Solution To The Problem


Ahmad woke up with sound of his phone alarm, he was drenched in sweat as he sat up in bed, he noticed the flickering flames dancing in the palms of his hands. The fire obeyed his will, but its untamed nature mirrored the turmoil within him. Ahmad glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 6:00 a.m., time to get ready for school. He took a shower and put on his school uniform. He made his way to his mothers room to let her know he was going out for school, he knocked on her door, meeting midway through the room he greeted her and said goodbye. Ahmad then put on his shoes, picked up his bag and went out to meet his friends then go to school together.

Sadiq had been awake since 5am tinkering with some computer hardware, once the clock struck 6, he jumped and ran in to the bathroom. He took his bath, got dressed and shoved some books and hardware into his bag, the bag could barely be zipped, and was bulging from the outside, without a care in the world, Sadiq jacked it up and put in on his back. He went down stairs to meet his brother at the dinning table eating breakfast, they greeted each other, Sadiq picked up a piece if bread and ran out to meet his friend and go to school.

Nasir is awoken by the sound of his phone alarm, he sits up, takes a deep breath and says "Alhamdullilah". he stood up and went straight to the bathroom, he took his bath, dressed up and went out, he met and greeted his uncle who was getting ready for his morning jog, after greeting him he set off to meet his friends and then go to school.

Umar is woken up by his brother to go to school, he sits up while scratching his head and smacking lips, he then jumps down from bunk bed to go and take a bath. He gets ready, eats breakfast and goes out to meet his friends and go to school.

The early morning sun blazed overhead through the bustling streets of Abuja. The city's vibrant energy pulsed through the air, but beneath the surface, a sense of unease lingered. Reports of crimes committed by individuals with extraordinary powers had become increasingly common. People having extraordinary abilities was no secret, and there was no telling what could happen at anytime of the day.

Ahmad arrived at their meeting spot where they would find okada( transport bikes) or keke napep to go to school. Sadiq, Nasir, and Umar were already there, waiting patiently. Sadiq, with his glasses perched on his nose, was engrossed in a thick book, as always. Nasir leaned against a wall, with his calm demeanor. Umar paced back and forth, while staring at his phone.

"how far, guys," Ahmad greeted.

They all shook hands and greeted each other and made their usual pleasantries and began to look for transport to go to school. 

"omo, una don hear say President go address us today(hey have you guys heard, the president is addressing the nation today)? Umar asked.

"yeah, them don table our matter now, you know say crime rate for everywhere don craze cuz now mad people don de strong(yeah, it's the main topic of discussion, crime rates everywhere have gone crazy, mad people are getting stronger now"." Nasir answered.

"Omo them gas update us, cuz by the time he start we go de class(ohhh, they need to be updating us cause we'll be having class when he starts)." Ahmad said.

"for sure now, this matter de too serious(for sure, this is too serious)." Sadiq said.

They eventually found one empty keke that had no passenger, they called for him, he stopped and picked them up. They all clustered into the keke and set off to school. They arrived in school ten minutes later, the keke parked right infront of the school gate, they each paid the keke driver and walked straight into school. The school has massive compound with a its sign board towering over the gate and the school name (Excellence Secondary College "E.S.C"), a security house built on the fence of the school just beside the gate, while the school has four different buildings, the boys school building was at the far end of the compound and in the far left side of the building was the football field and assembly ground. While they were walking to their class in the school building, the bell was rung, signifying assembly time, but being SS3 students, the boys didn't show any emotion towards the bell ringing and continued walking to their class.

They arrived at the class and draped their bags at their respective seats, which were all on the same row of each other. Nasir sat down and just stayed their quietly, Umar went out to the opposite class where he had more of his own friends, Sadiq sat at his desk and began using his phone and researching something and Ahmad was sitting on his table while talking to his female classmates. 

"good morning class… settle down lets get started." the teacher said as he began to clean the white board with a small rag.

