Law Of Angles

The unexpected presence of angels was a startling revelation for both Mingyu and Hae. Their faces mirrored their confusion and curiosity, their minds buzzing with unanswered questions.

Hae squinted, his mind racing as he tried to recall if he had committed any transgressions. In their world, angels only appeared to issue warnings, and they would only disappear once the person had acknowledged their mistake. Hae had experienced this phenomenon three times before, and each time, it was the same set of angels.

In their world, humans and angels shared a unique bond, a connection that was facilitated by the City Lord. Despite being the ruler, the City Lord remained an enigma, even to his own children. His power was used solely for the maintenance of the city, ensuring its smooth functioning. Despite the mysteries and uncertainties, the system worked flawlessly, standing as a testament to the City Lord's capabilities.

Hae's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but he couldn't pinpoint what he might have done wrong. Meanwhile, Yìchén and Xiang were engrossed in their playful interaction with Estelle, oblivious to the tension in the room. Mingyu, on the other hand, chose to ignore the situation, his attention absorbed by his phone.

Annoyed, Hae turned to Mingyu. "Hey, what's the time?" he asked, his voice cutting through the room's silence. As he spoke, one of the angels descended, hovering in front of his face. To Hae, the angel appeared blurry, almost transparent, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

Mingyu glanced at his phone before responding, "It's 5:15." His voice was calm.

The angel's sudden disappearance left Hae and Mingyu in a state of confusion. The room was filled with a palpable silence, the echo of the angel's departure still lingering in the air.

"Did you even do anything?" Mingyu asked, breaking the silence. His voice was filled with curiosity, his eyes reflecting his confusion. "From what I can see, the angels seem used to seeing your face."

At Mingyu's words, a memory surfaced in Hae-Yun's mind. It was a reminder of how his father always checked up on him, a comforting presence in his life. The memory brought a sense of familiarity to the situation, a connection to his past that seemed to make sense of the angel's visit.

As Hae spoke, he suddenly realized that the cheat in the first level was duplicating the door, which counted as cheating. This was the only reason why they were sent to the glitch level. His words were cut off as he tried to process this. "What happened?" asked Mingyu, noticing Hae's sudden stop. "Nothing. Did you say it's 5:15? Let's go down and eat something," Hae stuttered. "You three, come on," he said, getting up from the bean bag and heading to the door. Meanwhile, Mingyu and Estelle both said in unison, "I'll stay behind," and gave each other a sideways stare. "OK," Xiang shouted, pulling Hae and Yichén's arms. Hae quickly gave Estelle a little stare, indicating, "Bro, what are you doing? Leave him alone," and then closed the door behind him.

Estelle flew to the bean bag where Hae-Yun had sat before, plopping herself down. "We haven't talked yet, so let me ask you, how many times have you been out there?" she asked before transforming into her human form. Her short blue dress turned long into a purplish color. The dress flowed down, and her flower crown turned colors too. Mingyu gazed at Estelle for a bit with a somewhat angry look, then looked back at his phone. "You're not making any sense," he replied.

Estelle raised one eyebrow, about to speak when Mingyu interrupted her. "Why are you pretending to be a fairy, 'witch'?" he interrogated, turning his phone off, his attention now focused on Estelle.

"Hmm, well, I can't tell you that. Just think of it as a power," she replied. "And you don't belong here, so what are you doing here?" she added.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Stop asking me weird questions," Mingyu demanded, still not moving an inch.


"Shit, shit, what the fuck, Estelle. I told you not to," Hae thought in his head, following Yichén and Xiang around. "I bet Mingyu is going to get angry and start a fight," he added to his thoughts.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, they finally arrived at the magnificent food hall. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the sight of a towering ceiling, adorned with a magnificent chandelier that shimmered in the light. 

The ceiling was incredibly high, and it made the space feel even more grandiose. The chandelier was truly a work of art, with its crystal droplets that sparkled and reflected the light in a mesmerizing way. 

As they walked further into the hall, they were greeted by the aroma of delicious food that filled the air. The hall was bustling with people, all enjoying the vast array of dishes that were on offer. 

The seating area was just as impressive, with comfortable chairs and tables that were arranged neatly around the room. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings and intricate carvings that added to the grandeur of the hall.

The food was nothing short of spectacular, with a range of flavors and cuisines to suit every taste bud. From the spicy curries to the mouth-watering desserts, every dish was carefully prepared and presented with the utmost care.

The seating area was spacious, and it provided the perfect ambiance for a relaxing meal. The sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that made them feel right at home.

Xiang, Hae-yun, and Yichin quickly grabbed their food and sat down at a nearby table. As they started eating, Xiang couldn't help but notice the newly designed hall while they were coming here.

"Have you guys checked out the art gallery?" Xiang asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Hae-yun and Yichein looked at each other, then back at Xiang.

"No, we haven't. But we heard it's quite impressive," Yichein said, taking a sip of water.

"It's amazing, actually," Xiang said, taking a bite of his sandwich. "The new LED lights give the hall a futuristic feel, and the sound system is top-notch. It's definitely worth checking out."

Hae-yun nodded in agreement. "I heard they also added a new art installation. I'm excited to see it."

Yichein smiled. "Looks like we have a date to check out the newly designed hall. Thanks for bringing it up, Xiang."

The three continued to chat about the hall as they finished their lunch.