Tuesday March 22rd . 


In the outskirts of Abuja, a wide field of grass near a small river with an abandoned building on the river bank was being used by a group of young boys as a training ground. Ahmad Sani, Sadiq Anka, Nasir Auwal and Umar Adewale and their mentor Mallam Dabo who they call "G". Mallam Hassan Dabo, the boys good friend and teacher, he is 6'1, dark skinned, with a muscular physique and a bushy beard. He is well routed and strict, a testament to his training in the army, which is why the boys respect him so much. They were doing target practice the entire evening with make-shift dummies they made with jute bags filled with sand. They made more than twenty of them and arranged them in a way that spanned the entire width of the field.

"ok boys, lets get this one more time before we go." Mallam Dabo shouted.

"Umar, lets start with you… hit three targets at the same time." he commanded.

Umar, 6'2 tall, he boasts a tall, strong and muscular build, he is the biggest and physically strongest amongst his friends, and is from Lagos state. Umar possessed earth powers, he can control and shape solid earth, form earthen constructs, and manipulate the ground beneath him. He has enhanced strength and durability. He stood in a good distance from the targets, he clenched his fists and strengthened his stance, he then stomped his right foot into the ground creating a small tremor, he then raised his hand up, making three rocks come out of the ground, he then motioned his hand forward, launching the three rocks into three targets, making them explode in sand. 

"YESSS!!!" he shouted.

"nice one Umar, perfect form, good execution… well done." Mallam Dabo said 

"Thanks G." Umar said as he celebrated his achievement, shaking his friends hands as he went back to sit on the bench.

"Ok… oya, Sadiq lets go… same drill, hit atleast three targets at the same time, lets go." Mallam Dabo said.

 Sadiq is 5'9, has a lean and athletic build which is indicative of his agility and quick reflexes. He's from Kano state. Sadiq has the ability to manipulate water molecules, shaping them into various forms and control their movements. He can also breath in water and extract moisture from the air. Sadiq walked up to a good distance from the targets. He took a deep breath while strengthening his stance. He waved his hands in the direction of the river, the water began thrash about. Sadiq made a unique motion, extracting water from the river as if it was a rope. He guided the water towards him, creating a ring of water around him, and held the position in a calm motion. Sadiq held his position for a few seconds, he looked up to acquire his target and throwing his hands with full force, thrashing the ring water towards the three targets, hitting them at their centre and smashing them back, at the same time smashing some of the water on his back.

"ouch!" Sadiq shouted, with water all over his back.

"Sadiq, I told you, you have to make you're actions towards your target, not you and you're target." Mallam Dabo said as he threw a towel towards Sadiq.

"but good hit, next time just make sure you don't hit yourself." he added with a chuckle.

"ok." Sadiq said while massaging his back and sitting back on the bench.

"alright, Nasir lets go." Mallam Dabo called

Nasir is 5'9, slim and agile physique, reflecting his control over air currents. Nasir possesses control over air and wind, he can create strong drafts or concentrated blasts of wind, allowing him to repel objects and propel himself through air, he also has enhanced lung capacity. Nasir got in position and strengthened his stance, he then brought his hands close together leaving a small space between them, creating a small ball of air that was gradually growing bigger. The air ball grew as big as a foot ball, wind began to blow all around the field, trees were dancing around in command of the wind. Nasir then shot the ball of air at the targets, the ball hit one target. The impact of that hit was enough to affect two other targets, destroying them completely. He smirked with pride and looked back at Mallam Dabo.

"very good Nasir, great form and as usual good precision." Mallam Dabo commended.

"thanks G." Nasir replied as he went back to sit down with the others.

"alright good, last but not least Ahmad, lets go." Mallam Dabo said.

Ahmad is 6'0 tall, brown skinned and has a bulky physique, which he maintains with regular visits to the gym. Ahmad has the ability to generate and manipulate fire. He can create flames of varying intensity and project fireballs. Ahmad got into position, taking a survey of the targets in the distance, he balled up his fists, igniting his flames on both fists. Taking deep breaths and fueling his flames, Ahmad prepared himself to shoot. He motioned his left fist back and lunged it forward again, releasing his flames towards the target. His flames hit the targets with full force, engulfing them in flames and obliterating them. Ahmad continued to blast his flames, he destroyed all remaining targets and unintentionally set a tree ablaze, he stopped shooting and stood to survey the damage he had done, while also panting heavily, due to the extreme use of his powers, he went down to one knee in weakness, sweating and still trying to catch his breath.

Mallam Dabo with a look of concern on his face came close to Ahmad with a towel to help clean his face, meanwhile Sadiq used his powers to put out the raging fire. Ahmad calmed himself down and stood up.

"ok, I think that's enough for today boys… very good all of you." Mallam Dabo said as he gave Ahmad water to drink. 

The boys washed up and picked up their bags and began the walk back home, while they were walking, Mallam Dabo pulled Ahmad to the side.

"how far Ahmad, what happened?" he asked

"i don't know G, I could feel the fire getting stronger but couldn't do anything to maintain it." Ahmad replied

"you remember what I taught you right.. calm before action, clear your mind and move." Mallam Dabo stated.

"i tried everything, I don't know, maybe I was just tired… tomorrow." Ahmad said.

"ok then, make sure you do those breathing exercises daily." Mallam Dabo apprehended.

"yes boss." Ahmad replied.

"despite that, you did good, I've seen a big improvement… all of you, well done." Mallam Dabo said to them.

"thanks G, omo guys I need to rush ooo, I see say light dey, make I go iron my uniform before them take am." Umar said.

"you're always rushing to iron, or wash or something of that kind, ah ah!!!" Mallam Dabo teased.

" G its not like that, no be only me de house now, and nobody go iron for me so I gas do am by myself." Umar replied.

"even if you're alone which is usually the case, na last minute you de do everything." Sadiq stated.

"Sado warn yourself ooo, you go chop stone now now" Umar threatened as they all laughed at him.

"regardless, I hope you guys are getting ready… SS3 has started and WAEC is coming, JAMB and NECO as well.., I won't accept failure!!!" Mallam Dabo said.

"yes sir!!" they all replied

"good… and later you guys need to tell me about your career choices." Mallam Dabo added.

"I don't think any of us have chosen anything yet." Nasir said

"oga speak for yourself, at this moment I'm already a software engineer." Sadiq stated

"see this one, because you manage hack one computer you de feel like don." Umar teased.

"ehn, guy free me… for you, e no go shock me if you become labourer." Sadiq retaliated. Everyone burst out laughing as Umar began to chase Sadiq around. They all walked to the mosque and prayed, after which they all went to their separate home to eat dinner and get ready for school tomorrow.