
Passion Princess wordlessly stared at the bald man across from her, her expression contorting into one of confusion. Dressed in a plaid red and white muscle shirt along with some khakis, Gold Boxer was having difficulty assessing the situation himself.

"And who are you?" the heroine asked after a few moments.

"W-well I'm Gold Boxer, ma'am, I'm a hero like yourself," he replied, where his skin became glistening as he activated his power and reverted it to solid gold. "I was asked to provide additional security protection for Asher here. But ah—do you two know each other? Because you seem to be very…very close."

Referring to the fact that Passion Princess was clinging to Asher tightly, her large breasts almost engulfing his head, the blonde superhero merely clutched the young man even tighter, despite the fact that he seemed to be squirming away.

"I remember you, you're that gold guy. I've seen you at The Range before," Passion princess nodded. "Yeah you're a cool guy, I recall you being the life of the party sometimes. That said, my relation to Asher here is none of your business. I care deeply for him, and—

"Brad!!" Asher yelled at the top of his lungs. "Help me!! I don't want this, tell her to let go of me!"

"W-what?" Gold Boxer chuckled nervously as he looked between the two people in front of him. "I'm confused. Is she like—your mistress, or something, Asher?"

"Asher!! Babe, what are you talking about?" Passion Princess replied, ignoring the other hero. "You're single, I'm single. What do you mean you don't want this?"

"Dammit, it's been like talking to a brick wall ever since I told you 'no' the first time," Asher wailed as he looked up at the towering woman. "I was so flattered at first, but then you started being creepy and harassing Priya and I. Enough!! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do not like you in any kind of romantic way. Please, just let me go, Passion Princess!"

"Asher…are you being serious, bro?" Gold Boxer asked.

"Yes!!" the young man cried as he managed to squirm out of the arms of Passion Princess, who now looked stunned and visibly hurt. "You wanted to know the real reason I had to come here? It was her!! I've been hiding out from HER! She's been relentlessly stalking me for weeks before this."

Gold Boxer merely stared in disbelief as Asher promptly ran to him and hid behind his large, solid body, before looking back at Passion Princess to see that her eyes were now glowing a brilliant blue.

"T-this is a joke, right? You guys working together to pull a prank on me?" the hero asked with a forced laugh. "Because Asher, man, this right here is the world's symbol of peace. She's saved us from 2 world-ending meteorites and a world war in this decade alone! But the way you're making it sound, she's been bothering you like a clingy ex-girlfriend."

"Its fine, I don't expect you to believe me," Asher relented. "She's obviously been very good at hiding this side of her personality. Whatever you do though, just please, please don't let her take me."

"Well of course not, Passion Princess is surely aware that you can't leave this place for your own safety," Gold Boxer replied as he looked towards the heroine. "Right, Ma'am?"

"Asher, let's go. You'll be safer with me," Passion Princess reiterated as she stepped towards both men. "Gold Boxer, was it? As Captain of the Hero Federation, I demand that you step aside and present that young man to me. I will offer him better protection at my island base."

"With all due respect, Ma'am, I cannot allow you to take him," Gold Boxer replied dutifully. "I understand that you two might want to have…fun, but if you want him released, you'd have to go through the feds. I have been assigned to make sure nothing happens to him, so unfortunately I can't allow him to be taken, even if it's by the greatest superhero in the world."

"I don't want 'fun' with her!" Asher repeated. "Just please, please, please don't let her take me!"

"Relax, buddy," the hero assured him. "She knows that, I guess she—

"ASHER!!" Passion Princess yelled, so loudly that the surrounding trees shook from the soundwave. "You come here right now. It's obvious that your ex-bitch Priya has poisoned your mind. How dare you deny me, you have no idea what's best for you! Ugh, I'm going to have to put some sense into you even if I have to fuck it into your mind. Come here, NOW!"

"W-what the fuck…" Gold Boxer stammered as he put one of his large arms up in front of Asher. "Are you…are you actually serious?"

