Secret odd one out

The three continued to chat about the hall as they finished their lunch.

(Meanwhile Mingyu)

"Umm, a normal mage wouldn't be able to do something like you did. Even Hae-Yun couldn't figure it out, and he's on a higher level than you. And before you say it, I know that you don't have to be on a higher level but-" Estelle paused, reflecting on her words, aware that Mingyu would seize upon something she had just said.

Mingyu fully turned around, his gaze fixed intently on Estelle, a small smirk playing on his face. "How do you know anything? You weren't even there," he challenged, then quickly added, "And is Hae-Yun dumb? You only arrived when we were at the entrance."

"Don't you dare bring Master into this! Do you even know who he is?" Estelle shouted, transforming back into her fairy form, her face as red as a tomato.

Mingyu chuckled and asked, "So, how old are you?" Upon hearing this, Estelle took a step back, took a deep breath, and squinted, fixing her posture. "Why is that important to you?" she replied. "I don't know, I just need to know," Mingyu replied before standing up and walking closer to Estelle looking her up and down and looking for a second before sitting back down. 

"Let's keep what we know between us," he said, noticing Estelle's confused face. He gazed back before comfortably plopping himself down again.

"Ok," Estelle sighed "So I'm sure you know who Hae-Yun is then right?" She questioned tilting her head and nonchalantly flying towards Mingyu who was now just staring into space. 

"right" she asked again but this time Mingyu gave an annoyed look.

"Yeah I know who he is, The only son of Seong-Min and that's the only reason I hate him" He murmured rolling his eyes a bit "So tell me what's your relationship with him?" He asked turning towards Estelle who was hovering over his head even more smaller in size now.

"Well, I wasn't planning on telling so soon but whatever," Estelle thought to herself before making herself comfortable on Mingyu's shoulder "This is going to be a long one," She said before starting to explain


"From the start, Hae-yun was alone even his father couldn't care of him and his father was a two-faced fucking idiot. Hae-Yun's mother was a beacon of light in his life, a woman of unparalleled kindness and warmth. She was his rock, his guiding star, and his source of comfort. But her life was cut short by the cruel hands of fate, orchestrated by none other than Hae-Yun's own father."

(On the outside, Hae-Yun's father was a man of honor, respected and admired by all. He was known for his philanthropy, his willingness to help those in need. But beneath this façade of benevolence, he harbored a dark secret. He was a man consumed by greed and power, a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his sinister goals.

His most heinous act was the betrayal of his own wife. He tricked her, manipulated her, and ultimately led her to her untimely demise. The news of her death sent shockwaves through the community, leaving Hae-Yun devastated and alone.)

(!st per perspective)

"Ugh, it's raining again, and today of all days - the day of the funeral," Hae-Yun muttered to himself, gazing out of the enormous window. This marked the 26th day of his solitude. The maids seemed to be ignoring him again. At first, he thought it was for no apparent reason, but then he realized it was his father's order. First, they took his mother away from him, and now they were isolating him. To add to his misery, he hadn't eaten for the past few days. He felt wrong, for he hadn't done anything to deserve this. His heart ached with the injustice of it all.

"Guess I need to get ready," He said quickly running out of the library and sneakily down the hallway to his room. The room was basic with just a bed and a few posters here and there on the walls and in the corner of the room stood a small old wooden wardrobe it was his mother's but since it was the only thing left of his mother he decided to keep it as a memory.

Hae-Yun quickly pulled out a plain black shirt and pants from his wardrobe. He dressed swiftly, his movements mechanical and devoid of any enthusiasm. Once done, he gazed out of the window at the large church in the distance, which was bustling with preparations for the funeral.

With a roll of his eyes, he turned away from the sight. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror once, his face a mask of indifference. Without another moment's hesitation, he ran out the door, leaving the solitude of his room behind. The day was far from over, and he had a funeral to attend. His heart was heavy, but he was determined to face whatever came his way. After all, it was the least he could do to honor his mother's memory.

(Hae's perspective)

I sprinted down the long staircase, catching sight of the maids gathered in the hall. As I arrived, I noticed them all dressed in identical black dresses. They glanced at me with a hint of regret before averting their eyes. "Young master, please follow us. We'll lead you," one of the maids instructed before they began to move out.

I trailed behind them, exiting through the large doors into the expansive front garden. The garden was filled with black roses, now wilting under the onslaught of the heavy rain. "Gotta make this quick," I muttered to myself.

Outside the palace, the area was teeming with people, their faces etched with sorrow. We made our way into the church, where a large coffin lay in the middle, blanketed with a multitude of flowers.

I took a moment to look around before my gaze settled on the large coffin in the middle. For some reason, I didn't feel like crying. I tried to force the tears, aware of the many eyes scrutinizing me. I turned my face away, and as I did, I found myself locking eyes with a fairy. The unexpected encounter made me recoil slightly. I quickly finished paying my respects and darted out the door, noticing the fairy trailing behind me. The day was far from over, and it seemed I had just met a new companion amidst the sorrow.