The teacher cleaned off the entire board, once she was done she picked up a black marker and wrote in capital letters "CURRENT AFFAIRS". The students upon seeing this were confused because the teacher normally taught them physics and mathematics. They whispered to each other in confusion, questioning her reason of writing that down.

"ok… hello class… I know you're confused, don't worry I'll explain." she said.

"after assembly today, the director call all the teachers to speak to us and she brought up something interesting… THE NUCRANIUM EVENT…" she said.

"... in the last decade, countless number of people have discovered absurd changes in their body, you all know what I'm talking about… the Nucrons… people all over the world, with 65% coming from Africa, waking up to see that they been blessed… or some might say cursed with supernatural abilities…" she continued.

"... it was all well and good until three years ago unfortunately crime rates have began to rise all over the place and law enforcement are struggling daily with this predicament. I personally have been attacked by a group of Nucron's, I wasn't really scared until the one that had fire almost melted my hand" she explained as she pulled her sleeve to show the burn mark. 

"its fine… anyways she also told us that at exactly 8 o'clock, we should all tune in to channels, AIT, or any other news channel or radio station, their will be a public statement from FG (Federal Government) concerning this topic. So we're to tune in so EVERYBODY will hear what is to be said" she explained. 

8 o'clock hits and the teacher pulls out her laptop from her bag and connects the projector cable to it, she then turns on the projector and opens instagram on the laptop, she then brings up the channel television live broadcast and turned up her volume all the way so everyone can hear.

"... hello and good morning my fellow Nigerians, my name is Dr. Marcus Kane and this my colleague Dr. Emeka Reed, I know you were expecting his excellency Mr President, but he has concured that I will be able to bring forth this important message." Dr. Kane said

"We are the scientists behind the preternatural occurance known as "THE NUCRANIUM EVENT", we are quite aware of the current and developing state of affair caused by our incompetence, negligence and lack of safety precautions which were or are the cause of that cataclysmic event, as now more than ever crime rates all over the world have sky rocketed, we hereby formally apologize for our shortcoming and wish that you continue to cooperate with us as we navigate through these trying times…" Dr. Kane exclaimed

"for many years, I and my associate have worked tirelessly in finding a solution to the problem we created, and now my people we are to announce that with the cooperation and support from the governments of the world we have finally found a solution to the Nucranium crisis." he continued.

"Using the remaining fragments of the asteroid that changed the world ten years ago, I Dr. Marcus Kane and my friend and colleague Dr. Emeka Reed have developed an antidote for the Nucron cell and it has a 100% success rate." Dr. Kane Stated.

The whole class including the teacher gasped in surprise as this was said. Ahmad, Sadiq, Nasir and Umar all looked at each other in shock as they tried to comprehend what was just said.

"knowing that this was a big deal we anticipated that people will be skeptical or would straight up not believe us… so to clear you're doubts, we have organized a demonstration" Dr. Reed explained. A chair was set up and a young man came in and sat down on the chair while Dr. Kane and Dr. Reed prepped the antidote in a syringe.

"this live is broadcasting all around the world and all news stations so everyone can see.. that the new norm… is no more" Dr. Kane said.

"please son, before we get started, show us some of your powers" Dr. Reed requested.

The young man stood up from the chair and took some steps forward. He the gestured his hand towards the chair, the chair began to shake, the expression on his face became more tense, he then jerked his hand o the left and the chair lunged to the direction of his hands and crashed in to the table that had laboratory equipment on it.

"wow, that never ceases to amaze me" Dr. Kane said.

"ok now that you don't have chair just come here so that I can administer the injection" he said in condescending manner. The young man reluctantly walked towards the doctor.

Dr. Kane carefully injected the young man with the antidote, he removed the needle and kept on the side table next to him and stepped back.

"give it a few seconds" he said as he watched the young man

"ok now… do something" Dr. Reed said. The young man made a gesture with his hand but nothing, he tried harder and harder but nothing was happening.

"heyyyy JESUS, my power don go, JESUS, heyyyy!!! the young man screamed in fear and distortion.

