
We drove for about an hour and arrived around 8 p.m. We deboarded and headed to the office. We went into the office, and the hostess, who was American, announced, good evening." I asked, "Do you have any homes for rent?" She exclaimed, "Yes! We have one home that would comfortably fit you guys. It's 3,000 a month." I asked, "Can we pay a lump sum now?" She agreed, "Yes!" I stated, "We would like to do six months." She got on her computer and said, "It's going to be 18,000." I pulled out 18,000 and put it on the counter. "She took the cash and handed a map of the local area. We grabbed the belongings we had and headed to the house. We were silent, including Landon, because we all feared the uncertainty. We walked for about a mile and got to the home. We walked in, and it was less fancy than the old home, but it was liveable. We all went to our respective rooms, and Roxanne, Landon, and I lay on the bed.

I announced, "We need to go to the store and get some things. I also want to find a vampire doctor to take Landon to." She stated, "I agree. We should do it now so we don't procrastinate." I grabbed my pistol and went to Sabrina, Merlin, and Mike. I explained our plan, and they came with us. We walked for about an hour and made it to the town. Once we made it, I stated, "Roxanne and I are going to hunt for a Vampire doctor and see if we get lucky." Mike responded, "Okay. We will get food for us, and we can take Merlin." Roxanne and I began walking along the main drag, which was jam-packed. The town was more touristy than expected because of a cruise ship port. I smelled something that reminded me of the restaurant we visited in the City Center. I followed the smell into an alleyway and up to a door. I knocked on it, and a peephole opened. The man, who appeared to be an Ogre, boomed, "What is your business?" I stated, "We need blood and to see a doctor for the baby." The door opened to reveal a large street market in a warehouse. We walked in, and the ogre pointed to the far corner of the large warehouse. We walked past vendors selling different things for all kinds of monsters. We walked into a shack in the back, and a man announced, "You must be Hank, Roxanne, and Landon. I am Doctor Dhanvantari." I gave him a suspicious look, and he reassured me, "I could feel the world shift the moment he was born. He is a special entity." 

Dhanvantari moved close to Roxanne and me, placing a hand on our shoulders. He then held out his arms, and Roxanne handed Landon over. He explained, "He is perfectly healthy but appears to be growing quicker than normal. That is why he is sleeping so much." I pressed, "I didn't tell you he was sleeping a lot." His eyes flickered white, and he continued, "Landon is extraordinary and Roxanne. You don't know how special you are, do you?" She proclaimed, "Nothing more than a Vampire." Dhanvantari illustrated, "Your father was a Phoenix." Roxanne looked scared. Dhanvantari returned Landon to her and soothed, "The Phoenix trait is recessive that didn't present on you, but due to Hank's relation to an original vampire, the trait has emerged. Landon will be unstoppable." I asked, "What does that mean?" He admitted, "This is the first time a Pheonix has been born with the Vampire virus, and I am not sure what will come of him, but he will inherit the full powers of a Pheonix when one dies." I wasn't sure what to feel. I looked at Roxanne, and she looked more scared than me. I eased, "It's going to be okay." Dhanvantari stated, "Hank is right, but just to be safe, please come see me every so often. I haven't seen anything this special in a very long time and want to see what happens." I shook his hand, and we left. Roxanne and I stayed quiet because we both had a lot to process.

I followed the scent of blood and walked into another shack, but it had a sign that read, "I am deaf. Please use the whiteboard inside." We went to the counter to find an older male Vampire arranging something on the shelf with his back to us. Roxanne handed me Landon, and she blew air in his direction. He turned around, and Roxanne signed to him. He smiled and signed back. He opened a massive cooler and grabbed a wooden crate. Roxanne pulled out a wad of cash and placed it on the counter. I handed Landon back to Roxanne, and I grabbed the container. We left the market and met Mike, Sabrina, and Merlin, who had a meat crate, in the main square. 

We walked back home, and once we entered, the hairs on my neck stood up. I altered "Something is here." Mike and Sabrina transformed into wolves, and they entered with Merlin. Roxanne was behind me and instructed, "Be careful." I nodded and went into the bedroom. I didn't see anything, but Roxanne yelled, "HENRY!" I pulled out my pistol and ran into the kitchen. Mike and Sabrina were barking at a man looking into our fridge, and Merlin was in front of Roxanne barking. The man turned around, and he had blue eyes. He pulled a gun with lightning speed and shot Merlin, Mike, and Sabrina. The three collapsed to the ground, and I attempted to shoot him with my pistol loaded with silver bullets, but I couldn't move or speak. He alerted, "Not so fast, big fella," and his voice sounded exactly like Hyde's. I mind-linked with Roxanne, "Are you and Landon okay?" Before she could respond, Hyde interrupted, "Roxanne and Landon are fine but frozen, just like you." I thought, "I'm going to fucking kill this guy." Hyde tempted, "No need for violence, Hank. Your friends and Merlin are safe but will sleep for a few hours. Without me, you wouldn't have met this gorgeous woman and created the most unique baby on earth. I'm sure you know who and what I am, but let me introduce myself. I am Caligo, but Hyde is a clever nickname. If I unfreeze you, are you going to be pleasant?" I thought, "It depends on what you have to say." He laughed, "I'm glad I chose you." He snapped his fingers, and Roxanne Landon and I unfroze. Roxanne ran into my arms, and I moved her behind me. Caligo continued, "I know I have much explaining to do, but before I continue, you need to trust me."