Human Remains Left Out In The Sunlight

I returned to the Vampire sector, and I opened my work computer. It was busy, but nothing for us to help with. I wasn't allowed to initiate traffic stops due to the truck not having markings, but I could assist. A call came out from Van Hindler. "I need one more unit." I looked on the map, and he was a block away. I self-dispatched myself through the computer and drove around the corner. I pulled up behind Van Hindler's cruiser and got out." He asked, "Can you stand by while I get him out and run the dog?" I nodded, and he continued, "I asked the driver if he was carrying unregistered blood, and he denied it, but I can see an IV bag under a towel in the back seat." I stated, "Sure." I walked to the passenger side, and Van Hindler went to the driver's side. Van Hindler instructed, "Get out of the car so my partner can run his dog." The driver taunted, "You ain't doing shit." Van Hindler countered, "You get your ass out of this car, or we will yank you out by your balls and let the dog chew on them." I was relieved we could be direct with detainees because that language wouldn't fly in the States. The driver looked terrified, and he quickly got out. Van Hindler cuffed him, and I retrieved Merlin. I ran Merlin around by the back seat, and he sat down.

I tossed him his toy, and he shook it around. Vampires were allowed to transport no more than 20 bags at once, but they had to be store-bought. There was a substantial black market for blood because the Mexican government heavily taxed the blood they sold. I returned Merlin to the truck and walked to Van Hindler and his detainee. Van Hindler challenged, "The blood didn't magically get in your car after I asked, so before we tear your car apart, tell us where the blood is." The prisoner smirked, "Lawyer." Van Hindler dragged him to his patrol car and jammed him in the back. Van Hindler addressed me, "Let's search his shit." We both tore through the car and found precisely 20 bags of blood with no serial numbers, which every bag of blood should have. We collected the blood, put it on the hood, and I grabbed Merlin. I had Merlin sit in front of the car, and I took a photo for the memories and for our report. We packed the blood into the back of Van Hindler's car, and he noted, "Thanks for the help." I said no problem. Anytime." He continued, "Sorry to be a dick the last couple of months. The last K9 officer was killed, and he was a close friend of mine." I said, "It's all good, and sorry to hear that." We shook hands, and I returned to my truck. I drove the truck to a quiet parking lot, finished the report, drank my lunch, and read through my emails like an old person.

I was waiting for a call when an urgent call came out that an ambulance team needed assistance with a combative patient. I threw the truck in gear, turned on my lights and sirens, and peeled out of the parking lot. I was very close to the call and got there quickly. As I pulled up, another unit was behind me. The ambulance shook, and I grabbed Merlin while the Officer ran to the door. He ripped it open, and two paramedics tried to keep a massive Vampire on the stretcher. The Officer had a special dart gun that shot darts loaded with deadman's blood. I yelled, "GET ON THE GROUND OR I WILL RELEASE THE DOG!" Merlin was barking, and the paramedics ran out of the ambulance when they saw us. The Vampire was frothing from his mouth and growled. The Officer darted him in the chest, and the Vampire dashed for the door. I released Merlin, and he lept into the back of the ambulance. He attached himself to the Vampire's arm, and we dragged him out. He was fighting like Hell, but the three of us were able to subdue him and get him in cuffs.

Merlin let go, and the other Officer pinned the guy down. I ran Merlin back to the truck and helped the Officer get the assailant onto the stretcher. The paramedics applied more sliver restraints to the Vampire. The Officer introduced himself. "Thanks for the help. I'm Officer Greenwood. I'll ride in the back if you can stay with my car. I affirmed, "Yeah, I got you." Someone asked from behind me, "Hank?" I spun around, and it was Sam. I announced, "Sam. You're alive!" He said, "Barely made it out of there. Last time this happened, you and I got shafted." I laughed, and he continued, "Thanks for the help. We need to go, but I want to catch up later." I said, "Absolutely." I handed him my card, and I got back into my truck. Merlin was panting, so I gave him some water. He inhaled it, and I said, "Hell of a first day."

We waited an hour, and a supervisor's SUV pulled behind my truck. Corey and Greenwood got out. I got out, and Corey said, "Hell of a first-day kid. You and Merlin did great." I joked, "Is it always like this?" He laughed, "Not usually." He continued, "You are good to go home, and Martinez sends his thanks." I started to walk away when he interrupted, "I almost forgot. Here is a letter from Mike at WDF that he dropped off this morning with some paperwork." I took the letter, and he forewarned, "It is not against the rules to have friends from other sectors, but not everyone approves. However, I encourage it, especially with the other defense forces." I said, "Thanks for the heads up." I realized I had forgotten to text Mike and that I had accidentally given him my old phone number. I returned to the truck and headed home. Merlin and I were both exhausted, and Roxanne was making dinner. She joked, "You two smell like human remains left out in the sunlight." I stated, "Merlin and I helped with an operation in the Ogre sector and fought a guy in the back of an ambulance." Guess who I ran into." She pondered, "Who?" I answered, "Sam." She looked shocked and exclaimed, "How is he alive?" I responded, "I have no idea. He was working on the rig where we fought the crazy vampire. He told me we needed to catch up, and I also got a letter from Mike. Roxanne's face lit up, and I handed her the letter. She read it aloud, "Good afternoon, Hank. Sabrina and I enjoyed meeting you, Roxanne, and Merlin and want to meet again. Here is my cell number. Sincerely, Mike." I handed my phone to Roxanne and she read aloud as she typed "Hey, it's Hank and Roxanne. Henry says sorry for accidentally giving you the wrong number. We'd love to meet you guys again. Would you like to come over for dinner at our house?" How about next Saturday night?" I said, "No worries, and sounds great." There was a sound from my phone and a text reading, "See you then."