Happy Birthday.

Emily didn't know why she was furious, but she was. 

"Back then, you never appreciated me one bit. I was below you, beneath you, I know that. But now, what about now? Am I still worthless to you, Jake?"

"What, no. Don't say that, Em?"

"Then what are you not telling me?"

"I will when it's time. When and that is if you deserve to know, Em. But not now. Listen, tonight, we're on a date. We...I want us to have fun. Let me have today." He said.

Emily was still not satisfied. "Excuse me," she rose up to get feet.

Jake too jumped up. "I'm coming with you, let's go."

Emily folded her arms beneath her breast. "To the ladies room?"

Jake frowned. "Then why are you taking your purse?"

Emily rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to run away, Jake."

Jake gave a long stare, hesitating whether to belive her or not. Finally he made his choice.

"Ten minutes. Else, you're gonna see me in there. I promise you--"

"Oh my goodness, fine. Fifteen minutes!"

"Ten, I said ten, Emily!"

She smiled on her way to the rest room. After adjusting her lipstick, and her bra that did not just feel comfortable at all, Emily paused and glared at herself in the mirror.

"What are you doing, Em? You're still mad at him. Why are you looking at his cute dimples when he's smiling. Or the way his eyes lit up in excitement even he said he loved you..." she bit her lower lips and smiled.

A lady flushed and walked out one of the toilet. "That's because he loves you, and you love him too, silly." The lady said. She was tall and chubby, pretty too.

Emily felt irked because she had been saying her thoughts out loud. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know I was saying that out loud."

The lady smiled. "It's fine. Just think hard about this and don't loose your soul mate like I did. See there was this one time on his birthday when he--"

Birthday? There was something about the word that made her instantly recall that it had actually been Jake's birthday! Damn it, he wanted to spend it with her. 

How could she forget! How could you, Emily Tinsel!

Quickly, she excused herself, stopping the lady from sharing her life experience with her, and disappeared into the room. She found a waiter and quickly whispered into his ears. 

"No problem, ma'am." He said.

"I was actually checking the time." Jake said to her the moment she had her seat. "It's eleven minutes now and we agreed ten."

"I'm here now, aren't I?" Emily said with a smile.

He glared at her but said nothing.

"Let's enjoy our food. I'm sorry it's already cold now." Emily said.

"I love cold food." 

"Remember I was once married to you? You hate cold meals. I love cold meals."

"Is that so?" 

They ate in silence, devouring the delicious meal on the table. Minutes later and they were done. She found the waiter giving a signaling look and Emily nodded in response. 

Soon, a lovely decorated cake and a glass of champagne was being pushed on a table down to where they were seated.

From nowhere, band players appeared and they played the flute and the trumpets and piano so fluently nice to the ear. 

"It's a happy birthday song! Emily, how did you know..." Jake said out in excitement.

"There it is, the way your eyes glows with excitement. You're so cute." Emily wished someone would go ahead and smack her hard at the back. She cleared her throat and looked away, her cheeks flustering.

Jake nodded his head in the rhythm of the song and laughed and smiled. He looked genuinely happy!

Emily was proud of herself that night.

"Happy birthday, sir." The staff at the restaurant and the band players yelled in unison.

With a smile on her face, Emily wished him well as well. "I hope you at least enjoy this year's birthday." 

The previous one had been a disaster. Jake had invited his family but all they did was mock Emily and Jake as well for ever getting married to her.

"How did you--well, I'm wowed, Emily. Thank you so much." Jake confessed. They were already halfway in their cake and sipping their champagne.

"Oh you know? Well, Jake, you're paying for this whole thing." She coughed, then drank her wine again.

"Wait, what? Because I'm a stinky billionaire, huh?"

"Yes, also because I'm broke mehn." Emily said.

Jake cleared his throat. "My sister May, she saw you." He said and the air was suddenly hot and unpleasant. But he needed to say his mind. "I'm sure she said some mean things to you again."

Emily frowned. She would not meet his gaze. "Oh you know, not something I haven't heard before. Just, 'you're poor', 'stay away from my brother', blah blah blah."

"On the night when you left, I can't tell you more because it's like our family secret. I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have let you go."

"Jake, I don't think we can ever be a thing." Emily said. "Your aunt, she uh, mentioned something about your marriage."


"Oh? So it's true?"

"I'm sorry, Emiiy. But I, I can't say more than this. Damn it, when the time is right, I promise you'll get all the full detail."

"And what if that time never comes?" 

His lips pressed together to a pause.

Emily sighted. "Let's just enjoy tonight. And maybe we can finalize our divorce and become friends. I like you Jake, and I'll need you in my life. But maybe...maybe we're really done."

He nodded. Emily wondered if it had ached his heart like it did hers. Piercing was a more detailed word to use.

"Yea, you're right. We can just remain friends. Nothing more." He said at last.

"So can you tell that to your sister? So maybe she'll hate me less now?"

Jake forced a smile. "I will." 

"Picture time!" A voice yelled out, startling the hell out of them.

When they turned to investigate who had startled them, a frown worked it's way over their faces.

"Jeremy!" They both muttered out.

"Boss, and Emily Happy ...congratulations, wh-what is happening here exactly?" 

"It's my birthday." Jake said. "Wait, were you following us?"

"No, no." Jeremy shook his head. "Look," he pointed over to an empty chair. "I was sitting there before. Then I saw you, boss."

"Why is he boss and I'm not boss?" Emily said.

"No way, you're Emily. Let me call you Emily."

Jake smiled. "Join in, there's cake and champagne."

"No, not yet. Because...it's picture time!" Jeremy took out his phone and began to take pictures. Personal one of Jake, then Emiiy, then two of them. "Here, please take a picture of us." He gave his phone to a waiter and joined in the pictures as well. 

Even the waiters featured in the pictures.

Amidst the photo taking, another familiar face happened to be around in the corners, and she too was taking pictures.

"Oh, Verona has to see this." Holly said to herself with a satisfying grin on her face.