Learning more

Despite this setback, both fighters showed great sportsmanship. They helped each other up and congratulated each other on a good fight. 

"Two hours have passed," Annya declared loudly.

"That time certainly flew by, go back to your rooms," Mae Noi suggested, Making her way out and everyone followed.

"Currently, it's 5:00. I need to check on the old man," Haein muttered to himself. He promptly exited the school building and, without any delay, teleported himself back home.

Hae-yun's house, nestled on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, was a sanctuary amidst the wilderness. The house itself was a quaint, two-story structure, its wooden exterior weathered by time and elements. The roof was covered in moss, blending seamlessly with the surrounding forest. The windows, though small, offered breathtaking views of the dense foliage and the creatures that called it home.

The surroundings of Hae-yun's house were as intriguing as they were intimidating. To the north, the Forbidden Forest stretched out as far as the eye could see, its dense canopy hiding the mysteries within. To the south, a small stream meandered its way through the landscape, its gurgling waters providing a soothing soundtrack to the otherwise silent surroundings.

As dusk fell, Hae-yun made his way towards his house. His footsteps were light on the forest floor, barely disturbing the carpet of fallen leaves beneath his feet. His eyes were alert, scanning his surroundings for any signs of danger.

The path to his house was a winding trail through towering trees and underbrush. Despite its treacherous nature, Hae-yun navigated it with ease, his familiarity with the terrain evident in his confident strides.

As he neared his house, Hae-yun could see the warm glow of lights from within. The sight brought a sense of comfort and relief. He quickened his pace, eager to reach the safety of his home.

Finally reaching his doorstep, Hae-yun paused for a moment to appreciate the serenity of his surroundings. With a sigh of contentment, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, leaving the wilderness of the Forbidden Forest behind him.

Hae walked in seeing the man on the couch.

The old man was sprawled out on the couch, his body so still and peaceful that he could easily be mistaken for being in an eternal slumber. His chest rose and fell rhythmically, the only sign of life in his otherwise motionless form. He was wrapped snugly in a blanket, its soft fabric adding to the illusion of tranquility.

The couch, a vintage piece of furniture with worn-out upholstery, had molded itself to the old man's form over the years. It was his favorite spot in the house, a place where he could rest and reflect in solitude.

The living room was a cozy space filled with an eclectic mix of furniture. A large bookshelf stood against one wall, its shelves filled with books of various genres. A small coffee table sat in front of the couch, its surface cluttered with newspapers and magazines.

Despite its rustic exterior, the interior of the house was surprisingly modern. The walls were painted a warm cream color, creating a stark contrast with the dark wooden beams that supported the ceiling. The flooring was made of polished hardwood, its surface gleaming under the soft glow of the overhead lights.

Adjacent to the living room was the kitchen. It was a compact space equipped with all the necessary appliances. The countertops were made of granite, their dark surface contrasting beautifully with the white cabinets above and below.

Next to the kitchen was the dining area. A round wooden table sat in the center, surrounded by four matching chairs. A large window overlooked the forest outside, its view changing with each passing season.

A narrow staircase led to the upper floor of the house. Here, there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. Each bedroom was simply furnished with a bed, a wardrobe, and a small desk.

Hae-yun's room was a reflection of his personality - minimalistic yet comfortable. His bed was neatly made, and his desk was organized meticulously. A few personal items were scattered around, giving the room a lived-in feel.

The bathroom was clean and functional. It had a shower cubicle, a sink with a large mirror above it, and a toilet. The tiles on the floor and walls were white, giving the room a bright and airy feel.

Despite its proximity to the Forbidden Forest, Hae-yun's house had a warm and inviting atmosphere. It was clear that it had been well-loved and cared for over the years. The house might have looked simple from the outside but it held a certain charm that made it feel like home. 

Hae approached the man, shaking him vigorously. Despite his efforts, the man remained motionless. Hae pulled the blanket off the man and exclaimed, "Did you finally die?" The man, however, merely rolled over, snatching the blanket back from Hae's grasp. "Oi, let me sleep. We'll talk later," the old man grumbled, clearly annoyed, before drifting back into sleep.

Despite the old man's gruff words, Hae chose to sit on the floor in front of the couch where the old man lay. Hae-Yun could sense that the old man was still awake, his intuition honed from years of familiarity. Yet, Hae remained silent, his gaze fixed on the old man. He watched him carefully, not making a sound. Minutes ticked by slowly, each second stretching into an eternity. After about ten minutes of this silent vigil, Hae's expression morphed into one of annoyance.