"She is! Call for backup, get as many witnesses out here as possible!" the young man begged. 

"Asher, you're seriously pissing me off now," Passion Princess growled as she took several large steps towards the pair. "Gold man, you're a nice guy, but move aside this instant! Give me my man!!"

"Now, now let's calm down here for a second," the bald hero said as he put an arm to Asher's shoulder. "We're going to go back to my room and call the FBI agent that the phone inside connects to. We're going to explain the situation, and if—

"Nobody can know I'm here," Passion Princess continued as she clenched both her fists. "You're starting to piss me off too. Come, Asher, or you'll make me do something that I'll regret."

"We'll be going now, Miss Princess," Gold Boxer replied nervously as he herded the young man towards his farmhouse. "You're welcome to come in for a cup of coffee if you like, but Asher here needs to stay unless I receive further orders."

With that, the towering woman was upon the gold-skinned man, standing about an inch or two taller than him. They stared each other down, with Gold Boxer barely comprehending the normally-upbeat heroine's menacing and demanding demeanor. 

"Move aside, hero. That's an order," she warned. Asher remained hiding behind him.

"A-and I repeat, Ma'am, that I must follow the orders I received from the police to—

Gold Boxer was unable to finish his sentence as Passion Princess quickly grabbed one of the gold man's large arms, and with an effortless flick of her wrist, threw him over her shoulder with so much force that he flew into the surrounding forests, smashing through countless trees as he careened through the foliage like a cannonball.

"Brad!!" the exposed Asher cried in anguish as he watched his friend disappear from view.

"Relax, he's made of gold. He'll survive that easily," Passion princess scoffed as she loomed over her target. "Now as for you, babe, you have about 5 seconds to beg for my forgiveness, or I'll have to punish you."

Asher stared at the heroine, fight or flight kicking in, but having had enough trying to reason with her, opted to dash for the farmhouse. If he could just reach the phone, he'd be able to contact the FBI. If anything happened to him after that, they'd know who did it.

Unfortunately, the young man's assailant sped past him and stopped in front of the small house's front door, her eyes a fierce blue as she glared at him.

"I love you, Asher Avril, I'm only doing this to correct you," Passion Princess said as she abruptly lurched forward and punched Asher in the gut. Despite greatly restraining her power, the hit still sent the man flying backwards.

Landing on his ass, Asher coughed after having all the air knocked out of him, feeling like he just gotten hit with a pitch from a pro baseball player. Groaning in pain, he yelped as Passion Princess forced him to the ground and abruptly tore off his shirt, before pinning him on his back by his wrists and sitting her large, shapely butt onto his pelvis.

"My sweet boy," the heroine cooed as she dragged a hand across Asher's trembling chest, seeing his stomach reddening from the blow he'd received. "I'm sorry, but I have to correct you when you start talking nonsense. Now, I'll give you a second chance. Who do you belong to now?"

Before Asher could consider his next move, a deafening roar sounded from the forest. Scoffing, Passion Princess turned to see Gold Boxer charging out of the woods, his arms pumping as he sped towards her.

"YOU BITCH!" the hero yelled as he jumped at the caped women from over 30 feet away, landing in front of her and launching a fist at her head. "Let my buddy go!!"

Standing up to meet his advance, Passion Princess caught his punch in her smaller hand, stopping it as easily as she would a plastic bag blowing in the breeze. 

"Asher, I think she's being controlled by villain!" Gold Boxer explained as he threw his other fist at the super-powered woman, only for that hand to be caught as well. "You need to run and get help! I'll try to stall her!"

Nodding, Asher leapt to his feet, where he continued on to the farmhouse.

"Asher, honey, if you continue to defy me, I'll have to break you until you see things my way," the blonde hero growled as forced Gold Boxer's arms back, before delivering a devastating kick to his glistening chest that sent him flying far back into the field behind them. "Come back to me, NOW!!"

Horrified but resolute, Asher nearly kicked down the house's door as he searched for the phone with a god-like woman on his tail.