"Hey, I'm here!" Mingyu called out, his voice slicing through the silence of the night. The figure turned at his shout, their attention now focused on him.

"Oh finally, what took you so long?" Souta asked, looking back at Mingyu.

"Nothing fell asleep midway," He replied, sitting by Souta. "So how's home?" He asked, gazing at Souta's worried-looking face.

"Fine, not that bad," He replied, erasing his expression upon noticing Mingyu's concerned face.

"So why did you call me?" Mingyu questioned, his eyes wandering over the serene view of nature.

"I had something to give you, that's why," Souta said, reaching deep into his pocket. "There you go," He said, pulling out a necklace and handing it to Mingyu. The necklace was a simple yet elegant piece of jewelry. It had a small silver pendant hanging from a thin chain. The pendant was intricately carved with an ancient symbol that held significant meaning for Mingyu.

"Oh, where did you find this?" Mingyu asked, holding the necklace up to the moonlight. The silver pendant gleamed softly in the dim light. "I thought I lost it."

"Haha, you don't need to know where I found it," Souta let out a chuckle before standing up. "Go now, I will come when I can," Souta said before vanishing into the night.

"Well, that was quick," Mingyu muttered to himself as he got up. He attempted to teleport, but a screen suddenly materialized in front of him. "Shit, I ran out of teleportation points. Guess I have to walk," he murmured under his breath. With a resigned sigh, he began his journey back on foot, stealthily making his way towards the front gates and slipping inside unnoticed.

After a long journey, Mingyu finally reached his room. He tip-toed back in, careful not to make a sound. Luckily, no one stirred from their sleep. He let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the quiet night.

(Skip to the morning)

"Heeeey, waaaake up everyone!" Xiang shouted at the top of her lungs, aiming to rouse Hae-Yun from his comfortable cocoon of blankets.

"Hey-" She was cut off mid-sentence as the blanket suddenly went flying, causing her to jump back in surprise. Hae-Yun sprang out of bed with lightning speed, a blue light enveloping him as he dashed into the bathroom. In a blink of an eye, he was back out, his clothes miraculously changed and his hair… well, it had changed color.

Hae extended his hand, and a beam of light shone down on it. Suddenly, four pieces of paper materialized in his grasp. Without wasting a moment, he swiftly handed them over to the trio.

"Alright, these are your timetables. Don't lose them, okay? I have to go now," He explained hastily before rushing out the door. The trio glanced at their timetables for a moment, taking in the schedule of classes and locations. After a while, they each went their separate ways.

"No, not again! Why is it ALWAYS ME?" Hae-Yun complained, his voice echoing through the corridors. He rushed out of the gate and sprinted towards the Dome, his footsteps pounding against the cobblestones. All around him, heads turned in annoyance, their quiet morning disrupted by his frantic dash. But Hae-Yun was too focused on reaching his destination to notice the disgruntled looks. His timetable fluttered in his hand.

With a stealthy grace, Hae-Yun slipped inside the room. He observed his classmates standing in a neat line, their attention riveted on the new teacher. Moving with the quietness of a shadow, he tip-toed behind his peers, successfully avoiding any attention. He found a spot between Haein and Mae and squeezed in, blending seamlessly into the crowd.

Just as he thought he had gone unnoticed, the teacher's voice rang out, "Hae-Yun!" The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards him. Hae-Yun froze, caught in the act. But as the teacher recognized him, a look of realization crossed her face. She quickly retracted her words, "Oh, my apologies Hae-Yun." She bowed in apology, a gesture of respect that left the room in stunned silence.

The students could only stare at Hae-Yun with wide eyes. But what caught their attention wasn't the teacher's sudden change of attitude. It was Hae-Yun's hair. It was no longer the vibrant color they had seen earlier. Instead, it was a pristine white, as pure and gleaming as fresh snow under the morning sun. 

The teacher, a seasoned master with years of experience, resumed the lesson. His voice echoed through the room, commanding yet gentle, as he began to delve into the intricacies of various fighting styles.

"Each fighting style," he began, "is unique and has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's not just about physical strength or speed, but also about strategy, understanding your opponent, and using the environment to your advantage."

He moved to the center of the room, his movements fluid and graceful. "Take martial arts for example," he said, demonstrating a series of moves from different disciplines. "Karate focuses on striking techniques, such as punching, kicking, knee strikes, and elbow strikes. Judo, on the other hand, emphasizes throws and grappling."

As he spoke, he seamlessly transitioned from one style to another - a high kick from Taekwondo, a defensive stance from Kung Fu, a swift Aikido throw. The students watched in awe as he moved with an ease that spoke of years of practice and dedication.

"But what makes our academy unique," he continued, "is the integration of magic into these styles." He raised his hand and a soft glow enveloped it. "Magic can enhance your physical abilities, making your strikes more powerful or your movements faster."

He demonstrated by sending a gust of wind across the room with a swift punch into the air - an application of elemental magic. Then with a swift movement, he disappeared from sight and reappeared at the back of the room - a demonstration of teleportation magic.

"However," he cautioned, "magic is not a tool for you to rely on solely. It is an extension of your own skills and should be used wisely. Over-reliance on magic can lead to arrogance and carelessness."

"Let me introduce you to a unique technique, known as 'January's Night'," the teacher began, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper, adding an air of mystery. "This is a secret glitch technique, used exclusively within the confines of the Dome."

He paused for dramatic effect, his eyes scanning the room. "January's Night is not just a technique; it's an art form, a dance between the physical and magical realms. It begins with a stance as silent and still as a winter's night in January, hence the name. The user must find their inner calm, their center, amidst the chaos of battle."

"Once this state of tranquility is achieved," he continued, "the user channels their magic into a concentrated point. This creates a glitch in the fabric of reality, allowing them to manipulate time and space within the Dome. It can be used to dodge attacks, appear behind the opponent, or even launch surprise attacks."

"But remember," he warned, "this technique requires immense control and precision. A single misstep can lead to unpredictable consequences. It's one of a kind, not to be taken lightly."

The room was silent as the students absorbed the gravity of his words.

"That's it," Hae-Yun nudged Mae, a hint of realization in his voice.

"Yeah, well, you missed half of the lesson. We're moving on now," Mae replied briskly, her focus already shifting to the next part of the lesson.

Suddenly, a memory surfaced in Hae-Yun's mind. It was from last night - the book that Mingyu had been engrossed in. A sense of familiarity washed over him as he connected the dots. "Oh, so that's why it sounded familiar," Hae-Yun murmured to himself, a soft smile playing on his lips as the pieces fell into place.