Stranger than Fantasy -3

After the accident that happened to Kamel, Marwa decided to stop him to fight the light but he was stubborn. He kept Marwa away and get into a fight and end up with many injuries. Every time Kamel get into a fight with the light, He kept in the coma more time than the last one that leads to Marwa worried and Jawad angrier.

-After two days in the lunchtime-

"Kamel, please, stop that!" Marwa said worried. "No one knows what will happen to you next!"

"Don't worry, I am fine and I will win and show how much Jawad is coward!" Kamel replied. "Right, Can you come to my home today?"

"Eh…Why?" Marwa asked.

"I have decode the symbols successfully and I want to read them with you." Kamel replied. "But reading it in school is stupidity so if you can come and read it together…"

"Yes, I can!" Marwa said.

"And you brother…" Kamel said frightened.

"Forget about him…" Marwa said. "We will go without telling him so he won't began a lecture."

"I didn't know you have such a brother…" Kamel said with a small laugh.

"Yes, he's annoying, but nice and cool too." Marwa said. "Before the light's accident, I miss him so much while he was in French. I am somehow happy for him being here despite of everything."

After school, Kamel and Marwa went towards Kamel's house after Marwa left a note to her brother with Rema about that. When they arrived, Marwa was shocked to see Jawad in Kamel's house too.

"Jawad!? What are you doing here!?" Marwa said in shock.

"What do you mean!?" Jawad replied. "I can't be in my house!?"

"What!? Your house!?" Marwa said in a big shock. "But isn't this your house, Kamel!?"

Kamel laugh at Marwa's reaction then said: Don't you know that we are brothers!? It's normal that my home is his home too."

"What!? You are brothers!?" Marwa became more shocked. "That's means you're twins! But you don't look similar."

"Not every twins are similar." Jawad said. "Anyway, what are you doing here, Marwa? What are doing here with Kamel!?"

"Mm… as now thinking…" Marwa said. "You don't call him 'brother' in front of me before."

"I didn't call him that my whole lif!" Jawad said.

"But you're brothers!" Marwa said. "You don't have to be enemies!"

"Don't care about that and answer my question!" Jawad said with little patience.

"It's not of your business what is between me and Marwa, Jawad." Kamel said with a big smile. ""Come on Marwa, let's go to my room. Its good I don't share it with someone."

Jawad became so angry while Kamel held Marwa's hand and got her into his room.

"Wow, your room is beautiful, Kamel." Marwa said.

"Thank you!" Kamel replied.

"I have a question."Marwa said.

"Go on." Kamel replied.

"Why you and Jawad are in bad relationship?" Marwa asked.

Kamel sat on the floor cross-legged while looking down as Marwa sat beside him waiting for his answer.

"My parents used to distinguishes between us. If someone of us do something good, they tell the other that he can't do it." Kamel started with some sorrow in his voice. "Here, hatred was developed inside of each one of us towards the other and recently, we both fall in love with the same girl so we are fighting on her now."

"EH, this remembered me of my relationship with Fadia." Marwa said in sorrow.

"You and Fadia are enemies from kindergarten, right?" Kamel asked.

"Yes, that's right." Marwa said, "Because of my mother and hers. They been enemies before even though my dad and hers are friends. My mom always wanted me to surpass Fadia and Fadia's mother wants the same thing. That's how we started to fight. Fadia has some family issues and, as result of that, she started to bully that makes us more enemies than before. And that makes our relationship worse, that the boy Fadia love, loves me! I don't know who but that that bothers her. You know!? If that all wasn't happened, we may be good friends since we have many similarities!"

"Wow, I didn't know that!" Kamel said. "Anyway, let's start reading the file."

Kamel got up and brought the file then sat beside Marwa again. Suddenly, Jawad break into the room.

"Didn't anyone taught you how to knock the door!?" Kamel said in anger.

"It doesn't matter." Jawad replied. "What are you two doing?"

"It's not your…" Kamel said but Marwa interrupted him saying: "Reading a file that may lead us to base of the light."

"Why did you tell him!?" Kamel shouted.

"Because he won't leave us until we tell him." Marwa replied.

"Can I join you?" Jawad asked while looking down.

