The Cat Is Out, But Not Out Of The Bag.

Emily could have well prayed that the ground should swallow her whole. She kissed Jake and Verona walked in?! Did she see them??

She cleared her throat and straightened her posture. "Uh, I--I should go now. The documents, Lara needs them..." if she said she knew what she was saying, she might have well called herself a liar.

Jake on the other hand was pissed that some random lady would walk right into their moment of reunion, and ruin everything!

"Who are you?" Jake asked, frowning at Verona. 

It was Verona's turn to become tense. "Hi! Uh, I--I work here and I'm the--"

"And what gives you the right to barge in like that without waiting for an approval from me?" He asked again not letting her land.

Emily blinked. "Uh, Ja--Mr. Jake, I think that--"

"What are you even still doing here, you filthy thing." Verona hissed. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Jake that this thing here is bothering you--"

"You're the one who's bothering me." Jake replied, his tone still conveying anger.

Emily wished she knew what to do. Verona was head over heels for Jake and Jake...well her whole presence disgusted him! Especially since the prank she pulled off the day before. But she needed to save Verona's ass by standing up for her, else, Jake would say things so mean to her she would never forget.

"You think I don't remember you?" Jake said, eying her with disdain. "The other day when you were trying to turn everyone's back against hers?" He pointed at Emily.

Emily sighed in frustration. "Jake, I don't think that you should--"

Verona seemed confused...then ashamed. "I-- the other day, I mean, Emily's just an intern! Why are you so concerned about her."

Jake let out a loud scoff. "Can you just hear yourself now? What part about you respecting her did you not hear yesterday? In the next few days, she's going to be my P.A. Give her a few years to come and she could be your damn boss! You should respect her."

Emily's brows arched as she stared at Jake with surprise. Why was he standing up for her? It was...unlike him.

"I'm sorry...I just thought that..." Verona cried out. 

"Leave my office, young woman." Jake ordered.

Emily's palm hit her forehead and she gritted her teeth. This wasn't supposed to happen...Verona will kill her after this!

"But I'm sorry..." 

"Out." Jake was pointing to the door now. "Come on, leave us."

With one wicked growl towards Emily, Verona stormed out the room slamming the door behind.

Emily could not hear her own heart beating anymore and she had to pause to bring herself back to reality. She blinked and blinked, hoping maybe she was in a really bad dream and everything that had just happened would all be a lie.

Jake's heavy fist on the table shook Emily back to her senses. 

"It was not a dream..." her brain said to her.

"Can you believe that? What a weirdo." Jake said, particularly to get a feedback from Emily. "Hey Em, can you believe that? This is why I need you to be close to me so I can protect you--"

She shut her eyes tight and heaved in a heavy sigh, then these breathes became shorter and rasp, and now fast paced like she was having an asthma attack.

It all bursted out into a thundering rage.

"Can you see what you've done, Jake!" She demanded, forcing Jake to stop talking. "No, Jake, can you!? You've ruined my life!" Without waiting to hear another word from him, Emily rushed out eager to get far away from his presence. 

"Damn it, Jake. You've killed me!" The voices in her head chanted as she ran out.

Jake brought his hands to his waist as if waiting for Emily to run back in and tell him everything was just an act. He saved her from that lady...why was she getting mad at him!?


"Verona, wait up!" Emily ran forward till she was arm's length with her cousin's shoulders. "Verona, stop!" Her hand rested on Verona's shoulders, forcing her to a halt.

Verona yanked her hand off her immediately. "Don't touch me, you filthy thing!"

Emily sighed, trying to catch her breath. She'd been running for a short while now. 

"Listen to me, please." She said, and when she finally had her cousin's attention, Emily had no idea what to say!

"You are the most filthy thing I have ever come across--"

"Listen, I can explain--"

"Shut it!" Snapped Verona. "You told me that you would get me a date with Mr. Jake, and yet, there you were flirting with him and saying bad things about me!" Verona groaned. "Of course I should have expected such a slum behavior from you--"

"Really, it's not what you think, Verona!" Emily tried to explain. 

Verona frowned, folding her arms beneath her breast and with a stern look, raised her gaze to meet Emily. She was a few inches shorter than her cousin which for some reason annoyed her.

"I'm listening." She said sharply. "What in the world can you say that will make me pardon such stupid act of yours? Come on, tell me."

What could Emily say? That she was Jake's wife? That technically, they were still married since their divorce hadn't been official yet?

She sighed and caressed her forehead. "Verona, you have to listen to me--"

"I knew it. You knew I liked him and you just couldn't get him out of your mind, could you? Damn it, you slut!" 

With one last look of disgust fired at Emily, Verona turned and was walking away. "Make sure to say your goodbyes now because you won't be coming back here next week!"

Wait...what? No way!

"Verona, wait." Emily cried out. This made her cousin spare a few seconds waiting for what next she had to say. Emily cleared her throat. "I'm sorry there's been some sort of misunderstanding, but," she couldn't bring herself to spill out the secret.

Verona's brows arched, "but what?"

"Jake and I used to be married before. He's my ex-husband and he's trying...he's trying to come back!"