
Verona scoffed. She hadn't heard her cousin well. "You...and?... Mr. Jake? Ha!"

Emily rolled her eyes. "You don't believe me? Damn it, Jake isn't that much of a big deal. Why do you think I would lie about that!"

Verona stopped to take a really careful look at Emily, studying her with a serious look. Then she advances closer until their nose almost touched. 

"Get your bags and leave, you filthy asshole!" 

After the whole drama, Emily ran out to make one phone call. She didn't have anywhere to go to!

After several calls, Clara finally picked up. "What? Why have you been ignoring my messages, Emily? I need money, haven't your stupid company paid up already?!"

"Wait what? Mom, what do you mean? I haven't started to receive salary! I just started the job for crying out loud!" Emily complained. 

How could her mother be so selfish? Could Clara even be her real mother...

"Then why have you called me!" Clara barked out, not hiding that she'd been angry now.

Emily sighed loudly. Wait...hold on, she could use this to her advantage!

"Mom, mom there's a problem. And it's for the two of us!"

"Oh my goodness, Emily. What the hell have you done again?!" Clara asked. 

Emily swallowed. "My cousin Verona, you know she hates me, right? And so does your sister--"

"--just get on with the point!" Emily yelled out. "Whether they hate you or not, that is their problem. We all have options to like someone or not...or..." she stopped abruptly, then a loud gasp followed.

"Have you become so useless that how they've chased you out just like Jake did?"

Emily's heart sank deep in pain but she managed to control her emotions. She cleared her throat. 

"It's worst, mom. It's your aunt Barbara. She wants me never to receive my salary. She says I should become a cook, and Verona wants me to be a cleaner."

"And so?" Clara coughed.

"Wait, you don't get it. Imagine working as a cleaner or a cook and I get paused $100 dollars per week. But then imagine me working here at a fine firm and I bet paid a thousand dollars every month! You alone could get half of my salary, mom."

If seemed like it worked because Clara gave a long 'hmmm'. Emily patiently waited for what her reply would be. Then after a short whole, Clara spoke again.

"I'll speak to Barbara. Don't ever resign in that company! You finally have a shot at being useful for once to me, and Barbara dares to mess this up? Never!"

A satisfying smile worked it's way over to Emily's face. 


At home that evening, it was as silent as a graveyard. Maybe even more quiet because the air too was sad and reeked of sadness for some reason.

Only Emily was the one in a celebration mood. Her mother had spoken to Barbara not to chase her out, and certainly, neither her aunt nor cousin had been too happy about it.

In her room, Emily had a change of thought. She needed to make things right, so she decided to write a letter. An apology letter.

As she made some scribbling on her book, her mind occasionally went to the kiss she shared with Jake, and the memory always left a smile forming on her lips. 

She couldn't remember the last time Jake had been that romantic with her.

Finally, she was done with the letter so she went to Verona's door. With a silent knock, she alerted her presence.

Verona opened up and a heavy frown was shot at Emily. "What is it?"

Emily cleared her throat. "I'm s-sorry. Here!" She stretched forth her hands to give Verona the letter. It was neatly wrapped in a fancy envelope. Jake always loved neatly packaged gifts. 

"What the hell is this, Emily!" The way she pronounced her name made it obvious of just how much she disgusted her.

Emily couldn't help but feel bad a little because she didn't know why her cousin would hate her that much. But she shrugged off the thought.

"That letter is a one way ticket to getting you on a date with Jake." Emily said.

Verona raised a brow. "You mean Mr. Jake?"

Emily quickly gave a nod. "Yes, that's right. Just hand over that letter to him and he'll be heads over heels for you. You can open it to read first if you don't trust me."

"Of course I don't trust you!" Verona scoffed. But she took the letter anyway.

Few minutes later, Verona made her way over to Emily's room, if you could call the basement a room.

"Verona? What are you doing here?" Startled Emily asked.

"Are you angry I'm here?" Verona frowned.

Emily's mouth fell open. "What the hell? No way! I'm glad you're here! Please come in..." She gave a low bow, stretching her hands forward for Verona to come in.

With a wave of her hand, Verona rejected the invite. "Nope. It's too disgusting, I'll remain here."

Emily's lips tightened and she blinked, but said nothing.

"Here." Now it was Verona's turn to hand over an envelope to her.

Emily's eyes widened in confusion. "What is this?"

"Open it."

Without wasting any more second, Emily carefully opened the envelope and saw names written on it. 

"That's the names of people who will be representing our company in the conference meeting tomorrow. I've been chosen to pick six from our department and you're one of them, Emily." Verona explained.

Emily's eyes were on the brink of tears. Happy tears.

"Wow, Verona. You just made my night! Thank you so so much! I love you!" She had to try hard not squeeze her cousin into a tight hug.

"Alright then. But you must not be late." Verona warned. "7:30 sharp!"

"Yes sure thing!" Emily said excitedly. "We can leave together!"

"Hmm...sure..." Verona gave a dragged reply then excused herself.

The early morning's ray of sunshine was the first thing that woke Emily up. Her alarm had not even rang yet when she jumped up from the bed.

"It's going to be a good day!" Emily sang to herself. She had gotten a great dress and a black heels. Damn it she would be so sexy they wouldn't even know what hit them.

"Oh let me quickly remind Verona that we're still going togeth--"

The stuck door forced Emily's word to a pause. It wouldn't open. 

"Wait what?" 

She tried again and tried but the door was stuck. Locked!

"Good luck getting to work today. Ha!" And the last thing she could hear was Verona's voice drifting far away as she walked further from the door.

"Oh no! Please! Help me! Don't leave me here!"