

Ahmad had just got out of the shower and started getting ready for school. As he buttoned up his shirt, his mother (Fatima) called him from the living room.


"Ahmad!" she called.


(In Hausa) "are you awake?" she asked.


(In Hausa) "yes, I'm getting ready." Ahmad answered.


(In English) "ok, when you're done come and meet me in my room." she commanded.


(In English) "… ok." Ahmad answered as he put on his sport shirt and finished wearing his uniform. He went straight to his mothers room as she said. As he walked in Fatima was sitting on her bed using her phone, as she heard him she put the phone down to speak to him.


(In Hausa) "good morning." Ahmad said as he sat on the stool of his moms dressing mirror.


(In Hausa) "good morning. How was your night?" she asked


(In Hausa) "it was fine." Ahmad answered.


(In English) "how was your trip… did you finally get your promotion?" Ahmad asked.


(In English) "hmm… I'll know on Monday by God's grace." Fatima answered.


(In Hausa) "ok then." Ahmad said.


(In English) "speaking of my meeting, I got a call from your principal while it was on-going…" Fatima stated as Ahmad sat straight knowing exactly what this was about.


(In Hausa) "…she told me that you got into a fight with someone." She said. Ahmad looks away*


(In Hausa) "Ahmad Sani! Look at me." Fatima commanded as Ahmad obliged and looked at her.


(In English) "what happened, tell me." she said.


sighs* (In English) "its nothing we just… have some problems." Ahmad said.


(In Hausa) "that's not what I asked, I said what happened. Problems with who?" Fatima asked.


"... Bala." Ahmad answered.


(In English) "Bala again! What's wrong with both of you? Do God just destine you to be bitter enemies… why now Ahmad. Since primary school only two of you will be fighting each other, haba!" Fatima complained.


(In Hausa) "its not me, he's the one who always starts it. He shot me in the face with a ball." Ahmad stated.


(In Hausa) "then you leave there, why do you have to engage him." Fatima said.


(In English) "leave? Leave? Is that what you would have done if it was you?" Ahmad queried. His mom then looked away while squeezing her mouth knowing full well that she would of acted in a similar way to her son.


(In Hausa) "ok fine I would have killed the person…" she answered as they both laugh.


(In English) "… but still Ahmad, I don't like you fighting. Thank God for that antidote though, I no longer have to worry about you giving someone the hell on earth experience." Fatima continued.


"yeah." Ahmad answered nervously.


(In English) " so please Ahmad, try to stay away from Bala. Does Mallam Hassan know about this?" Fatima asked.


(In Hausa) "yes, I told him the next day." Ahmad answered.


(In English) "ok, that one is enough for you." Fatima said.


"still though, promise me you will stay away from Bala. You are about to write exam in a few months and you need to focus all your energy on it, TAKE CONTROL!, ok?" Fatima pleaded.


"ok, I'll do my best." Ahmad answered.


"good, oya go to school, you'll be late. May God bless you. And say hi to the others for me." Fatima said as she got up to get ready for work.


"ok, bye." Ahmad said as he walked out of the room to put on his shoes and head out for school. As he was walking out of the door, his mothers voice stopped him.


"Ahmad, your interhouse sports event is tomorrow right?" she asked.


"yes." Ahmad answered.


"do you need me there?" she asked again.


"... not really, but don't you have to go to Sokoto tomorrow?" Ahmad asked.


"... oh, well I'm still not sure if I'll go, your grandmother hasn't gotten back to me. So we'll see then." Fatima said.


"oh ok, bye." Ahmad said as he left for school.





Rehearsal for the inter house sports events have concluded and everyone is ready for the highly anticipated event. The school decided to close early by 1:30pm so everyone could have a good rest for tomorrows schedule. The boys are in their class along with some other students waiting for the final bell. Sadiq looks to his side and notices Zainab sitting alone on the other side of the class while using her phone. Ahmad who is sitting beside Sadiq notices this and taps his shoulder.


"what's going on lover boy?…" he teased.


"...is she still avoiding you?" he asked.


"mhmm." Sadiq murmured.


"then go talk to her now, she's alone and she seems ok… now." Ahmad suggested.


"what do you mean she looks ok now?" Sadiq asked.


"last week, she looked miserable each time I saw her, but today she's looking fresh. I saw her laughing with Christina and the other girls during rehearsals. Bruv, if you're going to talk to her, now's the time." Ahmad explained.


"at least this time, if she doesn't want to talk to you she can run." Ahmad joked as he laughed.


"hmm… you stayed in class all day today, are you avoiding someone?" Sadiq implied.


"I'm trying not to kill someone, Principal told my mom about the fight." Ahmad answered.