"oga wetin you do me, JESUS!!! he screamed as he jacked Dr. Kane by his lab coat. 

Security guards quickly apprehended him and dragged out of the lab kicking and screaming. Dr. Reed looked worried and uneasy but Dr. Kane was satisfied, he then removed his glasses and put them side table, he then came closer to the camera and said. 

"The world can now rest assured that the threat of superhumans is under control. We must move forward and rebuild society without fear of their destructive powers. Distribution of the antidote will start next week, good day everyone, and God bless Nigeria" 

The live broadcast ended, the whole class was quiet with shock. They began to buzz, they whole class came unglued and were completely distraught. Some were happy with the news, some were imbalanced and some were disapproved of it. The boys looked at each other, confused, in-shock and lost for words. The powers they had come to accept and love so much where now in jeopardy and about to be taken away.

Lagos, Nigeria: KRONOS LABS

"so how was that for a presentation Emeka? The antidote was merely a stepping stone. With our knowledge of the powers and the energy source, the sky is our beginning." Dr. Kane said followed by an malicious laugh.

"although I don't agree with some of your methods, the results speak for themselves. Good job my friend, I just got off a call with the presidents office… he's very happy" Dr. Reed replied.

"The president is just a celebrated puppet. Money and power at will be at our finger tips, and soon, we will be ready for the next phase…" Dr. Kane stated.

"... and you will help us get there." then walks in the young man that was their volunteer for the antidote testing.

"how did I do boss? He asked.

"you did well my boy, fantastic!!!" Dr. Kane replied whilst embracing him and then handing him a cup of whiskey.

"enjoy yourself son, I will let you know when next I need you" Dr. Kane said 

"and don't worry, you will be at full strength in a few hours" Dr. Reed said.

"let me go and make sure shipping has begun" he continued as he walked out of the office.

BACK AT SCHOOL: 10:00am…

Its break time and everyone is buzzing about the news, the entire school was rowdy and understandably so, there was going to be massive changes once this antidote got out. The boys went to the cantine to eat and talk about this new development.

"omo guys, how una de see am (omo guys, what do you think)? Umar asked as he sat down on the table where they were all seated.

"I don't even know what to say, to be honest I don't believe its legit" Nasir answered.

"nah bro, we just saw someone lose his powers on live broadcast and you don't believe legit? Ahmad asked

"how do you know its not staged? For all we know the guy could have just been paid to ACT like he lost his powers" Nasir answered.

"guy, I think Nas is saying something. The Doctor their looks somehow to me" Umar said whilst eating a bunch of chips.

"why would anybody stage something like that? It makes zero sense, besides the scientists that were there are really the ones who caused the Nucranium event, so we have to believe it, even if we don't want to" Sadiq said in an annoyed tone.

"guy relax now, its not the end of the world." Umar said.

"we haven't even done anything with these powers, they say if you're a Nucron your powers come in at 17 or if you're subjected to some kind of torture or trauma or something." Sadiq replied.

"the way I see it, the antidote is good for the most part. Cause unless Nucrons we'll get up and start enrolling in the army or something, its actually of no use." Nasir said.

"like, the crime is just going up at STUPID rate and other Nucrons that aren't into crime are not coming in to help law enforcement, even police officers and army guys are just leaving their work to steal money and become criminals." Sadiq stated.

"but to be honest you can't blame that completely on the individuals particularly, its only in Africa that people are raising hell all over the place. The countries are poor. They are being cheated by their so called leaders who are stealing money that's meant for the people and leaving them poor. Of course when the poor realize they have some kind of power, they will take matters into their own hands… I honestly don't blame most of them." Ahmad stated.

"una just de talk rubbish, shey the governments don finally find solution(you guys are just saying rubbish, haven't governments finally found a solution to the problem?). Very soon we'll go back to the normal ways… Africa and its people stay poor and underdeveloped while, our "leaders" fly on private jets with other leaders from other continents… the whole thing don comot for my body(I'm over the whole thing)." Umar countered them.

