
And so, even though this duel ended without any physical contact, it was still a thrilling spectacle that left an indelible mark on all those who witnessed it.

We separated, and I returned to my original position. "What you witnessed here is the strategy you should employ against your adversaries in the outside world. Remember, your opponents will be human, and your goal is not to eliminate them, but to gain control over them," the master articulated.

Everyone gazed at the master in confusion, yet no one dared to question him. "The outside world is composed of layers and various passages. Our preparation is focused on the first layer, which you should already be familiar with from your experiences in the dome. The levels you've completed will aid you in navigating this layer," he explained.

"There are several layers that we don't know, fighters from other regions have already explored some sides of it now it's our turn all I'm going to ask now is to level up your skills" He finished off before disappearing off into thin air. leaving everyone confused.

"Are we supposed to practice?" Haein asked, turning towards Hae-Yun.

"Yes, that was the instruction. It would be best if you formed groups and started practicing. Remember, don't leave the arena. You have 2 hours left," Hae replied before he began selecting his team members.

Everyone promptly began their tasks, aware that even in the master's absence, his watchful eyes were still upon them. 

"Why don't we finish what we started?" Yesil proposed, her voice echoing determination. With a swift, practiced motion, she drew out her weapon. At first glance, it appeared to be a simple rod, unadorned and unassuming. Yet, those who knew better understood its deceptive simplicity. The rod was not just a weapon; it was a testament to Yesil's prowess, an extension of her will. It held potential for much more, its true power concealed within its humble exterior. The air seemed to hum with anticipation as Yesil gripped the rod, ready to unleash its hidden capabilities.

"I don't mind," Hae responded nonchalantly. Despite his relaxed demeanor, there was a readiness in his eyes. His hands remained casually tucked in his pockets, betraying no sign of concern or agitation.

The air was thick with anticipation as Hae-Yun and Yesil faced each other in the arena. Their eyes locked, each assessing the other, calculating strategies and predicting moves. The crowd watched in silence, the tension palpable.

Hae-Yun, his hands still nonchalantly tucked in his pockets, stood relaxed. His calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the intensity in his eyes. He was a picture of tranquility amidst the brewing storm. Yesil, on the other hand, held her rod weapon firmly, her stance radiating determination and resolve.

The fight began with a swift move from Yesil. She lunged at Hae-Yun, her rod slicing through the air with a whistling sound. Hae-Yun sidestepped smoothly, his movements fluid and effortless. He was like water, flowing around Yesil's attacks without directly confronting them.

Yesil didn't let up. She launched a series of rapid strikes, her rod a blur of motion. Each attack was met with a deft dodge or parry from Hae-Yun. He moved with an uncanny grace, his body swaying rhythmically to avoid Yesil's relentless onslaught.

Then came a change in strategy. Hae-Yun went on the offensive. His hands shot out of his pockets, revealing a pair of gleaming short swords. The crowd gasped as he launched into a flurry of attacks, his swords dancing like silver lightning.

Yesil parried and dodged, her rod deflecting Hae-Yun's swords with resounding clangs. She moved with agility and precision, her weapon serving both as a shield and a lance. But Hae-Yun's attacks were relentless, his swords weaving an intricate web of steel around Yesil.

In an unexpected move, Yesil spun her rod above her head and slammed it into the ground. A shockwave rippled outwards, throwing Hae-Yun off balance. Seizing the opportunity, she lunged at him, her rod aimed straight at his chest.

But Hae-Yun recovered quickly. He twisted out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding Yesil's attack. His swords flashed as he counterattacked, forcing Yesil to retreat.

The fight reached its climax as both fighters gave their all. Sweat dripped from their brows as they exchanged blows, their weapons clashing with resounding echoes. The people watched in awe as they witnessed a display of skill and strategy that was nothing new after watching for a bit everyone went back to doing what they were doing.

In the end, it was Hae-Yun who emerged victorious. With a swift and precise strike, he disarmed Yesil, sending her rod flying across the arena. Yesil stood panting heavily, her eyes reflecting defeat but also respect for her opponent.

"Good effort, huh?" Hae remarked, extending his hand towards the spot where Yesil's rod had landed. In an impressive display of control, the rod teleported from its location into his hand. He then offered it back to Yesil, a respectful acknowledgment of her valiant effort.

The arena was once again filled with tension as Haein and Mae-Noi stepped into the spotlight. Haein, known for his fire abilities, stood tall and confident. His eyes flickered with the same fiery intensity that he commanded. Mae-Noi, on the other hand, was a master of crystals, a rare and formidable ability that made her a formidable opponent.

The fight began with a dance of fire and crystal. Haein launched the first attack, a wave of fire roaring towards Mae-Noi. She responded by raising a wall of shimmering crystals, deflecting the flames with ease. The crowd watched in awe as the fire reflected off the crystals, creating a dazzling light show.

Mae-Noi retaliated with an attack of her own. She manipulated the crystals to form sharp projectiles, launching them towards Haein. He dodged and weaved through the barrage, his movements agile and swift. His control over fire allowed him to create a protective barrier, incinerating any crystal that came too close.

The fight escalated as both fighters pushed their abilities to the limit. Haein's flames grew hotter and more intense, while Mae-Noi's crystals became larger and sharper. They moved with speed and precision, their attacks and defenses perfectly timed.

However, midway through the fight, something unexpected happened. Haein lost control over his fire ability. His flames, which were once controlled and precise, became wild and erratic. The temperature in the arena skyrocketed as the flames raged uncontrollably.

Mae-Noi tried to defend herself against the onslaught of fire but it was too much. The heat was so intense that her crystals began to melt upon formation. She could only watch in horror as Haein struggled to regain control.

Then came the explosion. A massive ball of fire erupted from Haein, engulfing the arena in a blinding light. The shockwave sent everyone flying back, their screams drowned out by the deafening roar of the explosion.

When the dust settled, Haein was on his knees, panting heavily. His clothes were singed and his skin was red from the heat. He looked up at Mae-Noi with apologetic eyes but she simply nodded in understanding.

Mae-Noi's ability to manipulate crystals was indeed rare. She could form them into any shape or size she desired, from sharp projectiles to protective barriers. Her control over this ability was so precise that she could even alter the properties of her crystals, making them as hard as diamond or as flexible as rubber.

Haein's fire ability was equally impressive. He could generate and control fire at will, manipulating its intensity and direction with ease. His flames were so hot that they could melt steel and incinerate anything in their path.

However, this fight revealed a flaw in Haein's ability: his control over his fire was not absolute. When pushed to his limit, he risked losing control over his flames, resulting in dangerous and unpredictable outcomes.

Despite this setback, both fighters showed great sportsmanship. They helped each other up and congratulated each other on a good fight.