Male Werewolves

Time was moving quickly because all three of us were in our routines. We would all wake up, go to work, come home, and occasionally, Roxanne and I would have adult time, but that was dwindling since she was pregnant. Another week had flown by, and it was our day off. We had Mike and Sabrina over for dinner that evening. We woke up and got the house in order. Roxanne ordered, "We need to find something for them to eat!" I said, "Shit. I forgot that they don't eat what we eat." Roxanne exclaimed, "We have two hours, so let's go to the Werewolf Sector to get some ingredients." I interjected, "We should go to the City Center instead. It might be easier." I was worried there might be an alteration if we went to another sector without a good reason. Roxanne saw through my charade, "We need to get them real food, and we are better than conforming to social norms." I knew she was right. I said, "Okay, but we should take your loaner car." She said, "I forgot to tell you." Before she could explain, there was a honk outside. She looked at me with a devious smile. We walked out, and a brand new, white SUV was being loaded off a flatbed. I monitored our finances like a hawk and hadn't seen a charge for anything unusual.

I approached it and said, "It's slick, but how did you pay for it?" She explained, "There is a program at work where it comes straight out of our paycheck, and the interest is only four percent." I said, "That's great, honey, but we need to discuss these decisions together." I stepped on the mother of all hormonal landmines because she exploded, "YOU GOT US DOWN HERE AND MADE THE MAJORITY OF THE BIG DECISIONS. I TRY TO DO ONE THING TO MAKE OUR LIFE BETTER, AND YOU JUMP MY SHIT." There's no honor among thieves because Merlin ran back in the house and didn't want to witness my murder or for the turret to redirect on him. There was a long pause, and she started crying, "I'm sorry. These hormones are killing me." I hugged her and said, "You are right. I need to trust that you can make good decisions and let you buy things for yourself." I announced, "Merlin! You can come back. She didn't kill me, and you are in the clear." Roxanne laughed, and Merlin ran back outside. Roxanne got in the driver's seat, and I rode shotgun. Merlin was comfortable in the back, and it was nice not to be cooped up in a cage. We headed to the Werewolf Sector and got to the gate. Due to my position, we had an automatic visa into each sector but still had to announce ourselves. We pulled up, and Roxanne gave the guard the Visas. He asked, "What's your business?" Before I could develop something crafty, "Roxanne said, "Buying some groceries." The Werewolf looked confused and handed back our visas. He said, "Be careful, you two."

We proceeded through the gates and towards their city center. There were humanoid Werevoles and Wolf Werewolves. We parked the SUV in front of a little market that advertised "Family owned for 100 years." We got out, and Merlin lifted his nose into the air. I said, "Come on, bud. Let's make this quick." We were walking into the store, and the little old lady behind the counter stated, "It's not often we see your kind in here." I was fixing to make a white lie, but Roxanne said, "We are having some friends over for dinner who are Werewolves and wanted to get the best food possible." The old lady lowered her guard and said, "That's very nice of you two. Werewolves have to eat raw meat in wolf form but can eat anything in human form." She went to the back and brought out a cooler. Assuming they will stay in human form, she said, " I suggest a cooked human heart." Roxanne declared, "We will take two." The old lady packed up two hearts, put a few other ingredients in a bag and put a piece of paper inside. She said, "I added a recipe and a few spices and vegetables they will like for free. It will be 200 dollars in American dollars." Without hesitating, Roxanne put the money on the counter. The Werewolf acknowledged, "You two will be great parents and keep your dog close because some Werewolves have dog fetishes." Merlin barked, and she clarified, "Male Werewolves." Merlin darted behind me, and we all laughed. 

We left the store, and a group of young females walked toward us. All of them transformed into a wolf and sauntered past us and gave Merlin the fuck me eyes. Merlin was drooling, and I bumped him. I joked, "You don't need to pollute the gene pool." He lightly bit my calf, and before I could mollywop his ass, Roxanne butted in, "Knock it off, or I'll smack the stupid out of both of you." Merlin and I got back into the SUV with our tails between our legs, and Roxanne drove us back home. We had about an hour left, and Roxanne got to cooking. I prepared the ingredients for Hurricane Hank but wasn't sure of their tolerance, so I got enough to quadruple each serving with huge glasses.

There was a knock at the door, and it was them. Roxanne opened it and immediately hugged Sabrina. Merlin came barreling around the corner and made a beeline for Sabrina. He rolled around at her feet, and she began petting him. Mike declared, "This is a great place." I said, "We are lucky. I used the money from my old home, and we were given a huge deal due to our jobs." Mike exclaimed, "They do that for us as well, but only if you are in a pack house." Roxanne interrupted, "Who needs a big group of people when you have a few close friends." Sabrina signed quickly to Roxanne, and she returned the gestures. The girls ran into the kitchen, and I spoke with Mike. I expressed, "We didn't mean to gloat." Before I could continue, he interjected, "You're not. We are glad to leave the house, and Sabrina needed a change." I said, "You guys are welcome anytime." We walked into the house, and Roxanne announced, "Dinner is ready!" We sat down, and Roxanne brought the cooked hearts first and then our drinks." Mike said, "These hearts look delicious he cut into a small piece, and his eyes shot black for half a second. He admitted, "Sorry. This is delicious. We rarely get to eat human hearts." Sabrina quietly sat there and then signed to Roxanne. Mike, Roxanne, and Sabrina began signing with each other, and I was left out. I felt what was said and interjected, "We take care of the people we like and want nothing in return. We had no friends before you introduced yourselves, and you two are both great." Sabrina Mouthed, "Thank you." We wrapped up our dinner, and I made drinks. We took our big cups out to the deck, an alcohol-free version for Roxanne, and the moon was immaculate. We sat on the deck chairs, and Roxanne asked Mike, "How did you guys end up here?"