The discussion continues and two of their female friends, Safina and Zainab walk up to their table and begin talking to them.

"heyy guys" they both said simultaneously

"what are you guys talking about? Safina asked.

"what everybody is talking about" Umar replied.

"whats there to talk about, the world will finally go back to normal… thank God" Zainab said

"so you're happy about this?" Ahmad asked.

"yes now, all this "Nucranium event" has caused nothing but problems for us." Zainab replied.

"thank you!!" Sadiq exclaimed as he high-fived Zainab.

"yeah, the whole thing wasn't really as beneficial… apart from self defence of course" Safina said.


Just as Ahmad could fully speak he felt big splash of water on his chest. He sprung up in reaction, he looked up and saw one of their classmates Bala Abubakar, a 6'0 tall, dark skinned muscular Nupe boy smiling maliciously at him, Ahmad's expression changed quickly from shocked to angry, he and Bala have been having a small rivalry since junior secondary school. Ahmad began to walk towards Bala to confront him but Safina stepped infront of him and tries to calm him down, Ahmad gave Bala a death stare just as the school bell rang, signaling the end of break time. Ahmad was given a rag to dry himself off and the boys led him to class.


Its closing time and everyone is scrambling to go home. The boys pick up their bags and head for the gate, before they could leave the class, one of their classmates Bala Abubakar, a 6'0 tall, dark skinned muscular Nupe boy walked into the class and walked up to Ahmad, while he was sitting on his table waiting for the others.

"how far now, Ahmad?" He greeted sarcastically with a malicious grin on his face.

"what do you want?" Ahmad replied with an annoyed look on his face.

"calm down now, na question I ask you(I just asked you a question)" Bala said.

"how far now bro? Calm down let me help you clean your shirt" he continued as he motioned to Ahmad's shirt.

" guy fuck off!!!" Ahmad said in an annoyed tone.

"ahhhh, haba now, oya take rag" Bala said as he throws a rag to Ahmad which lands on his face.

Ahmad took the rag off his face, slapped Bala's arm away and sprung from his table to get face to face with Bala. Just before Ahmad could do anything, Umar got between them and began to drag Ahmad away from Bala. Nasir and Sadiq surrounded Bala. He backed down and went to the other side of the class. Ahmad pushed Umar off him, picked up his bag and marched angrily out of the class, the others followed him and they all left school.


The boys are eating and Sadiq is rambling about the interaction he had with Safina, who he has huge crush on. Sadiq continued to talk in excitement, elaborating his plan to get her to like him, he was then interrupted by the sound coming from a radio set on a table near them.

"... much to our surprise the government has already shipped out the so-called "antidote" for the Nucron cell" the presenter announced.

"not only but it is expected that officials are to begin administering the antidote in schools and government offices. It has been made MANDETORY that all students, teachers and government officials take this antidote" he continued. 

"distribution of the antidote is expected to begin tomorrow morning and officials will begin Administering it on Friday" he stated.

"wow!! that was FAST" Ahmad said.

"yeah, these guys are not playing" Nasir replied.

"omo, I'll believe it when I see it" Umar shouted.

"they're just trying to scare people so that criminals will start hiding" he added.

"I'm surprised we haven't run in to that kind of thing before" Sadiq said.

"what thing?" Umar asked.

"all this crime stuff. I've seen the videos on IG and people have told me about it, but I myself haven't encountered any of that stuff" Sadiq replied.

"which mad person is going to step up… them no born anybody well" Umar said.

"for real, to be serious I don't see it ending well for anybody if they come up against us" Nasir said with a smirk on his face.

"especially with our personal dragon, oga Ahmad!!!" Umar hailed.

"FACTS bro" Ahmad answered with a smile. 

They all laughed together and continued their discussion. A few minutes later, Mama Ayo arrived with their order and placed it on the table. They thanked her for her service but noticed she had a distraught look on her face, they decide to query her.

"mommy what's wrong?" Ahmad asked.

"my children don't worry ehn, eat your food" she replied sadly and began to walk away.

