The boys arrived school at 7:54, anxious and nervous of what was going to happen on this day. They walked into their class and sat down, a few minutes later their first teacher for the day came and started the lesson. Around 9:20, two white government issued buses arrived at the school, they were then directed to the football field, once the buses were parked, three people emerged from each bus, they had gloves and face masks on, they began to bring out equipment from the buses, tables, chairs and large cases labeled "antidote". The boys class was over looking the field, so some students were able to watch what was happening. Nasir, who was one the students sitting by the window, was able to observe what was happening, he signaled to the others of what was happening, increasing their anxiety. A few minutes later, their Principal, Mrs Anita arrived at their class.

"good morning Mr Peter." she greeted as she walked in.

"good morning Ma." Mr Peter replied.

"please I want to speak with them." Mrs Anita as she turned to face the class.

"ok ma" he complied.

"good morning everyone, I'm sure you're all aware of whats going on outside, and I'm sure you were told yesterday… the officials are here to administer the antidote to the Nucron cell and they have told me that they would like to start with the SS3 students… so now, please close your books and march to the field in an orderly manner and lets get this over with" she explained.

The class went quiet, slowly everyone began to put their books away and get up to go to the field, they all walked of the class, some sluggish and some at a normal pace, the Principal had already walked out of their class to speak to the other SS3 class. They all made their way to the field, looking directly at the officials ready to pierce their skin with needles and take their powers. They exchanged greetings with the officials and were instructed to line up. 

A few minutes passed and the antidote had started being injected into students with no sign of any side effects or discomfort afterwards . Next in line was Fuhad Abdullahi, he is 5'7, small in size and has on big glasses, nicknamed "Retro" by his peers. Fuhad was shaking and sweating profusely, anxiety ruled him, his hands trembled, and his eyes wide as he looked at the official preparing his injection. Fuhad has vidamo(video) powers, he can manipulate technology and create digital constructs at will, he had hardly shown his powers and has always kept to himself. Fuhad's powers gave him a sense of strength in his life and his abusive background, he did not want to give that up.

An official sat down on a small chair with its desk which had all his equipment ready for him and also a chair infront where the students will seat. He sat down, picked up the needle and called for Fuhad to come forward. Fuhad looked at the official and started walking sluggishly towards him. Fuhad's heart was beating faster and faster, his hands sweating and his vision was blurring. He came right infront of the desk and was now looking at the official ready to inject him, Fuhad starting having flashbacks of his life before he had powers, being bullied in school and taken constant abuse from his father at home, he started breathing heavily and leaned on the desk, officials and teachers rushed to calm him down. Fuhad's eyes opened wide with a blue light coming from it, he then screamed and pushed over the desk infront of him, he pushed away the crowd of people standing over him, then with a crazed look in his eyes he fired a vidamo blast at them, still panicking and breathing heavily Fuhad created wings with his powers and flew away from the school, disappearing in the far distance and leaving everyone shocked at his actions.

Shocked and confused at what had just happened, the students began to speak amongst themselves, the officials started making calls and salvaging the equipment that was blasted. After a few minutes, the official that was attacked got his injuries treated and was taken to a hospital for further treatment, another official stepped in at his post and continued to administer the antidote.

The antidote was eventually administered to everyone despite the accidents, they were then sent back to class to continue with their classes, whilst other classes were called to be given the antidote.


Its closing time, the boys are still in class talking about what went down in the morning, some of their other classmates join them in there discussion, it was the boys, Safina, Zainab, Georgina, Christina, and James, they circled at the teachers table, some sitting on chairs, some on tables and some standing. Georgina was rambling, trying to comprehend what Retro had done.

"I still can't believe he burst out like that." she said.

"I'm not surprised, the guy had issues for a long time." James claimed.

"how do you know that James?" Safina asked.

"the guy is weird, he never does anything but walk around the school aimlessly, last week he went to the farm and was just watching the fish… mid class period!" James answered.

"yeah, the guy was somehow to be honest." Christina said.

"well I hope he turns up somewhere cause only God knows what he might be getting into." Safina said.

"he'll be fine, as we've seen, he can take care of himself." Ahmad said with a tired voice.

"yeah, the guy still has his powers, of course he'll be fine." Christina asked.

"no… but I know one thing, I'm going to miss my powers" James said.

"seriously bro, this isn't fair, we can't be punished just because some people couldn't control themselves."he continued.

"if that's how you feel, why didn't you leave like Retro did?" Sadiq queried.

"ehn… well… " James mumbled.

"exactly, so keep your mouth shut!" Christina commanded.

"was everyone registered?" she asked.

"yeah… you have to give your full name and signature, immediately after your given the injected" Sadiq answered.

"am I the only one that felt a little weird when they took that antidote?" Nasir asked.

"I feel tired bro." Umar exclaimed as he leaned on the wall and yawned.

"I felt a kind of funny feeling in my stomach for a while, but I'm fine now though." Georgina said.

"I felt just fine when I took it." Zainab said.

"It felt ok at first, but I keep getting weaker and weaker by the hour." Sadiq said.

"me too" Ahmad added.

"maybe we should start going, cause we might be too weak to leave here in a few minutes" Nasir suggested.

"yeah, you're right, let's go guys" Ahmad said as he got up slowly from his chair and picked up his bag.

"take it easy guys" Sadiq said as he also picked up his bag.

"bye" all the girls said simultaneously.

The boys shook hands with everyone and slowly walked out of the gate to head home. They found a keke outside the school and piled into it, they began to make their way home, getting more tired as the journey progressed. They noticed they were approaching Mama Ayo's shop, they contemplated stopping but were just too exhausted to make the commitment, they then agreed to comeback the next day since it would be the weekend. They arrived at the estate and were dropped at their separate homes as they said goodbye too each other, at which they were all barely awake and were struggling to hold themselves up, they all stumbled into their separate homes and rooms, going past their family members as if they weren't there, they stumbled into their rooms, threw their bags on the ground and crashed face first into their beds, leaving their families confused at their actions. They all slept through the rest of the day with the antidote coursing through their blood, little did they know the antidote wasn't doing what it was intended for.