Sneaky Link.

Verona was forced to listen to the bullshit her mother told her. Why couldn't they chase Emily out already! Why was she still living with them!

She groaned in agony, pissed at the universe for sending such a cousin her way. Her phone buzzed and she saw that it was a text from Holly.

"What the hell, Holly? It's like past midnight." She checked it and saw it was a picture. "Mr. Jake?" A soft gasp escaped her lips. "Jeremy...Emily!?"

"Was this a party that I wasn't invited?" Verona wondered. Now hot blood was boiling through her veins. She needed to think of a way to get rid of Emily, and fast! Damn it!

"Hold on a moment, I mean, if it's true that you really are the ex wife of Mr. Jake, then all I need to do is to become friends with that scary lady she called aunt May. It seems we both share the same hatred for you, dear cousin."


"I had a wonderful time," Emily said to Jake the moment Jeremy said his goodbyes. They were outside now, about to leave. "But, I'm scared." Emily confessed.

She knew how scary her aunt had been just hours ago. Same with Verona.

"I dunno what they can do seeing I've been out for long." She explained.

"Which is why I'd like to drop you off." Jake smiled.

Emily didn't hear him well. "What? That's even a terrible idea!" 

"What? It's better than when it's just you going back home. With me, I might be able to put a little fear in them, don't you think?"

Oh how was she going to tell him that her cousin loved him more than anything in the world. If Verona saw Jake with her, she would definitely be getting a gun to kill her in her sleep some day.

"Stop exaggerating, Em. Come on, this is the least I can do after kidnapping you." He laughed. "Let's go home."

In a few minutes time, they had gotten home to Emily's aunt house. Surprisedly, Verona and her mother were waiting out that late because the moment Emily's fist met with the door on just one knock, they had quickly opened up.

Although Emily had the key to the door. Her aunt was just crazy she feared she could have changed the lock.

"Oh hello, young man." Barbara said, not expecting to have met the face she saw now. "Good evening, or is it good morning or night? Ha! I don't even know."

Why was she being nice and...corky? Emily wondered.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Jake, Emily's--"

"--no need for too much introduction." Emily jumped forward to shush Jake from saying anything more. Her aunt was not supposed to know anything from her past life.

"Wait, what--" Jake frowned.

"Because she's tired. I mean it's late, Jake."

Shortly after, Verona came to join them. Maybe she heard the name Jake and wanted to confirm. On seeing him, her mouth fell open.

"Mr. Jake?" She called, startled. 

"Oh, you. That's right, you live together. How could I forget." Jake said with gritted teeth. He resented her and couldn't even hide it.

Emily saw through his eyes. "Jake you know, you should get going. I will too. Thanks so much for today, I had fun!" She said to him, then hurried inside and closed the door.

"Who was that young man?" Barbara asked. Emily could hear what they were saying because they gossiped just nearly in front of her room.

"That's Mr. Jake. He's my boss." Verona replied.

"Oh my goodness, is that so? Are they dating?"

"I dunno...maybe?" 

"Damn it, Ver! She's not even as pretty as you are. Why is she getting the rich dudes and you're single as hell."

"Don't worry. I have a plan. She stole him from me. And I'm going to repay her, mom. Don't you worry!"

Emily felt chills tingle her skin. What had Verona meant? It seemed as if she wanted her to hear her threat because now, they'd vanished as she couldn't hear their voices again. 


Verona kept the picture and vowed to show May. That was the solution! She may not be able to chase Emily away, but May would be able to.

She made a little research the next day, as to where she might be. Her workplace and where she lived.

It turned out that May was at a hotel for the time being. Verona made sure she's able to get the location of the hotel and for nearly an hour, she waited at the lobby. 

She sent a bunch of text messages first on May's social media account. She even left a few phone calls. Finally, a tall slender lady was walking outside. Verona ran like never before.

"Mrs. Hilton? Mrs. May?" She rushed until she was finally standing before May.

"And who are you?" Asked May.

"I, please can we talk? I have something really interesting that would surprise you. Well, you're going to like this. Please."

Minutes later and they were settled at a fast food not far from the hotel.

May eyed her with a certain careful look. "So, you're friends with Emily?"

"What? No, no, no." Verona instantly said. "She happens to be my cousin."

"Okay? And what do you have to show me?"

"A picture, aunt May--"

May's face contorted into a frown. "Eww, don't call me that!"

"Oh I'm so sorry." Verona corrected. She finally found the picture she'd been looking for. "Here," she stretched forth her hands to give May the phone.

May studied it carefully, and although she was furious to see that Jake was back with that filthy rag..."deep breaths, May." She said to herself.

That young lady was not supposed to see through her emotions. May cleared her throat. "And so? What am I supposed to do with this?"

Verona hadn't heard her clearly. "Um, that...this is Mr. Jake and my cousin! They're not supposed to be together, right?"

"Well, perhaps the picture was taken a long time ago."

"It was taken yesterday. I just thought I should let you know about this--"

"Tell me, lady." May sat up straight. "She's supposed to be your cousin. What could she have possibly done to you to deserve that much hatred?"

Verona frowned. "I should be asking you the same question. Your brother was married to her and yet, you still hated her!"

"She's a filth! She didn't deserve my son's love!" May striked back.

Verona sighed and rolled her eyes. "So what's it going to be then?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, we have the same goal." Verona said. "I want them separated by all means, at all cost!"

May scoffed. "So what? You can marry my brother? No fucking way!"

"But, I'm better than Emily. You just need a little more time to see that, I can show you."

"I beg your pardon? No way, girl. You stooped so low by bringing this photo to me. You would do more filthy things once you become in law to me."

"That's not fair--"

"I'll leave now. If I were you, I wouldn't go about spreading rumors everywhere."

"They're not rumors, it's true. Jake is still in love with this woman--"

"Bye now. Let us never meet again." May rose up. Verona jumped up too.

"I can't let you go like this. Give me a trial. A test, I dunno. But I promise you that--"

"I mean it. If I see you again, I'm suing you. Or getting you arrested!" May warned, then carried her bag and proceeded to leave. On her way out, she could have sworn she heard the lady's voice calling and screaming but she didn't stop.

Finally outside, May felt she would burst out from her rage. "Damn it, Jake! How can you still be with that rag! Urgh!" She sighed in, then exhaled again.

"Okay then. I guess I just have to take matters into my own hands now. Prepare for your divorce, and begin planning for your new wedding."