Desperate Escape

Reaching Gold Boxer's farmhouse, Asher almost broke through the door as he body checked his way inside. Scrambling past the numerous discarded bags of jerky and protein powder, the young man looked everywhere for the phone that would connect him to the supervising FBI agent. Sticking out quite easily, a red, old-fashioned LAN line was sitting in the kitchen unassumingly next to the toaster. As he ran for it with his hand outstretched, Asher's heart skipped a beat as a beam of blue light shot past him and hit the phone, where it promptly froze over and became encased in ice.

"Bad boy, you were about to tell on me," Passion Princess whistled from the doorway. "I know I should be used to it by now, but you're playing very hard to get, my dear. Why don't you make this a little easier for me and just come here?"

Panicking, Asher simply ran out of the kitchen, looking for a place to hide. Sighing, the stalwart heroine levitated and floated forward into the house, before casually busting through the wall into and the bedroom that her target had just fled into. Adorned with numerous weights, Gold Boxer's room featured a large king-sized bed and a closet, where Passion Princess decided to try the bed first and easily lifted the whole thing with one hand.

Finding nothing, she next floated over to the closet, where she almost began to smirk at the little game of cat and mouse.

"Come on, Asher, a man like you shouldn't be hiding there like a scared bunny rabbit," Passion Princess said as she yanked the door opened and found the young paramedic cowering in the corner of the small closet, trembling as his wide eyes looked up at her.

"G-get away from me!" Asher demanded as he held the small kitchen knife that he'd swiped from the counter and pointed it at her. "I'm not going anywhere with you! T-this is villain shit, why are you trying to take me against my will!?"

"We've been over this before, babe," the heroine explained matter-of-factly. "I want you, and because of all that I do for the world, I feel that I'm entitled to what I want. You should be honored, really. I've had billionaires offer me their whole fortunes to lay with me. Yet there you go…having the nerve to point a knife at me. Ugh, I'm going to punish you so hard for that."

"W-what are you going to do?" Asher whimpered. "Kill me?"

"Hahaha no, silly, but I can be a bad girl," Passion Princess grinned. "Like what if I locked you up and the only thing that I gave you to eat for 3 days was my pussy? Mmm can you imagine?"

"W-what the fuck!?" the young man muttered as he tossed the knife to the side. "O-okay, okay, maybe I'll go with you. But can I go pack my stuff at least?"

"Sure, even though I'd simply give you new shit to replace whatever you'd leave behind," the powerful woman replied. "And if you try to run again, then you'll lose your mobility privileges for a few weeks. I mean, I wouldn't mind confining you to my bed chambers, but I'm sure you'd much rather have access to the living room and kitchen at my base. Trust me, you'll love it."

"Y-yes ma'am," Asher nodded with a nervous smile as Passion Princess allowed him to pass. "I'm just grabbing my stuff real quick, you can even watch me."

His legs trembling as he walked across the clearing back to his own accommodations, Asher's mind scrambled in search of a plan. He was trapped. He'd managed to buy himself a minute or two, but as he half-heartedly began to pack his belongings into the bag that he'd brought with him, he struggled to come up with his next move. Reaching for his sketchbook, Asher snatched his pencil and rapidly began to write in it.

"Awe I almost forgot that you draw," Passion Princess commented as she stood a short distance away from the house. "Did you ever get around to drawing me? Oh! Do you still have my autograph?"

"T-that's probably in my smaller sketchpad at home," Asher replied nervously as he sneakily set the sketchpad on the rocking chair instead of putting it in his bag. "O-okay, I guess I'm—

The sound of footsteps thundering across the grass suddenly appeared as a blur charged towards Passion Princess. Stretching out his wide, muscular arms, Gold Boxer grabbed the caped heroine from behind and clutched her against his chest tightly.

"ASHER!!" the golden hero yelled. "RUN, RUN AND DON'T STOP!!"

Asher didn't need to be told twice. He immediately broke off into a desperate sprint towards the surrounding forest, pumping his arms as he ran as if his life depended on it. His chest aching while he soon became breathless, the young man disappeared into the foliage, nearly tripping as he cut through the underbrush.

"How dare you get between me and Asher," Passion Princess growled as she easily broke out of Gold Boxer's vice grip by stretching out her own arms. "Stay out of this. I don't want to have to hurt a fellow hero."

"It already hurts seeing you fall to such villainy, Miss Princess," Gold Boxer said as he snatched her cape next, tugging it backwards as he pulled her back towards him. "You're the world's symbol of hope and peace, yet here you are trying to kidnap a young man against his will. That's all kinds of fucked up. Who is controlling you?!"

"MY HEART," Passion Princess replied as her arm became a blur while she slapped the golden man's face with enough force to send him flying several hundred feet to the side.

With that, she hovered away and sped towards the forest to hunt for Asher like a hawk chasing a rat. Gold Boxer wasn't giving up, however, and quickly leapt back to his feet and charged after the airborne heroine. Running below her, he used the added strength from his gold body and leapt high into the air, where he was able to punch Passion Princess right out of the sky.

Crashing just in front of the forest, Passion Princess's eyes glowed blue as she rose up unharmed, but extremely pissed. Landing between her and the tree line, the gold-coated hero spread out his arms, determined to block her way.

"Sorry, but if you want Asher, you're going to have to go through me," Gold boxer panted, his body evidently in pain from the multiple hits he'd endured.

Passion Princess wordlessly stepped over to him, raised a trembling fist, and punched his chest at several times the speed of sound. The shockwave from the impact shook nearby trees as her arm and fist broke through and penetrated the glinting hero's body, her still-clenched fist emerging from the other side of his solid abdomen.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," the heroine winced as Gold Boxer coughed blood and dropped to his knees, in pain and critically injured. "Look what you made me do! I didn't want to do this!"

Pulling her now-bloody arm out of Gold Boxer's chest cavity, Passion Princess lifted into the air a few feet and charged into the forest after Asher. Breaking through trees as if they were made of paper, the resolute heroine used her super hearing to easily locate the panting, exhausted young man and sped towards him.

Unsure of where he was going, Asher whimpered in pain as he'd stepped on multiple exposed roots and had his body scraped up by wayward twigs and branches. He didn't even know what hit him as Passion Princess came up behind him and smashed into him like a cruise missile.

"Mmppphhh!! Mmmmphhhh!" Asher cried as he found himself wrapped up in his stalker's arms, one of her hands around his throat and the other covering his nose and mouth.

"Shhhh go to sleep, baby, go to sleep," Passion Princess whispered in his ear as she blushed deeply, before kissing his neck and starving his lungs of oxygen just long enough to knock him unconscious. "And when you wake up…your new life with me begins."