
The sight of these creatures was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks. Their horrifying appearance, coupled with their predatory movements, made them a formidable presence on the level. It was clear that these were not mere obstacles to be overcome; they were deadly adversaries that could strike at any moment. 

Hae-Yun, Yesil, and Haein stood as still as statues, their breaths held in anticipation. They dared not move an inch, their bodies rigid with tension. The monstrous creatures that roamed this level were not just adversaries; they were harbingers of death. Their sole purpose was to eliminate any enemies that dared to intrude upon their territory.

These creatures were not just horrifying to look at; they were deadly. If they caught you, they would rip you apart with their long, razor-sharp claws. But their most terrifying ability was their special technique. If they spotted you, their glowing red eyes had the power to rip out souls. This horrifying ability earned them the nickname 'Soul Eaters'.

The Soul Eaters had a pattern. They would appear every 2 minutes, their forms materializing out of the darkness. Then, just as suddenly as they appeared, they would disappear, leaving behind an eerie silence. It was a deadly game of hide and seek, a test of their patience and courage. 

(Extra info will come in handy)

(Indeed, the level "The Bloodcurdling Abyss" is designed to test the players to their limits. With no clues or descriptions provided, the players are left to navigate the horrifying landscape on their own. This lack of guidance adds an extra layer of difficulty to the level, pushing the players to rely on their instincts and observational skills.

Sometimes, the level is designed to go on indefinitely, creating an illusion of an endless nightmare. The players, engrossed in their struggle for survival, often fail to realize this. The level becomes a test of endurance, a battle against not just the 'Soul Eaters', but also against time and their own fears.)

Hae's plan was clear and concise. "So here's the plan," he began, his voice steady despite the horrifying creatures lurking nearby. Yesil and Haein turned their attention away from the monsters, focusing on Hae's words.

"First, we wait for the two minutes to finish and wait for the entities to disappear," he explained. The plan was simple: they would use the creatures' pattern to their advantage. "Then, we slowly follow the moon while doing that keep counting two minutes in your head, and then when the 2 minutes are up you hide behind the tree again."

He paused for a moment, a shiver running down his spine as he felt something far off gaze at them. But he quickly shook off the feeling and continued, "And keep doing this until we are right under the moon and we'll know we are under it because there will be a beam of light."

"That's the plan for now," Hae confirmed, his gaze shifting upwards to the moon. The celestial body was now a vibrant shade of red, casting an eerie glow on the landscape. He turned back to Yesil and Haein, his expression serious.

"Aren't we forgetting someone?" Haein asked, his eyes meeting Hae's.

"Oh yeah, where's Estelle?" Yesil chimed in, her head tilting slightly. "She was right behind you."

The mention of Estelle brought a pause to their conversation. They looked around, realizing that the fairy was nowhere in sight. 

"Oh, but she isn't a fairy in this level," Haein chimed in, a note of realization in his voice. "And this level…" He trailed off, the implication hanging in the air.

"Oh, you guys remembered too?" Hae questioned a hint of relief in his voice.

"Well, who would forget that?" Yesil replied, her gaze shifting behind them. "Let's not waste time. We can go now," she commanded, stepping out from the shade of the tree.

In front of the towering oak tree, a labyrinth of paths stretched out, each one leading to a different part of the Bloodcurdling Abyss. The team quickly sprinted towards the path, their hearts pounding in their chests. But the faster they ran, the further away the path seemed to be, as if it was an illusion, always just out of reach.

However, when they stopped, the path was right under their feet, as if it had been there all along. 

"It's a bit different this time," Hae murmured, coming to a halt. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the changes. "But the way is still the same," he added, a determined look on his face. With a swift movement, he took a sharp turn to his left and darted behind a tree. Yesil and Haein followed closely, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

The entities reappeared in a flash, their forms materializing out of thin air. But this time, they were on the move, their bodies darting around as they searched for prey. Seizing the opportunity, Hae dashed forward, his movements swift and silent. He slid behind a tree just as an entity turned its head in his direction.

Yesil quickly climbed the tree, her eyes scanning the area below. After ensuring it was safe, she jumped back down, grabbing Haein's hand. Without wasting a moment, they made a run in the opposite direction, their hearts pounding in their chests. 

"Why the fuck are you grabbing me for? Let go!" Haein hissed at Yesil, his voice barely above a whisper. He shook his hand, trying to loosen Yesil's grip.

Meanwhile, Hae-Yun was on the other side, his gaze fixed on Yesil and Haein. "Just 3 more minutes till my teleportation skills regenerate," he murmured to himself. But something was off. He could hear a timer in his head, counting down from 20 minutes. "The time is going quickly, but why can I hear a timer of 20 more minutes in my head… Shit, it's making me go crazy," he muttered, pressing his palm to his forehead in frustration. The level was taking its toll on him, the constant tension and fear starting to mess with his mind.