
I woke up to a phone call around 2 pm, and it was from Martinez. I answered the phone, and he said, "Get your gear together and get Merlin ready. I am outside." I groggily said, "Okay." I quietly got up, put on my work clothes, and grabbed my pistol loaded with silver bullets and a non-lethal weapon that shot out darts filled with deadman's blood. I kissed Roxanne on the way out and went to the door. I put my vest on and then put on Merlin's. He sensed that it was real this time and was pumped up. I grabbed a bag of blood for the road, and we went outside. The sun was high in the sky without any clouds. I wore special glasses that shielded my eyes from the sun's harsh rays. Martinez was sitting in the passenger side of my truck. The truck was upgraded with a tall radio antenna, a spotlight, and interior police lights. I opened the back door, which had been converted to a cage for a police dog. Merlin climbed in, and I got into the driver's seat.

Martinez had full ballistic gear and said, "Head to the Ogre sector." I started the truck, and he continued, "We are meeting members of the ODF executing a search warrant on a wanted vampire, Hawk. He is wanted for murdering a Mexican citizen and paid an Ogre gang to hide him. We need you and Merlin to help us find him." I said, "Sounds like a plan." I turned up some rock music to get us pumped up. I drove to the exterior gate of the Ogre sector, and there were two three axel armored vehicles. I pulled up behind them, and we got out. A 6'11 Ogre got out of his truck and approached us. He boomed, "Hello. I am ODF Lieutenant Beef." I held my poker face and introduced myself, "Good morning, sir. I am Officer Anderson, and this is Merlin." He continued, "The plan is to hit the house with you towards the back of the stack. We will enter, detain any Ogres, and you will use Merlin to locate Hawk if we can't find him. Once we locate him, Martinez will take him in." I said, "Sounds like a plan." We returned to the truck, and an unmarked Mexican government SUV pulled up. Matinez explained, "That is Mendez, and once we clear the Ogre Sector, a caravan of police vehicles will join us." I nodded and returned to my truck, and Martinez rode with Mendez. I gave Merlin a pep talk. I instructed, "Keep your head on a swivel, use your nose, and if you need to, bite that asshole." Merlin nodded.

The armored trucks roared to life and accelerated towards the gate. They activated their emergency lights, and I followed suit. I followed them for a few blocks, and they pulled up in front of this nasty-looking house. Eight ODF officers exited each truck and lined up behind one of the vehicles. I grabbed Merlin and joined the stack. A battery arm extended from the vehicle, and it lurched towards the door. It rammed the door, reversed, and the team proceeded inside. I had Merlin controlled with a leash, and we followed the group with Mendez and Martinez behind me. The ODF Officers were yelling commands in a different language, and I used one arm to control Merlin and the other to hold my service weapon. Merlin instantly began tracking the Vampire we were looking for. I heard a commotion from the other room and heard, "ANDERSON. HE IS RUNNING!." Merlin and I proceeded to the call, and Merlin lurched on the leash. We rounded the corner, and Hawk sprinted for the back door. I commanded, "STOP OR YOU'R GOING TO GET BIT BY THE DOG!" He didn't stop, and I released Merlin. The Vampire ran past an ODF officer who whiffed the tackle, but Merlin was right on his ass. Before Hawk reached the back door, Merlin latched on his arm, puncturing it with his silver teeth. The two hit the floor, and I grabbed Merlin's vest. Martinez and Mendez ran up and took control of Hawk's free arm. Hawk was screaming, "LET GO YOU FLEABAG!" I ordered, "STOP RESISTING!" Hawk stopped fighting, and Merlin spit him out.

Martinez and Mendez jumped on Hawk and got him restrained in silver handcuffs. The ODF, Martinez, Mendez, Hawk, Merlin, and myself exited the home. The ODF had a few Ogres detained, and a large transport van arrived. The detainees were loaded in, and Litunenent Beef walked over to Merlin and me. He announced, "Your dog is a fascinating creature, and we were lucky to have you two at our disposal." We shook hands, and I returned Merlin to the truck. I walked over to Martinez and Mendez. Matinez proclaimed, "I knew I had a good feeling about you. Follow us to our station in the city center and cut your paper." I nodded and got back into my truck. Once inside, I slid open the partition and affirmed, "Good dog!" Marlin jumped into the front and was wiggling all over the place. He accidentally stepped on the siren, then jumped back into the back. The ODF officers saw the interaction, and I could see them laughing. I said, "You goofball." I threw his toy to him and followed the agents to the border. We exited the Ogre Sector and were met by a convoy of unmarked SUVS. I fell in line with them, and we returned to their headquarters in the City Center. The next three hours were comprised of doing paperwork, and once I left, I got a call from Corey, "He announced, "I'm proud of you two. I heard Merlin did tremendous and got his first bite." I responded, "He did great!" Corey continued, "Martinez said you handled yourself flawlessly." I responded, "Thank you, Sir." Corey continued, "I know you two had a long day, but I need you two to work a few hours in patrol." I wasn't happy about that, but there were a few hours before Roxanne would get home. I said, "Sounds fun."