet outside, and I was nervous about the next day. The house had a full gym in the basement, and I decided to burn off some energy. I told Roxanne, "I am going to do a workout before bed." She responded, "Okay, Merlin and I will watch a chick flick." I went downstairs and decided I was going to do a push day. I put 200 pounds on a barbell and slid under the weight. 200 pounds was my max, and I wanted to know if I could still do it. I pressed the weight like it was nothing. I put it back down and tried 300 pounds. It was a challenge, but I managed to do it ten times. I did three sets of 10 without too much struggle. I sat on the bench and tried my personal record with the seated tricep extension. I threw up the 55 pounds without problems and grabbed a 90-pound dumbbell. I did three sets of 10 with about the same amount of struggle as the bench press.

I pulled my shirt off, and I admired myself. I flexed like a teenager and thought, "I have always looked like this, but it took finding the right person to see my self-worth," I continued with a few other exercises and added about 40 pounds to each one. I headed up the stairs, and Roxanne was sitting on the couch. She clamored, "You smell soooo hot." I walked over, and she kissed me. I said, "I'm going to shower and head to bed." She said, "Okay, I'll join you in bed." I went to the shower and turned on the rainfall sounds. It was peaceful, and I enjoyed having the me time. I dried off and climbed into bed. Roxanne was already asleep. I was a little worried about her. I big spooned her and rested my hand on her stomach. I said I love you both." Roxanne whispered. We love you too."