Believing that Hae had left, the old man opened his eyes to check. However, he was met with Hae's intense gaze, causing him to startle. "Oh, what are you still doing here?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"We need to talk," Hae responded his tone now serious.

"About what?" the old man questioned, although he had some inkling of what was to come.

"In a week, we are setting out to explore the first layer outside the city," Hae began to explain. "So, do you want me to leave you here and go, or should I stay?"

Upon hearing this, the old man started chuckling. "I can live by myself. I am your teacher, after all," he retorted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"You're certain you remember what happened last time?" Hae attempted to jog the old man's memory, but his words were met with laughter.

"Haha, I still remember how amusing that was," the old man responded, clearly not taking the situation seriously.

Hearing this, Hae realized that the old man wasn't going to take the conversation seriously. His tone was light and dismissive, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation. It was clear that convincing him would be a challenge.

Hae rose from his seated position. "I'm going to head back. I won't be coming home for a while," he announced, making his way towards the door. With a firm push, he closed the door behind him, the sound echoing through the quiet house.

"I'll be waiting," the old man called out, his voice trailing off as he settled back into his slumber.

Hae-Yun began his journey back to the school, his steps echoing in the quiet night. The path was familiar, yet each step felt heavy with the weight of the conversation he had just had. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting long shadows that danced with his every move.

As he neared the school, the forest gave way to a more urban landscape. The school buildings loomed in the distance, their silhouettes stark against the night sky. The path was well-lit, guiding him toward his destination. He could see the school gates up ahead, a beacon in the darkness.

At the school gates, a couple of security guards stood watch. They were alert, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. Their presence was a reassuring sight, a reminder of the safety and order that awaited him within the school premises.


As Hae-yun approached the Grand Academy, he was met with the imposing sight of the main entrance corridor, Aegis Avenue. Lined with statues of notable alumni, it was a testament to the legacy of the institution. The security guards at the entrance recognized him and nodded in acknowledgment, allowing him to pass.

The Academy was known for its tight security and magical traps. Hae-yun, however, was well-versed in navigating these challenges. He deftly maneuvered past the enchantments that guarded the entrance, his movements precise and practiced.

Once inside, he made his way down Basilisk Boulevard. The corridor housed laboratories for magical creature studies. The faint sounds of mystical creatures echoed through the hallway, a reminder of the fascinating subjects taught within these walls.

Next, he traversed the Celestial Causeway. This corridor connected the astronomy tower to the main building. He glanced up at the tower, its silhouette stark against the night sky.

His path then led him to Dragon's Drift, a winding corridor leading to the Arena of Valor. He could hear distant sounds of training from the arena, a testament to the dedication of his fellow students.

He then strolled down Elysium Esplanade, a peaceful corridor with a view of the central courtyard. The tranquility of this area was a stark contrast to the bustling energy of Dragon's Drift.

His journey continued along Frostfire Freeway, which led to elemental magic classrooms. The air here was charged with energy, a testament to the powerful magic practiced within.

Passing through Gorgon's Gallery, he admired the display of historical artifacts and relics. Each item told a story of magic and history intertwined.

Hydra Hallway was next on his path. This corridor is connected to aquatic magic training rooms. The faint smell of seawater hung in the air, a reminder of the diverse forms of magic taught at the Academy.

He then ascended Icarus Isle, an elevated walkway leading to the flight training area. From here, he could see students soaring through the sky on enchanted brooms. His path led him through Jade Junction next. This corridor was decorated with precious stones and led to geology classrooms. The glinting gems added a touch of elegance to his surroundings.

He then descended into Kraken's Krevice, an underground tunnel leading to subterranean studies. The cool dampness of this area was a stark contrast to Jade Junction's warmth.

Navigating Labyrinth Lane was next - a maze-like corridor used for navigation practice. His familiarity with this path made it easy for him to find his way.

Finally, he arrived at Merlin's Mile - the longest corridor lined with portraits of famous wizards and witches. Each portrait seemed to watch him as he passed by.

At last, he reached Dorm Building D12 - his destination. The four-story structure stood tall against the night sky. He made his way up to his room on the first floor.

By the time he had reached his room, he ran out of energy he quickly opened the door made his way in.