I was wrong again

By the time Hae-yun had reached his room, he was completely drained. His energy was sapped, and his legs felt like lead. He pushed open the door to his room, the hinges creaking slightly under the strain. As he stepped inside, he was met with a scene of camaraderie. The trio - Xiang, Yìchén, and Mingyu - were sitting in a small circle on the floor, their faces lit up with laughter. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice Hae-yun standing at the doorway.

"Do you want to know what he said to me next?" Xiang asked, her face flushed with excitement. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she recounted her tale, her hands gesturing wildly for emphasis.

Yìchén looked up at her, his face a mask of calm. He was trying to hide his annoyance, but the slight furrow in his brow gave him away. "Yes, what did he say?" His voice was devoid of boredom but laced with a hint of fatigue. It was clear that he had been listening to Xiang's story for a while.

"He said I smok-" Xiang started to say but was cut off abruptly.

Xiang was about to continue when she was interrupted by Mingyu's gaze. It was fixed on Hae-yun like a laser beam. His eyes were intense, almost piercing in their focus. Hae-yun felt a sudden urge to retreat but managed to take a step forward instead.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" Hae-yun asked, trying to sound casual as he settled down next to them.

"Oh, we were discussing last year's witch trials and the people I met," Xiang replied. Her voice held a note of nostalgia as she reminisced about the past.

"Hmm, I didn't go last year. The headmaster made me stay behind. I wish I could have gone," Hae-yun murmured to himself. He then got up and climbed into the bunk bed. "I call dibs on the top bunk!" he announced before laying down comfortably.

Upon hearing Hae-Yun's declaration, everyone sprang into action to claim a bed. Yìchén quickly claimed the one beneath Hae-Yun's, while Xiang scrambled to the top bunk of the other bed. Mingyu left with the remaining option and took the lower bunk under Xiang. "Ahh, now I can keep an eye on him," Hae-Yun mused aloud, his gaze fixed on Mingyu.

The lights turned off and after 2 hours everyone was fast asleep except for Mingyu who was still wide awake there was a light from his side a blue light. From where I was lying I couldn't make out anything except a book with some unrecognizable writing the only words I could make up were:

丈亜入子亜人 小四 入一干 天

Which meant 'January's night.'

"Hmm, why does that sound so familiar?" Hae-Yun pondered, his thoughts interrupted by a sudden loud thud. Startled, he quickly got up from his bed.

"Ha, I knew you were watching me," Haein declared, poking his head out from the lower bunk before swinging his legs down onto the floor. His words were laced with a hint of amusement.

"Uhh yeah, I couldn't sleep that's why 'little guy', " Hae replied trying not to sound surprised.

"I'm not a spy or something Not going harm you so stay calm," Mingyu said pulling up a genuine smile. "Do I really sound or look that mean?" Little guy questioned looking curious.

"Well yes your gaze creeps the shit out of me" Hae responded to the question setting up properly.

"Ugh just why do you know I got these habits from my father, he was a really scary man I wonder what's he doing now" Mingyu wondered to himself a sad kinda expression pulled up on his face.

"So your dad went out of the city too?" Hae-Yun questioned.

"Yes good yes eh" Mingyu's personality changed completely.

"Well that makes me wonder what your power is" Hae thought out loud.

"It's right in front of you, my power" Mingyu responded to the question before pulling his legs back up and getting comfy to sleep.

"What do you mean?" Hae asked even more curious now but seeing Mingyu was ignoring him while pretending Hae shut his mouth and got back to sleep.

As the moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the Grand Academy, everyone in Dorm Building D12 was fast asleep. The only sounds that could be heard were the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. In this tranquil setting, Mingyu quietly stirred from his slumber.

He carefully slid out from under his blanket, taking care not to disturb the peaceful slumber of his roommates. His movements were slow and deliberate, like a shadow moving in the night. He tiptoed across the room, avoiding the creaky floorboards he had memorized over time.

Once he reached the door, he gently turned the knob and eased it open. The hallway outside was dimly lit, with only a few lanterns casting long shadows on the stone walls. Mingyu stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him with a soft click that was drowned by the silence of the night.

He then began his journey towards the back of the academy. The path was familiar to him - he had walked it countless times under the cover of darkness. He moved with a sense of purpose, his footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridors.

As he walked past classrooms and laboratories, memories of daytime hustle and bustle seemed like distant echoes. Now, these spaces lay dormant, shrouded in darkness and silence. Yet, there was a certain serenity in this solitude that Mingyu found comforting.

Upon reaching the back of the academy, he was met with a vast expanse of open space. The moonlight bathed everything in a soft glow, making the dew-kissed grass shimmer like a sea of tiny stars. In this ethereal setting, he noticed a lone figure sitting on the far wall.

"Hey, I'm here!" Mingyu called out, his voice slicing through the silence of the night. The figure turned at his shout, their attention now focused on him.