Actual training

The teacher's voice echoed through the room, a stern command breaking the usual chatter. "I want you to get into teams," he announced, his gaze sweeping over the sea of students. "You are going to go into the dome, but you won't be completing any levels," he finished, turning on his heel and striding away, leaving a trail of confusion in his wake.

A collective gasp filled the room, followed by a chorus of bewildered voices. "Wait, that's it?" they questioned aloud, their eyes darting around the room before landing on Hae-Yun.

Caught off guard by the sudden attention, Hae blinked in surprise. "Why are you looking at me?" he mumbled, feeling a flush creep up his neck.

"Because you know everything," came the synchronized reply from his classmates.

"And the teacher's pet," Yesil chimed in with a smirk, earning him a glare from Hae.

Hae's face turned a shade darker. "Oh well, do everything yourself then," he retorted, his voice laced with annoyance. In a blink of an eye, he teleported into the dome. "What do I even do for the teacher that makes me the pet? I'd rather swallow a screw," he grumbled to himself as he waited for everyone else to join him in the Dome.

Back in the classroom, Haein looked around in confusion. "Now where did he go?" he wondered aloud.

Mae Noi rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. "Well of course the Dome, where else?" she said with a hint of sarcasm before making her way to the Dome too, leaving Haein standing there with a puzzled expression.

As the last of the students materialized in the Dome, a white line of light began to scan the area. Starting from the bottom, it slowly rose, illuminating their faces in an eerie glow. This was an unusual process, unlike anything they had experienced before. As the light completed its scan, figures and objects began to form around them. Then, as abruptly as it had started, everything plunged into darkness.


A strange sensation overcame me. I could feel my body lifting off the ground, carried by an unseen force. A sudden breeze brushed against my skin, and then my feet touched down again. But the ground beneath me felt different - soft and mushy. The darkness lifted as suddenly as it had descended. Blinking against the sudden light, I opened my eyes to a sight that sent a chill down my spine… A bloody battlefield stretched out before me.

I cautiously turned around, my heart pounding in my chest. The sight that met my eyes was a chilling tableau of death and destruction. Bodies lay strewn across the battlefield, their lifeless eyes staring into the void. The acrid smell of blood hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the violence that had unfolded. It stung my nostrils and made my stomach churn with unease.

Suddenly, a screen materialized in front of me, its glow cutting through the gloom:

Objective: Navigate through the battlefield, evading or confronting any enemies that cross your path.

Key Task: Locate a door that matches the color of the Dome gates. This is your ticket to completing the level.

Time Limit: You have 40 minutes to complete this task. Time is of the essence.

Level Ranking: Extreme. This level will test your skills and endurance to their limits. Prepare for a challenging journey.

Warning: If killed by enemies you spawn into another dimension 

The screen disappeared as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the daunting task ahead.

I could spot none of my teammates which meant everyone was still inside the Dome but in their own spaces. 

(3rd person)

As Hae-Yun stood on the blood-soaked battlefield, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. He could feel the mana pulsating around him, a raw energy that seemed to hum with life. It was a stark contrast to the death and destruction that lay before him.

With a determined look in his eyes, Hae-Yun began to move. His steps were measured, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of movement. He didn't have to wait long. From the corner of his eye, he saw a creature lurching towards him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen - a grotesque amalgamation of limbs and teeth, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

Hae-Yun didn't flinch. Instead, he reached out with his senses, feeling for the mana that swirled around him. He could feel it responding to his call, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. With a swift motion, he gathered the mana and the blood from the fallen bodies around him, forming a swirling vortex of energy.

The creature lunged at him, but Hae-Yun was ready. With a flick of his wrist, he directed the vortex towards it. The energy enveloped the creature, crushing it under its immense pressure. There was a moment of silence, and then the creature disintegrated into nothingness.

But there was no time to celebrate. More creatures were closing in on him, their roars filling the air. Hae-Yun reached out again, this time drawing on the dust particles in the air. They swirled around him, forming a makeshift weapon in his hand.

With a battle cry, Hae-Yun charged at the creatures. His weapon cut through them like butter, leaving nothing but dust in its wake. One by one, they fell before him until there were none left standing.

Exhausted but victorious, Hae-Yun looked around at the now silent battlefield. But his victory was short-lived. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the air, and Hae-Yun turned just in time to see a massive creature emerging from the shadows.

He barely had time to react as it lunged at him. He raised his weapon to defend himself but it was too late. The creature's claws connected with his chest and sent him flying backward.

As he lay on the ground, gasping for breath, he could see the door - his only way out - slowly closing in front of him. He reached out towards it but it was too far away.

With a surge of determination, Hae-Yun reached out with his senses, tapping into the residual life force of the fallen bodies beneath him. The bodies, once lifeless and inert, began to stir. They came together, forming a platform beneath him, lifting him off the ground. It was a macabre sight, but Hae-Yun didn't flinch. He focused on his goal - the door.

As he rose higher, he could see the door moving further away. But he didn't panic. Instead, he used his ability to manipulate the energy around him, propelling himself towards the door.

Just as he was about to reach it, a screen popped up in front of him. It read: "Only one person can pass through the door." The words echoed in his mind, a cruel twist to an already dire situation.

The same message appeared in front of the others. Shocked expressions painted their faces as they read the words. Mae-Noi and Yesil were panting heavily, their bodies covered in sweat and grime from the battle. Their clothes were torn and bloodied, but they stood tall, refusing to give in.

The others were in similar states - tired and battered but unbroken. They stood outside the door, their eyes filled with determination and resolve.

Suddenly, Haein's voice echoed through the Dome. "We can talk!" he shouted, his voice filled with surprise and relief. His words hung in the air, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. It meant they could share their ideas and work together to find a way out of this level. but the question was how if only one person passed through the door that would mean everyone would be teleported to a different dimension.