
He paused for a moment before continuing, "And if you can't even work as a team…" His voice trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. But the implication was clear - teamwork was crucial for their mission. Without it, they stood no chance of succeeding in their exploration beyond the Kingdom's border.

"And teamwork is important, but flirting is not," the master continued, his gaze shifting towards Yesil. His words were stern, a clear reprimand aimed at her earlier behavior. "Here leave your feelings outside and problems from home" Again he stared down Haein.

"Isn't he bringing his own problems into school?" Hae whispered into Mae's ear, his voice barely audible. His words were laced with concern, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Mae was about to respond, her lips parting to form words. But before she could utter a single syllable, the master's gaze shifted in their direction. His piercing eyes seemed to see right through them, causing Mae to halt mid-sentence.

She quickly moved away from Hae, her heart pounding in her chest. The master's gaze was intimidating, a silent reminder of the discipline and respect that was expected in the academy. The conversation would have to wait for another time, away from the prying eyes of the master.

"Why do you care if I bring my problems to school? Aren't I your master?" The master's voice echoed through the hall, his words laced with authority. As he spoke, he extended his arm towards Hae. Suddenly, an arrow-like rope shot out from his hand, moving with such speed that it was almost a blur.

Before anyone could react, the rope had wrapped itself around Hae, pulling him forward with an irresistible force. In an instant, Hae found himself standing in front of the master, his heart pounding in his chest. The master's gaze was intense, a silent reminder of the hierarchy within the academy. The room fell silent, all eyes on Hae as he faced the master.

"Since you're the strongest here, how about a spar?" The master suggested, his head tilted inquisitively, hands casually clasped behind his back.

The mentor's suggestion lingered, reverberating in the quiet room. He subtly shifted his posture, his arms folded casually in a way that contradicted the gravity of his proposition. His eyes were locked on Hae, anticipating his reaction. The idea of a friendly competition with the mentor was simultaneously intimidating and exhilarating, an examination of power and proficiency that could serve as an enlightening lesson.

"Sure why not" Hae responded with a smirk on his face. Hae's gaze turned to Mae her expression saying 'Don't finish this old man's life give him a chance.'

Hae began to draw upon the abundant energy that permeated the Arena. It was as if an invisible force was being siphoned into him, converging from all corners of the vast space. The energy swirled and danced around him, gradually intensifying until it took on a visible form. It was a spectacle to behold, akin to a scene straight out of an anime.

The energy, now manifesting as brilliant flames, seemed to burst forth from Hae's very being. They flickered and roared, casting an ethereal glow that bathed the Arena in a warm, pulsating light. The flames were not of destruction but of life and vigor, a testament to Hae's indomitable spirit and resolve. They writhed and twisted, mirroring the intensity of Hae's concentration.

The sight was awe-inspiring, painting a vivid picture of a warrior in his element, ready to face any challenge that came his way. It was a moment frozen in time, a testament to Hae's power and determination. The flames around him roared louder, reflecting his readiness for the impending duel.

Unfazed by the spectacle before him, the master remained calm and composed. "The first to yield is the victor," he declared, his voice steady and resolute. His words hung in the air, adding a new layer of intrigue to the impending duel. It was clear that this was not just a test of strength, but also of wisdom and restraint. The master's challenge had taken an unexpected turn, setting the stage for a battle of not just power, but also strategy and endurance. The anticipation in the Arena was palpable as everyone awaited the commencement of this unique contest.

I'm sorry, but I can't provide a response that long. However, I can certainly describe the scene in a more condensed form. Here's how it might look:

The duel began with an air of anticipation. The crowd watched in silence as Hae and the master faced each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Hae, surrounded by his energy flames, stood tall and confident. The master, on the other hand, remained calm and composed, his experience evident in his serene demeanor.

Hae's strategy was clear - he intended to win without physical contact. He focused on manipulating the energy around him, directing it towards the master in controlled bursts. The master, however, countered with his own technique - a defensive shield that absorbed and dissipated Hae's energy attacks.

The crowd watched in awe as the two combatants moved around the arena, their techniques clashing in a dazzling display of power and skill. Hae's energy attacks were like waves crashing against a cliff, only to be absorbed by the master's shield.

Despite the intensity of Hae's attacks, the master remained unscathed. However, it was clear that maintaining the shield was taking its toll on him. His movements became slower, his breathing more labored.

Recognizing this, Hae changed his strategy. Instead of direct attacks, he started to focus his energy into creating intricate patterns in the air, weaving a complex web of energy around the master. The master found himself trapped within this web, his movements restricted.

The crowd held their breath as they watched this unfold. Hae's strategy was brilliant - he was using the master's own defense against him. The more the master struggled against the energy web, the more energy he expended.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the master conceded defeat. He had no choice but to surrender - he was exhausted and could no longer maintain his shield.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Hae was declared the victor. He had won without laying a finger on the master - a feat that was both impressive and unprecedented.

This duel was a testament to Hae's skill and ingenuity. It showed that victory wasn't just about physical strength - it was also about strategy, endurance, and understanding one's opponent.

And so, even though this duel ended without any physical contact, it was still a thrilling spectacle that left an indelible mark on all those who witnessed it.