Umar stood up from his chair and quickly intercepted her before she could leave.

"mommy no, see your face now, your all sad, tell us whats wrong" he pleaded.

"Umar, LEAVE ME… I said there's nothing wrong, please shift!!!" she shouted in anger as she pushed Umar aside. 

Everyone heard what happened and were now staring, Umar stood in shock as Mama Ayo marched away in anger. People began to mummer, confused at Mama Ayo's outburst. Umar then went back to sit at his table.

"wahala de ooo(we have a problem)" he said as he sat down.

"maybe it's a village problem." Sadiq said.

"I doubt it. Mama Ayo has never snapped like that, I don't think I've ever seen her angry at all." Ahmad stated.

"yeah, she's never let anything get to her, even when the cantine was burned down… even when she found that it was her son that burned it down." Nasir added.

"that was the only thing that made her show any kind of anger or sadness" Sadiq said.

"we need to find out what happened to her." Ahmad said.

The boys looked around for a few seconds until Umar saw Nkechi, Mama Ayo's daughter who helps her run the cantine. She also looked worried and distraught, Umar then motioned for her to come over. She stayed for few seconds with a sad face and then walked towards the boys' table, Umar dragged a chair over and gave it to her to sit.

"how far Nkechi, whats wrong with your mom? Umar asked.

"both of you, you look so sad" Sadiq said.

"... she… she said I shouldn't tell anybody." Nkechi replied.

"haba now, I've never seen any of you like this, tell us whats wrong!" Ahmad said.

"Its my brother… Ayo, he has joined one cult in his university and he's leading them here to extort my mom, last night they came here and trashed the kitchen, they now demanded 100k from my mom, she had to give them all the money we had in the kitchen so they would leave" Nkechi explained.

"that Ayo no de hear word(that Ayo doesn't listen)" Umar said in an angry voice.

"and you guys didn't call police?" Sadiq asked.

"we did, but they said they couldn't do anything about it" Nkechi replied.

"couldn't or wouldn't?"Nasir asked.

"... I don't know" Nkechi replied.

"of course they would say that, even before there were Nucron's, police couldn't take care of crime. Now people are super powered, so they won't even bother" Ahmad said.

"yeah, my mom has been giving him money even before he went to university and he still…" Mama Ayo called for her before she could finish speaking. She then stood up to answer her mom and said goodbye to the boys. As she walked away the boys lamented what she told them.

"we need to help them" Ahmad said in an angry voice.

"agreed" Umar said as he nodded.

"should we really be getting into this? I think we should mind our business" Nasir said.

"you de craze(are you crazy)?" Umar asked he pushed Nasir provocatively.

"na Mama Ayo you de talk about ooo" he continued.

"she's been good to us since primary 5 bro, how many times has she advised us and also taken care of us. We owe her" Sadiq stated.

"facts, we do owe her this. And whats the use of having powers if we can't help someone like her" Ahmad said

"CALM DOWN NOW, them no de joke with una(can't someone joke with you)?" he shouted apprehensively.

"no de joke that kind joke ooo" Umar said.

"Nkechi said he comes here with his cult at night, most likely after they close." Ahmad stated.

"that's like around 10 o'clock." Sadiq added.

"ok good, lets go and come back around 9:45, so we'll be able meet them when they show up, then… we solve the problem." Ahmad said

They all agreed and began to eat, they finished eating and left the cantine with their plan lingering in their minds, they went to prepare their minds and bodies and expected the unexpected, they also informed Mallam Dabo of their plan during training, of this he was proud that they taking this step.


The boys arrived at the cantine ready for a fight, they walked into the main shop were Nkechi was sitting at beside the front door in tears. They walk up to her and ask what happened, she then points inside, signaling Tola and his boys had arrived. They then marched angrily into the cantine, tables broken and chairs dismantled, debrea all over the place, their faces were covered in fear and rage, they could here men screaming and also a woman pleading. They ran to the kitchen, bursting the door open and seeing 5 guys surrounding someone with his hand on Mama Ayo's neck. Without saying a thing the boys lunged at the cultists.

