Stranger than Fantasy-4

After a busy day, and in the middle of the night, the four friends were standing in front of the school's gate wearing black.

"Well, all of us know what should do. Right?" Fadia said.

"Who put you the leader?" Marwa asked.

"I am only asking!!" Fadia replied while hiding her anger.

"Be calm, it should not know that we are here!" Kamel said. "It will know about us if you shout or start fighting!"

"We're sorry…" Fadia and Marwa said together.

"I understood all the plan, except one thing." Marwa said. "How are we going to hack the school's system and enter?"

"I hate to say that but leave it to Jawad." Kamel said.

"Finally you admit my importance!" Jawad said braggingly. "I will give you a sign when I end."

Jawad left the others and went to do his job.

"How is he going to do it?" Fadia asked.

"He learned the electronic things…" Kamel replied. "What its name was? I don't remember but it helped him to hack systems and these things…"

"Wow, that's cool! Don't you think so too, Fadia?" Marwa said.

"Y...Yes…" Fadia replied while looking away.

After some minutes, the friends saw Jawad waving to them as a sign. And they started their plan. Quietly, Kamel, Fadia, and Marwa went upstairs to the third floor, the floor where the light was, and there they met Jawad.

"There, behind the door, there is the light." Jawad said. "It seems it's waiting for us." 

"Ok, as we planned…we will break into the place and find the machine, while you will distract it, I will break the machine with the iron stick I get with me." Kamel said.

Everyone woke and stood beside the door and got ready to break into it.

"Three… two… one…get in!" Kamel said.

When they broke into the room, they were surprised by the large number of printing machines there.

"Wait, how are we going to know which is to the light!?" Marwa said surprised. "We don't have time to break all of them!"

"As I expected." The mystery voice said. "You decided to fight me."

The light appeared to divide the friends away from each other, each one in the darkness.

-With Kamel-

"Marwa! Fadia! Jawad!" Kamel shouted. "Where are you!?"

"Kamel, Kamel…" The light said. "Can I know what problem you have with me?"

"What problem I have with you!?" Kamel shouted. "After all what you did in the school and the fear and anxiety you spread in the school, you're asking what I have with you!?"

"Wasn't it your dream to return your brother like he was in the past?" The light asked.

"What!?" Kamel surprised.

"You wanted your brother to understand you and love you and be kind to you just like he was before he changed." The light said. "This is me fulfill your dream, then why are you standing against me?"

"What is this nonsense!? You forcing him to do that!" Kamel shouted. "No one can bother my brother except me! Do you understand, you stupid!?"

As he ended his words, he attacked the light that disappeared avoiding his attack.

-With Jawad-

"Was that Kamel's voice?" Jawad said between himself. "Did he call me 'brother'!?"

"Didn't you want to show the bad side of your brother, Jawad?" The light said. "Wasn't that what you wanted?"

Jawad looked at the light hesitantly and didn't answer.

"You wanted to show that your brother Kamel is not a good person, and that's what you got." The light said. "You were able to show his bad side then why are you angry at me?"

"Yes, I wanted that because I'm jealous of him!" Jawad said sad. "He's special and cool, and it's normal for Marwa to love him anyway. But…I didn't want it now! (Start shouting) I hated my brother because of my parents that's why I'm the worst brother ever! I don't want that anymore, and I will end you!"

Before Jawad started his attack, the light disappeared. He stood surprised and asked himself: "What is it trying to do!?"

-With Fadia-

"What is happening!?" Fadia asked herself. "What is this stupid thing trying to do!?"

"Fadia, Even you are angry at me!?" The light said. "But I helped you just like your mother wanted from you, then why are you angry at me!?"

"What!?" Fadia surprised. "How do you know that!?"

"I know everything." The light said. "Your mother wanted you to be just like Marwa, an excellent and quiet student, and I made you like that. That means your mother is proud of you."

