No Shit Sherlock

Merlin barked, and it woke me up. I checked the alarm clock, and it was 4:30 a.m. Roxanne woke up and asked, "Did we sleep for 12 hours?" I responded. "It appears so." There was a knock at our door, and I got up. I looked through the peephole, and it was Mike. He announced, "Sabrina and I are ready." I responded, "Okay. Give us a few minutes." Mike returned to his room, and I checked on Landon. He woke up and started to cry. I picked him up, and I asked. "Are you hungry?" Hyde responded, "No shit Sherlock." I wasn't sure what made me more uneasy. Hyde had evolved to make sarcastic jabs instead of screaming at me, or he was communicating about Landon. I handed him to Roxanne, and he began to nurse.

I packed up our things and folded up the crib. Once Landon was content, Merlin, Roxanne, and I ate breakfast. We left the room and waited for Mike and Sabrina. We all headed to the dock where the ship would pick us up. Once we got there, we saw the massive vessel named Bertha Grande. Roxanne objected, "I am not getting into the smelly thing." I tried to overt a breakdown, "It will be okay. Trust me." Her brow looked like it would stab me, but she surrendered. "Okay, but if any of us puke, you are cleaning it up." I looked at Merlin, and he shook his head. All of us laughed and walked into the office. Hector greeted, "Good morning! Follow me!" I tried to hand him the rest of the cash, but he said, "Don't worry about the rest. Bringing Martinez's body to me was admirable, and I wanted to do this as a thank you. I nodded and then we followed him on to the boat. We followed him down a corridor and into the gally. He instructed, "Hank, please give me your hand." I did as asked, and he held it in front of a fridge. A red light scanned my hand, and the fridge door opened. Hector entered, and we followed. We found a massive room equipped with a large bed, a sauna, a marvelous bathroom, and a bunk bed. It was the perfect setup for us, and I stated, "Thanks, Hector. This is perfect." He proclaimed, "Your boat is in container 566." We shook hands, and he departed. We set our things down and set up the crib. Sabrina raced and jumped into the bottom bunk. Roxanne put Landon in his crib and began signing to each Sabrina, and Mike suggested, "Why don't you and Roxanne have some together time in the sauna? We will watch Landon." Before I could say anything, Roxanne grabbed me by the hand and let me into the bathroom where the sauna was. I looked back, and Merlin was at attention at the end of the crib. We stripped down and entered the large sauna. I could feel my entire body relax, and I told Roxanne, "Lay down on the bench." She did as directed, and I began to massage her calves. I worked my hands up to her glutes, and she asked, "Where did you learn to be a massage therapist?" I answered, "In between jobs, I got certified thinking I would be massaging hot chicks, but most clients were old dudes." She laughed. "Really? You tell me now." I laughed and continued. My member behaved himself and only rose to half-mast because it knew the mission. I continued to her back and shoulder blades. She quietly enjoyed the massage, and I instructed, "Roll over."

 She flipped on her back. I started on her quads and slowly moved toward her hips. She was incredibly tight and sighed every time I put medium pressure, but I could feel her loosening up. I carefully massaged her breasts because they were balloons, and she said, "Your turn. Lay down face first." We swapped positions, and she immediately went to work on my neck. She went to town, and I started to see double vision. I groaned when she got to my shoulders. She soothed, "It's hot when you moan for me." That statement alone woke up the beast, and I had to adjust it to avoid an accident. She instructed, "Flip over." I lay on my back, penis at full mast, and she massaged my hips. I moaned again when she reached my stomach, and she cooed, "I love you." I responded, "I can't wait to return the favor in a few weeks." She replied, "Don't worry about it." She began to massage my pelvis and testicles. She slowly made it to my penis and began to stroke it. I was sweaty enough, so no lube was needed. She used her free hand to massage my chest and nibbled on my neck without breaking the skin. Before meeting Roxanne, I had never had anyone give me something without expecting something in return, which made me feel vulnerable. She sensed something was off and stated, "This is what people do for the one they love." Despite being with her for half a year, I was still learning what that word meant and struggled with the intricacies. I relaxed and closed my eyes. She stroked faster, nibbled harder, and squeezed harder on my testicles. I began to moan and finally came.

 Roxanne leaned in and whispered, "There's no need to repay me for anything I do for you. And I enjoy making you cum." She kissed me, and we both got out. We went into the shower and quickly cleaned up. We both dried off and walked into the living room. Sabrina and Mike were on the couch watching T.V., and Sabrina was cradling Landon. Roxanne whispered, "She will be a great mother someday." I concurred, "I agree. She's doing a great job with him." When we walked in, Mike winked at me, and I smiled. We got changed, and I checked my phone. The map said we were in the ocean, and I hadn't realized we had set sail. We lay in bed and snuggled up together. The following two days of traveling were dull, and we caught up on the action-hero movies we missed. Finally, there was a knock at our door, and I opened it. A man said in broken English, "We here. You boat waiting in ocean." I bowed and said, "Thank you." He left, and we got our things together. We left the room, and the humid climate greeted us. We followed the man down a gateway, and my boat was waiting. Roxanne asked, "I thought you would part with it." I carefully responded, "I figured we could use it." She gave me a skeptical look as we boarded the boat." During my daydreaming sessions, I did a little research and found a private community with long-term rentals. Matinezez's money was enough for six months, and I figured we would devise a long-term solution, but the last few days caused more questions than answers. I put the boat in gear and headed towards the private community on the ocean's edge.