"Now you become a man and decide to fight?" Kamel said sarcastically.

"Kamel, Don't say that!" Marwa shouted at him then said to Jawad. "Jawad, you can join us. Come and set beside me."

Jawad smiled and went to set beside Marwa. He looked to Kamel with a big smile while Kamel was about to lose his temper.

"Ok, let's start." Kamel said then opened the file and began to read: "This file have information to develop teachers from a normal one that can't handle disruptive students to one can handle them. The name of the experiment: 102, a school teacher has volunteer to undergo experiments."

"Why did you stopped?" Jawad asked.

"That's everything." Kamel replied. "There is the result of the experiment only."

"Wow that was fast." Marwa said.

"And what is the result?" Jawad asked.

Kamel continued reading: "The teacher transform to something like a light and the experiment was success. In order not to escape, he was being put inside an iron box shaped as printing machine. When it be delivered to a room in a school, it will start its work on the disruptive students."

"That's means that someone has put the printing machine inside our school that leads to all that." Marwa said.

"It wasn't been examine before and their other strange things happened." Kamel said. "Like returning your brother to school after his graduation and awakening your sister from the coma. This don't justify these things."

"That's right." Marwa said.

Silence was all over the rom till someone knock the door. It was Kamel and Jawad's mother behind the door.

"Boys, your friend is here to meet you." The mother said.

"Friend!?" Kamel surprised.

"Get her in, mom" Jawad said.

After minutes. Fadia entered the room. Marwa stood surprisingly: "Fadia!? What are you doing here!?"

"I heard that you are planning to destroy the light…" Fadia said.

"Yes, that's right." Marwa said. "What about that?"

"I think I know something that may help you in that" Fadia said. "May you allow me to try with you?"

"Ok, what do you know?" Jawad asked.

Fadia joined them and sat with them then said: "Do you know the laboratory that was destroyed five years ago?"

"Yeas." Kamel said.

"Before some months, I found a printing machine in good condition. At the beginning, I didn't care about it but after days I destroy, by accident, one of the printing machines in the school. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to be fired from school or to get someone else fired because of me, so I brought the machine, secretly, to the school and put it in the place of the old one with the help of some girls. In the next day, the light has showed up. So, I think there is a relationship with that print machine, when I get to the printing room, I wasn't able to and it threaten me to reenter again."

"So, it has a direct relation with the light." Kamel said. "Thank you Fadia."

While Marwa was explaining to Fadia what they reached to, Jawad took Kamel aside and said: "Listen, Kamel, I know we don't have a good relation but let's keep our fighting away now."

"Wow, I was thinking about that too. I think this what it means to have a twin." Kamel said. "Anyways, your right. But can you go away while my girlfriend is approaching me!?"

"She's not!" Jawad said in anger.

"Yes, she is." Kamel replied sarcastically. "And a proof of that, she said that she hate bullies, just like you!"

Jawad attacked Kamel shouting: "You **! I will kill you!"

"Jawad!" Marwa shouted. "Leave Kamel quickly!"

Jawad left Kamel and he was so angry while Kamel smiled sarcastically to him. Marwa stood between them in anger.

"We are trying to rescue the school from the craziness for died scientist and you are fighting here as kids!" Marwa said. "Listen to me, you have to leave your conflict away in this time. You are brothers, try to love each other!"

"First, he started!" Jawad said while trying to control his anger. "Second, it's impossible to love this stupid!"

"Don't act like kids, Jawad!" Marwa said. "Let's solve this problem then we will solve yours."

"Who hear you thinks you're the 'Forgiving Karem1.'" Kamel said.

"I am trying to help you to have a good brother's relationship." Marwa said.

"First, solve your problems, Marwa." Fadia said. "You stupid."

"Don't interfere, Fadia." Marwa said. "Useless."

"Don't play with my temper, little girl." Fadia said while trying to control her anger.

"Well, well, it's seems I have to be the 'Forgiving Karem' now." Kamel said.

Marwa looked to Kamel and started laughing followed by Fadia. But Jawad seemed bothered while looking to Marwa and said between himself: "Maybe he was right…"

"Let's put a fighting plan!" Kamel said with a big smile.

"Yes, let's do!" Everyone said together.