"For your information, my mother wanted me to be like Marwa just to boast to me, she didn't and won't love me!" Fadia shouted in anger. "After my dad appeared his true color, and showed that he was a criminal, it was impossible for her to love a criminal's daughter! I don't want to be like anyone! I want to be myself! And everything happening between me and Marwa is because of the love of Jawad to her! I love Jawad but he doesn't give me any attention or interest because he only has an interest in Marwa and love her! I just hate her!"

Then it disappeared in front of her and she cracked.

-With Marwa-

"Was that Fadia's voice?? Did she say that Jawad is the boy she loves and loves me!? And I think Jawad said that Kamel loves me!" Marwa said to herself. "Does that mean that I am the girl they fighting about!? From when all of that!? And why I am the last one to know!?"

"Can I know what you have against me, Marwa?" The light said. "I returned your brother to live with you and woke up your sister from the coma. Like that, you don't have to worry about anything." 

"You did that!?" Marwa shouted. "Return everything to what it was! Maybe I am happy about what you did, but you're scaring everyone! The fear is not the solution to any problem, this will only make it more complex! So, return everything to what it was!"

As Marwa ended her words, the dark disappeared and showed everything around them. Fadia was cracked, Jawad froze in his place in amazement, and Marwa was lost in her thoughts, and in front of them one printing machine. Kamel moved towards it with difficulty, held the iron stick, and got it down to the machine. 

"Now… go away!" Kamel shouted.

Like that, Kamel broke the machine and a light was spread in the room.

Marwa woke up in her room where she was sleeping on her bed. She got out quickly and went to her brother's room and found her empty. She went, then, to her sister's room and found it empty too. Then, she run to the kitchen to find her mother making breakfast for her.

"Mom, where's Ramis and Rema!?" Marwa asked with intermittent breaths.

"What with this question from the morning!?" The mother asked. "Don't you remember? Ramis is in French continuing his studies, and Rema is still in a coma. I will go to see her today, want to go with me after school?"

"Yes, of course they are!" Marwa said. "And I will go of course!"

-In the school's yard-

Marwa was walking fast searching for anyone, Kamel, Jawad, or Fadia. She finally found Fadia standing beside the school's door waiting for someone. When she saw Marwa, she stood in front of her.

"It seems we did it?" Fadia asked.

"Yes, we did it!" Marwa replied.

The girls walked together, and it was just minutes till they found Kamel and Jawad standing in front of each other. They went towards them and stood together quietly.

"Then, everything is over now." Fadia said. "Do you want to return as we were?"

"I talked to Jawad while coming to her, and we decided to give our relationship a chance." Kamel replied. "What about you?"

Fadia and Marwa looked at each other, and then Marwa smiled at Fadia saying: "Why not do the same thing?"

"Good idea." Fadia replied.

"Then, we four become friends!" Marwa said happily.

Jawad and Kamel looked at Marwa as if they wanted to say something, Fadia looked at Jawad and then looked away in sadness. Marwa noticed that and became worried.

"Fadia loves Jawad, and he's not my type. So…" Marwa said to herself.

Marwa smiled a big one, stood behind Fadia, and pushed her towards Jawad.

"Opps" Marwa said.

Fadia was about to attack Marwa when her eyes met Jawad's eyes and she became totally red.

"Come on, Kamel, Let's keep the love birds together." Marwa said and went away.

Kamel went behind Marwa who was proud of what she did. After they were away, Kamel stopped and looked down.

"Marwa?" Kamel started. "You heard everything yesterday, right?"

Marwa looked to Kamel: "Ye…" to remember something. 

"Right, I forgot! Kamel likes me too! No, maybe love me!" Marwa said to herself. 

Marwa looked away and thought in quiet, then looked to Kamel and said:

"Looked, Kamel, I know you have feelings for me, but I don't know what I have for you. I mean you cool and kind and unexpected person, and mysterious too! And that is a cool thing, but I don't know if I love you or not. I think I want some time…" 

Marwa looked away while saying her last sentence, Kamel approached her quietly and said: "It's ok, take the time you need, Marwa."

Marwa looked into his eyes and smiled kindly.