Just how long

"The screen was a paradox, an infinite expanse within a finite frame. My mind, however, was a ticking time bomb, with just 10 minutes to detonate. I found myself grappling with an existential question - would our existence be snuffed out when my mental countdown reached zero? This time, the circumstances were tinged with an unfamiliar hue. A longing to meet the queen was nestled in my heart, but our immediate task was to endure, to survive, to outlast the relentless march of the timer. A thought flickered - could there be a clandestine mission hidden in plain sight?" I mused to myself.

"However, for now, urgency is key," I concluded, my gaze darting from right to left, scanning the surroundings. With a surge of adrenaline, I dashed towards Haein and Yesil, their figures a beacon in the distance.

"HOLD ON, YOU IDIOT! IT'S BEEN TWO MINUTES, THE MONSTERS ARE ABOUT TO RE-EMERGE!" Haein's voice echoed through the air, a desperate warning aimed at Hae who recoiled at the intensity of his words.

In the blink of an eye, the monsters reappeared. However, they seemed to disregard Hae-Yun, simply passing by him. Yesil and Haein, sensing the imminent danger, swiftly sought refuge behind a nearby tree, their hearts pounding as they hid from the monstrous creatures. They dared to peek out from their hiding spot, their eyes landing on Hae-Yun. He stood there, a picture of relief painted across his face as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

"Wait what…how?" Haein whispered, disbelief etched in his voice.

"Did you forget? Hae-Yun possesses a multitude of powers and has successfully completed this level several times," Yesil responded with a hint of amusement in her tone.

"But why are we back here? We were just in the Arena. And where was everyone else going" Haein queried, confusion clouding his features.

"Perhaps this is a test," Hae-Yun suggested quickly teleporting behind Haein.

"Ahh, where did you come from" Haein questioned jumping a bit but quickly settling down.

"Teleportation exists you know anyways this time this level isn't that dangerous so after 5 minutes we will be teleported back since then just hide" Hae informed getting into place.

"but don't you think there is a side quest" Yesil questioned

"Na I don't think so this level is just a fake" Hae replied.

A few minutes later, they were teleported back into the arena. The transition was instantaneous, but the change in scenery was drastic. From the barren, monster-infested landscape, they were now standing in the heart of a winter wonderland. The arena had transformed into a spectacle of beauty and magic, bathed in the soft glow of a thousand twinkling lights.

Snowflakes, delicate and unique, began to fall from the sky, each one a tiny masterpiece of nature's design. They danced and twirled in the air, catching the light and sparkling like diamonds before they settled on the ground, creating a pristine white blanket that covered the arena.

High above, witches flew around on their broomsticks, their silhouettes illuminated against the dark sky. Their laughter echoed through the air, a merry sound that added to the festive atmosphere. The witches were preparing for their annual festival, a grand celebration that marked the end of the year and the beginning of a new one.

It had been two weeks since they were in the fake level, and the memory of it seemed like a distant dream. Now, they were back in the real world, amidst the hustle and bustle of the witches' festival preparations.

The arena was alive with activity. Stalls were being set up, selling everything from magical potions to enchanted trinkets. Witches were busy decorating their homes, hanging lanterns and fairy lights that added to the overall charm of the place. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, a tantalizing promise of the feast that was to come.

In the midst of all this, Hae-Yun, Haein, and Yesil stood, taking in the sights and sounds of the festival. The beauty of the arena, the falling snow, the beautiful lights, and the flying witches - it was a sight to behold, a moment to be cherished.

"Wait how long has it been?" The tree questioned at the same time looking around in confusion.

"wait... wait let's get out of here" Yesil directed before dashing towards the gates. "You lot come then" she shouted and the other two followed behind. 

After a strenuous journey through the snow, the tree was finally brought inside the school. The building had been transformed into a magical wonderland, awash in a sea of purple. The long chandelier that usually hung in the main hall had been replaced with shiny purple orbs, casting a soft, ethereal glow throughout the room.

The orbs shimmered and twinkled, reflecting off the polished floors and casting dancing shadows on the walls. The school, usually a place of learning and discipline, had taken on a festive air, filled with laughter and cheer.

The tree, now safely inside, stood tall and proud in the center of the hall. It was a symbol of the season, a beacon of hope and joy in the heart of the school. As the students passed by, they couldn't help but stop and admire it, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation for the celebrations to come.

"Alright, let's head back," Hae-Yun suggested, his voice echoing in the grand hall. Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and darted towards the staircase. His footsteps echoed through the hall, a rhythmic beat that was soon lost amidst the festive chatter.

With a burst of energy, he sprinted up the stairs, his figure disappearing into the upper levels of the school. The others watched as he vanished from sight, a sense of anticipation filling the air. They knew that when they returned to their dorms, they would find them transformed, just like the rest of the school, ready for the grand celebration that was about to begin. With a final glance at the beautifully decorated hall, they followed Hae-Yun's lead, heading towards their dorms.

The door swung open with a bang, revealing Hae-Yun standing in the doorway. Inside the room, Mingyu and Iselle were in the midst of a heated debate, their voices echoing off the walls. They were arguing about where to place the decorations, each one having their own ideas about what would look best.

On the window sill, Xiang and Yìchén were sitting quietly, each holding a warm cup of hot chocolate. The steam from their cups curled up into the air, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room.

The sudden entrance of Hae-Yun brought a momentary silence to the room. All four of them turned to look at him, surprise evident on their faces. The argument between Mingyu and Iselle came to an abrupt halt, and even Xiang and Yìchén looked up from their cups.

For a moment, everyone just stared at Hae-Yun, taken aback by his sudden appearance. Then, as if on cue, the room burst into laughter, the tension from the argument dissipating instantly.

"Why are you all laughing?" Hae-Yun asked, his voice echoing in the room. The laughter that had filled the room just a moment ago died down instantly, replaced by a sudden seriousness. Everyone turned to look at Hae-Yun, their expressions changing from amusement to curiosity. It was as if they were seeing him in a new light, their friend who had just burst into the room, causing a stir. The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the heater and the occasional clink of the hot chocolate cups. The atmosphere had shifted.