Her Rescuer.

Even though it was a week that had passed, that didn't mean Jake could ignore her, right?

Emily was thinking hard in her office one morning. Ever since his birthday, he had been pretty mean to her. He avoided her at all costs and this annoyed her. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to ask him what was wrong. They had already agreed to be just friends, hadn't they??

"Oh this is so frustrating!" Emily said out loud. She had to blink twice before realizing she hadn't been alone. Since a new office was still being arranged for her, she was still with Lara and a few others.

Their eyes fell on her now. 

"What is it?" Lara was the first to ask.

Emily shook her head. "Oh, no it's nothing. It's just that uh, I was um..."

There was a knock on the door. Emily was glad for the temporary distraction.

Jeremy's head popped in. "Sorry ladies? A meeting is being called right now." He announced, then was smiling brightly now at Emily and waving too. "Hey, Emily!"

Emily smiled back too. "Jeremy, we've seen this morning but...good morning again."

"It's noon." He corrected.

"Well, afternoon then."

Everyone was already gathered in the hall room. It was a quick meeting with few staff.

A woman was already giving the announcement when Emily stepped in. 

Her eyes scanned around for Jake but instead, she saw Verona glaring at her with complete evil set of eyes.

Immediately, she replaced her attention with other faces. A while later and the meeting was over and Emily couldn't even say she was proud enough to tell what it had been about.

Her mind was heavily fixated on calculating reasons why Jake hadn't been around. 

"I hope he's okay..." she thought to herself. They were already outside when she sighted Verona walking towards her. "Damn it, I'm not ready for her whining..." Emily frowned.

She needed to run away until Verona had passed. She knew better than to face her instead of avoid her.

Without thinking twice, she pulled the handle of a door and stepped in, then locked it tight and gave a relief sigh. At last she had lost her...

"Excuse you, but are you part of the executive meeting?" A familiar voice called from behind and Emily felt she would pass out of shame.

What was she doing with the head official CEO??! 

"You're gonna loose your job, stupid!" She cried in her mind but found the courage to slowly turn and face her fate.


Verona was even more furious with the Hilton family now than she was with Emily.

How dare they ignore her like she was some filthy trash?!

Her mother was still talking to her on the phone but Verona had been lost since the first minute of the phone call when her mother said she would be going to her women's association meeting they called 'The Queen's Gathering.

Finally, she couldn't take it any longer. A loud screeching scream escaped her mouth and people stopped to glare at her.

"Oh my fucking god mother, I'll call you later. Bye!" With that, she hung up. "How can you treat me like this, Mr. Jake's sister??"

"Hey Ver," Holly walked in and saw Verona squeezing a burger that it's insides were out now. Her face dissolved to a weary frown. "Damn it, Verona. Are you okay?"

Verona sighed. "About that silly meeting, what were they saying about volunteers for the business trip?"

"Oh, the official CEO is around and he says company needs to elective two go represent us in L.A." Holly explained.

Verona cleaned her hands as she threw the messed up burger away. "Hmm...who do you think they would elect?"

"I think that's why they wanted us to gather around. Honestly, I feel it would be some boring trip and that's why no one was interested."

"Except, you're wrong!" Jeremy stepped in, startling the ladies. 

"Oh my goodness, Jeremy. I'm going you kill you one day!" Holly fumed. Verona just pretended as if she had not been scared as well.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Verona frowned.

"If I tell you who the first representative is going to be, you're all gonna change your minds." He said smiling to himself now.

Holly scoffed. "Yea right. Trips like that are always boring and basically filled with even more boring meetings and conferences. And what's worst, you gotta keep track of everything because it comes with a presentation!"

"Exactly. I don't get paid enough for that kind of stress. Besides, it's L.A. I know that whole area like the palm of my hand." Verona added.

Jeremy was just smiling as he listened to both ladies. Finally, he blurted out. "Jake Hilton! Think you're gonna wanna change your minds?"

Their eyes lit out with excitement. Even some of the other ladies were around the corner now, giggling and so interested in where the conversation was heading to.

"That's right, ladies! I knew you'd all be jittery about this." Jeremy's face was plastered in a satisfying grin.

"Hey hey, no need to alert the rest." Holly whispered, although intended for Jeremy to hear. "So, how can we apply to be a representative? Huh?"

Even Verona was interested in Jeremy's reply.

"Well, fill this form guys. Also, twenty bucks people!" Jeremy announced.

"Bullshit, why would you even charge us?" One of the ladies cried out.

"Yea right, why?" Holly said but she already had a dollar note in her hand. "Here Jer, here's fifty bucks. Put my name on the list."

Verona shot her a warning glance. "Holly!"

"Sorry, but I like Mr. Jake too!" Holly pouted. 

Other ladies paid a fortune to Jeremy begging for their names to be added to the list, Verona included.

"Choose me, Jeremy."

"No, no. Me!"

Jeremy was smiling hard now. "Oh I'm gonna be rich!"


"This is your fault!" Emily yelled out to Jake when she saw they were out of the office. 

"Mine? It was yours! What the hell were you doing in the room that moment? Mr. Beigh was right when he called you stupid!"

"Mr. Beigh? Oh that's his name?" Emily said to herself.

"That's not important right now. All I know is that you're going back in there, and making things right!" Jake warned.

"No way! If I say anything stupid, I'm gonna loose my job!" Emily panicked.

Jake heaved in. "I'm gonna loose my job as well." He said, agreeing with her. "But--" his phone buzzed. "Sorry I have to pick this."

There was a worried look in his eyes. Emily wanted to ask what had happened, but she feared he would be cold to her again.

"What are you guys talking about?" Verona as well as Holly happened to be walking by now. Two other ladies were around as well.

Emily froze upon seeing her cousin. She was always reminded of the greed that rested in her eyes each time she looked at her. Her looks would kill if they were weapon.

"Oh don't mind her, forcing herself on Mr. Jake! Guess what, after everything that has happened, you're the one getting your name stamped on the list!" Holly said.

"Stamped on a list? What do you mean?" Emily had to ask.

"Oh you know, I'm going to L.A with Mr. Jake." Verona said proudly.

Emily nearly bursted out in laughter. "Who said so?"

"She had the highest money paid to Jeremy. Technically, she's winning." Another lady said while they all agreed with her.

"But...wait, Jeremy? I'm the one going with Jake to L.A." Emily said.

"Ha! You wish!" Holly said, mocking Emily.

"I'm sorry love, but not this time. Your charm won't work, I'm afraid." Verona said. 

"But it's true. I'm the one going with Jake." Emily had to stress on it a few times before they paused and start to believe her.

"Prove it!" Holly said and the rest agreed. 

Emily frowned, wondering how she would prove it to them.

"It's no longer a day trip, but a week's, Em." Jake said, reading something on his phone. "Here, see." When he brought his head up, he was shocked to see all their faces on him. "Hello, ladies?" He pronounced awkwardly.

"So it's true! There they are again! Wow." The ladies gossiped out loud, all except for Verona.

She only stared. "You're gonna regret this." She muttered to herself but her voice was louder than she'd anticipated. "I'm going to kill you Emily..."

There was a loud gasp on the look of everyone.

Jake stepped forward, hiding Emily behind him. "You attempt one tiny harm on Emily and I promise you, you will regret it."

Emily was even surprised at the way he had taken her side and defended her. 

"Careful how you speak to her while I'm here." Jake said again just in case she hadn't heard him.