Umar being the biggest of the bunch picked up one guy and slammed him into a stove, he then dragged the guy off the stove threw him into his fellow cult member. Sadiq kicked a guy, forcing him to slam into the sink, he then used his powers to bring out water from the tap and then send it into the cultists mouth and choking him. Nasir used his powers to blow guy straight outside of the kitchen through the back door. Ahmad punched Ayo who was trying to choke his mother away from her. As he held his face in shock of what just happened. Ahmad then jacked Ayo by his shirt and held him up, Ayo looked up in fear.

"oga wetin I do you now, leave me now(oga what have I done to you)?" he asked fearfully.

"na be you de try extort your Mama(you're the one trying to extort you mom)" Ahmad said angrily as he pushed Ayo back onto the ground.

"please you people should leave him, please don't injure my son, please now" Mama Ayo pleaded.

Ahmad turned to Mama Ayo and they began arguing. Ayo then removed a small knife from his pocket. He looked towards Ahmad and then lunged at him with malicious intent. Before he could land a hit his hand was stopped by Umar who towered over him, Umar threw him to the wall making him crash into a stack of dishes. Ahmad walked towards Ayo and held him by his neck. He then started heating his hand which in turn started burning Ayo's neck. Ayo screamed in agony as Ahmad's hand became hotter, Mama Ayo began to cry and plead with them to leave, Ahmad looked at Mama Ayo and back at Ayo.

"leave this woman alone… wait no be your mama be this(isn't this your mother)?" he asked angrily. Ahmad nodded while trembling at Ahmad's grip.

"if I ever hear say you come this shop disturb her again(if you ever come to disturb her in this shop again)… WE WILL KILL YOU" Ahmad shouted angrily as he released Ayo from his grip. 

Tola coughed profusely and struggled for air, his cult members were already long gone by the time the boys were done. The boys walked out of the kitchen whilst Mama Ayo knelt down to console her son. 

"oya tell her sorry." Umar commanded.

"I'm sorry Ma… pls… I'm sorry." Ayo pleaded while trembling under his mother.

"look… from today, you will help her in this kitchen. You help her cook, take orders from customers and do all the cleaning!" Ahmad commanded.

"ye… yes… yes sir." Ayo answered.

"and when we come you will be serving us first. NO MATTER WHAT." Sadiq added.

"our clothes. We'll be bringing them for you to wash… and you must wash them no matter what." Nasir also added as they started smiling trying to hold in their laughter.

"and you…" 

"Its OK! Do you want to kill him?" Mama Ayo shouted.

"sorry ma" Ahmad said as he also started laughing a little. He then motioned for them to leave and they all followed. 

The boys walked to the front door where Nkechi expressed her gratitude to them. They walked out and were met by Mallam Dabo who had a big smile on his face, he shook their hands and congratulated them on a job well done.

"well done boys" he said as they all walked away from the cantine.

"thanks G" they all answered.

"well… it was good while it lasted" Sadiq sighed.

"you enjoy fighting that much?" Umar asked.

"he means that's the last time we'll use our powers… atleast in that manner" Nasir replied.

"oga rest, all this antidote stuff na wash(all this antidote stuff is fake)" Umar shouted.

"Umar… as much as I would like to believe that the government is just lying to us, that's not the case. I have friends that are close to this specific situation and they have told me that this is moving at a surprisingly fast rate, after isha prayer I spoke to one of them and they said shipments are here and ready and there is enough for all the schools and government offices in Abuja. Distribution will begin tomorrow and as soon as the shipments arrive at the school, officials will start administering as soon as they land" Mallam Dabo explained.

"i guess it is the last time" Ahmad said.

"hey, don't worry, its not the end of the world. You guys are going to do great regardless… so stop sulking, chin up and prepare for the future… ok" Mallam Dabo stated.

"yes sir!" they all answered. They all continued to gist and walk to their separate homes, they all went home to get ready for the next day.