Landon is Kicking

Mike said, "We moved to Cabo de Libertad four years ago. We left a werewolf village because they accused Sabrina of stealing a cache of human hearts. She didn't steal anything, and it was easy to blame the one who couldn't defend herself. There would be a trial, and I knew what would happen. I broke her out of the jail, and we left the next day. Once we arrived, we stayed at a shelter for a year until we saved enough money for our tiny home." Roxanne signed with Sabrina. Roxanne said, "Sabrina says one of the popular girls took the hearts, and she blamed it on her." I said, "Tell her I know how hard and frustrating that is." Sabrina nodded and signed more to Roxanne. Roxanne translated, "She asked if we could change the subject because they left everything behind. She wants to know if we have a name picked out yet?" I had thought of a name, but we needed to discuss it. Roxanne looked at me and announced, "Landon." I smiled, and Mike asked, "That's a cute name. How did you come up with it?" Roxanne allowed me to answer, "Landon was my brother's name. He died a while ago." Mike stated, "Naming your son Landon will be an excellent way to remember him." I said, "I agree. I think Landon would've wanted it."

We continued chatting and learning more about each other for about an hour until Mike stated, "We should get going. Thank you for the drinks and dinner. The Hurricane Hank barely made a dent, but it tasted great." I said, "We enjoyed having you two over." Sabrina transferred into a wolf, and she and Merlin ran out into the yard. Mike was ready to stop them, but I interrupted, "It's okay, Mike. They hadn't had the chance yet." He nodded, and we went inside. About ten minutes later, Merlin and Sabrina walked in. Sabrina transferred into a human, and she signed to Roxanne." Roxanne translated, "Thanks for letting us run around. Merlin is a good dog." I said, "No problem, and he is." We wrapped up our goodbyes, and then Mike and Sabrina departed. Roxanne was in the kitchen cleaning things up. I walked up and hugged her from behind. She asked, "Are you sure you're okay with Landon." I countered, "I am, but are you?" She continued, "I am. Without Landon, you would not be the man you are today, and there's a chance we would've never met." She turned around and then said, "Landon is kicking." I put my hand on her stomach and said, "I love you both. I kissed Roxanne, and then we went upstairs. We lay in bed, and Roxanne asked, "Can we have a home birth?" I exclaimed, "I've heard horror stories about those, and I am not sure they are safe." Roxanne responded, "I found a midwife who works with my hospital, and she is more than happy to help us. They are safe if done right." I nodded, and she continued, "We should keep the number of people who know about your powers to a minimum because someone may try to take Landon away." I snickered. "Being paranoid is my job. However, you have a point. He could come out swinging, and we should be prepared." Roxanne giggled, "If he is anything like his father, he will." We went upstairs and fell asleep.

Time flew by at work. We were always busy, and Merlin and I were constantly running around. Occasionally, we would see Roxanne at her hospital, which was a special treat. About a month later, Merlin and I were patrolling when we drove past an ambulance parked behind the store. I pulled up to it, and it was Sam's unit. He got out, and I did, too, but he smelled like an average human. I skipped the pleasantries and asked, "How did you get out?" He responded, "Right to it. While driving home from the hospital after our fiasco, I stopped at a red light. A black van pulled beside me, and a few people jumped out. They ripped me out, put a bag over my head, and threw me in the van. They took me to a warehouse, and the leader explained they were an organization that helped people who were bitten. They conducted tests, gave me special fluid, injected me with stuff, and made me drink this god-awful drink. They explained that I was not going to turn into a vampire, but they sent me here anyways because I knew about the existence of vampires." I asked, "How is that possible?" He continued, "One of them snuck into the hospital, got some of the female's blood, and somehow, it kept me from turning." I needed clarity, "I never got the entire story of where you picked her up."

Sam portrayed, "We were sent to a farm to help PD get a mental hold to the hospital, and when we got there, she was trying to eat a cow. We got her in the ambulance, but she slipped a cuff, and all hell broke loose. I got bit in the scuffle, and you know the rest. I heard a rumor you and Roxanne are mated." I responded, "Yes, and we have a child on the way." He remarked, "Congrats. I knew you two would work together." I asked, "Do you have a special lady in your life?" He proceeded with caution, "I do." I sensed the level of caution and guessed, "She is not human or Vampire." He exclaimed, "Don't tell anyone." I nodded. He clarified, "Mikayla. She is a siren that I met in a club in the city center." I reassured him, "Good for you, and I won't tell anyone." I asked, "Would you guys be in for a double date?" He stated, "Mikayla and I would love to." We shook hands, and I returned to the truck. The rest of the night was uneventful, and I returned home.

Merlin and I walked into the house to find Roxanne on the couch. I announced, "Hey, babe." She opened her arms and said, "Come here, big guy." I carefully got on top of her so as not to put any weight on her stomach, and she kissed me. Once we separated, I said, "I'll make us dinner." She marveled, "You are great." I responded, "Anything for you." I went to the kitchen and did my best to cook us a meal of baked chicken. I brought her glass to her, and she sipped it. "She exclaimed, "I didn't know you knew how to cook." I admitted, "I took a few cooking lessons." She responded with a smile, "I love you." I kissed her, and we finished our meal. I carried her upstairs and put her in bed. I took a quick shower and joined her. We cuddled up, and she said, "I talked to my boss, and I am going to go on maternity leave before long." I responded, "I already talked to Corey, and he will give me a few weeks off." She responded, "I can't wait to see what Landon will do for this world." I said, "I am sure he will make an impact." We both fell asleep thinking about what our son would accomplish.