
"Ugh, why me?" Hae grumbled, exiting the hall to find the trio waiting for him. Mingyu seemed particularly irked.

"What's with the long face, little guy?" Hae asked, approaching Mingyu.

"Just annoyed at how quickly things are progressing, and you," Mingyu retorted.

"Upon hearing this, Hae instantly grasped what Mingyu was implying. "You know, I might play the fool at school, but no one in that hall was taken aback by my prowess. They're already familiar with what I'm capable of."

"Well, it's clear to all of us that most of the seniors were also looking quite vexed. It was only the newcomers who were taken by surprise," Xiang added.

'I didn't think they were going to showcase me so soon, but what can I do? I'm simply extraordinary,' Hae-Yun mused to himself.

"Since it's the first day, they're letting you guys leave early so get back to your dorm," Hae announced. "You'll receive your timetable tomorrow," he added, attempting to make a quick exit.

"Where are you off to?" Yìchén inquired, trying to keep up.

"Training!" Hae yelled, before teleporting to where he sensed Mae Noi.

The seniors nearby, exasperated, slapped their foreheads in unison. "HAE-YUN, what are we going to do with you?" they lamented, their voices echoing in the now quiet hall. Their expressions were a mix of amusement and frustration, a testament to the whirlwind of emotions that Hae-Yun often stirred within them. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as they watched Hae-Yun's retreating figure with resigned smiles.

In the blink of an eye, Hae activated his teleportation spell. There was a brief flash of light, and then he was gone, his figure disappearing into thin air. The next moment, he reappeared in the first hall - the Training Hall. The sudden change in scenery was disorienting, but Hae had grown accustomed to the sensation. 

"Oh, so now you realize there's no safe word in this training?" Haein taunted, hovering menacingly over his opponent.

"I…I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Annya stammered her bravado from a moment ago replaced with fear.

"Well, I have to finish this off-" Haein began, but before he could complete his sentence, an unseen force intervened. Haein's words were cut short as an unseen force suddenly teleported him to the other side of the hall. He found himself standing at a distance from Annya, his sentence left unfinished. The abrupt change in location was disorienting, but it didn't deter him. He steadied himself.

"I did mention no fighting, even if I arrive late. Is this how you treat newcomers?" Hae-Yun retorted, his voice echoing through the hall as he addressed Haein.

"But you're not the boss," Haein shot back, nonchalantly strolling back to his original position.

"Ah, well, I may not be the boss, but I'm close. Do you want to risk your life?" Hae challenged, materializing a sword out of thin air with a flick of his wrist. The threat hung in the air, a clear warning to anyone who dared to cross him. The training hall fell silent, all eyes on the unfolding standoff.

Just as Hae-Yun, was about to lunge forward, his sword poised for an attack on Haein, a hand shot out from the side. The hand was delicate yet firm, belonging to Yesil, She grabbed the hilt of the sword, causing it to vanish into thin air. The sudden disappearance of the weapon left Hae-Yun momentarily off-balance, his arm swinging through empty space.

Yesil used this moment to her advantage. With an agile leap that spoke volumes of her training, she closed the distance between them. She landed lightly on her feet, her face mere inches away from Hae-Yun's.

Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she looked at him, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Wow," she drawled, her voice low and teasing. "Is it just me or do your lips seem even more kissable up close?"

His cheeks flushed a deep red at Yesil's audacity. He was not one to be easily swayed by flattery, especially not in the middle of a training session.

With a huff of exasperation, he shot back, "In your dreams, Yesil." Then, with a swift movement that caught Yesil off guard, he pushed her away. She stumbled back a few steps, her surprised expression eliciting chuckles from the onlookers.

Hae-Yun straightened up, his annoyed expression quickly replaced with determination. 

Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the hall, reverberating off the stone walls. The sound was so unexpected and jarring that it instantly brought all activity to a halt. Conversations ceased mid-sentence, movements froze in place, and all eyes turned towards the source of the noise. The hall, once filled with the buzz of activity, fell eerily silent. Everyone held their breath, waiting for what would happen next.

Suddenly, the master's voice boomed through the hall, "Hmm, Yesil, a penalty for you and Haein and Annya. Next time, it will be a death penalty." His words echoed ominously, causing a chill to run down everyone's spine.

"But we didn't do anything!" Haein, Annya, and Yesil protested in unison. Their voices filled the hall, their indignation clear.

Yesil, her cheeks flushed with anger, added, "And what did I do? I just arrived!" Her voice was sharp, her frustration evident.

The master simply raised an eyebrow at their protests. "Just be quiet, will you? There's still time before training starts. Why are you already fighting?" His words served as a stern reminder of the discipline expected in the hall.

"Sorry," everyone echoed, their voices filled with sincerity. They bowed in unison, a gesture of respect and apology towards the master.

The master nodded, acknowledging their apology. He then cleared his throat, preparing to address them. "So, let me talk now," he murmured, his voice carrying an air of authority that demanded attention.

"The only reason you guys are training is to go and explore outside the Kingdom's border," he began, his gaze sweeping over each of them. His words hung in the air, a reminder of the purpose behind their rigorous training.

He paused for a moment before continuing, "And if you can't even work as a team…" His voice trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. But the implication was clear - teamwork was crucial for their mission. Without it, they stood no chance of succeeding in their exploration beyond the Kingdom's border.