"really? Chai, ok then, wish me luck." Sadiq said as he got up. As he walked towards Zainab the bell rang indicating closing time. He continued walking but before he could get to her, James sat beside Zainab and engaged her in conversation. Sadiq with a surprised look on his face turned to Ahmad for what to do, before he could answer, the principal walked into the class with Bala just behind her. All students greeted her as she walked in, she greeted them back and turned to Ahmad.


"Sani, I understand that you and Bala fought recently, is that right?" she asked


"yes ma." Ahmad answered as he stood up.


"ok, your punishment will be maintenance at the interhouse sports, both of you will make sure all the props are good and available for all houses and then finally you will be the main help for the winning house's parade." The principal stated.


"is that clear?" she asked.


"yes ma." they both answered.


"but before then, both of you will arrange the hall for your upcoming exams, lets go." she said as she walked out of the class. As she left the class the two glared at each other before Bala walked out of the class as he held up his middle finger at Ahmad. Ahmad, aggrieved at this point followed them, leaving Sadiq stranded. As he walked out he turned to Sadiq and said "Go!" queitly, giving Sadiq a little boost in confidence. Sadiq looked at James and Zainab and decided that it was now or never and approached.


"how fa guys." he said. Zainab immediately looked nervous as Sadiq walked up but still tried keeping a straight face, while James made a grim expression suggesting he didn't want Sadiq there.


"guy abeg, I want to talk to Zainab." Sadiq said.


"can't you see we're talking? Message her or something." James answered angrily.


"this isn't something we talk about on whatsApp bro." Sadiq said.


"ehn well we're talking wait for us to finish…" James said.


"no its fine, lets talk." Zainab interupted.


"its really serious James, we'll talk later." she said to James.


"...fine…" James exclaimed as he got up and walked away angrily. Sadiq then brings a chair close and sits down.


"thanks…" he said.


"its fine." Zainab answered.


"so… how… how have you been. Are you doing Ok?" Sadiq asked nervously.


"I'm fine Sadiq… sorry I've been ignoring you." Zainab apologised.


"its, its fine… I was worried I hurt you or something, you're in a tough place. It can't be easy." Sadiq said.


"you didn't hurt me, I was the one who got scared, I shouldn't have told you about that and when I did I tried to run away from you… I know you mean well." Zainab explained.


"so why did you tell me?" Sadiq asked.


"... I… I just wanted to feel… I don't know, I just wanted someone else to know, I wanted to feel safe, to feel like I'm not alone." Zainab said nervously. Sadiq put his head down, contemplating what she said and what to say next.


"what about Christina?" he asked


"she doesn't understand, she never had powers. And to be honest she's not that different from my dad." Zainab answered.


"you're not alone Zainab… I'm… with you." Sadiq said as he put his hand on her shoulder.


"thank you." Zainab said as she blushed with a smile.


"so how have YOU been?" she asked.


"I'm Ok. Better now that you finally spoke to me." Sadiq answered as Zainab giggled. The two continued to talk and catch up with one another.

Meanwhile, Ahmad and Bala were sent to the Hall, which is used for multiple things and this time they were to arrange the seats for their upcoming exams as the Principal said.

Inside the Hall was Umar, along with Baezan and his two other friends Bashir and Ikechukwu. They were all enjoying a good cocaine snorting session, then they started hearing foot steps coming from the distance. They immediately started clearing the table of all evidence and hiding them, as the footsteps came closer they moved faster in hiding the cocaine and cleaning themselves of it. Finally the Principal walked in, and seconds later Bala and Ahmad emerged behind her.


"good afternoon ma." Umar and the others greeted.


"good afternoon boys. What are you doing here?" she asked.


"nothing… nothing ma, we're just gisting." Umar answered.


"... but you know you're not supposed to be here right? This hall has been restricted for all students until after your inter house sport." the principal stated.


"we didn't know ma." Bashir said.


"how will you know when you don't listen and never show up for assembly…" she shouted angrily.


"since you're here, you will join them in arranging the chairs and tables for your exam." she continued.


"oya start arranging, and don't leave here until all the chairs are arranged properly." she said as she turned to walk out.


"and both of you, don't think this will alleviate work from your hands, you will coordinate them. If this place isn't arranged properly, I will hold you responsible." she said to Ahmad and Bala as she walked out of the hall. They all got to work arranging the hall, Ahmad had sense something was off since he walked in and as they worked, he approached Umar for answers.


"guy, how fa?" Ahmad asked.


"whats up?" Umar said back at him.


"what were you guys doing before we came here?" Ahmad queried


"... uhm… no… nothing." Umar stammered.


"what's wrong with you?" Ahmad asked as he came closer to Umar. As he came closer he noticed Umar's nose was covered in white powder but was rubbed off.


"what's that?" he asked as Umar looked away trying to hide his face.


"guy its nothing… we just…" Umar stammered. Ahmad then grabbed Umar's arm and turned him forcefully to look at him, as Umar turned, Ahmad stood in shock as he realised his friends state.


"are you high?!" Ahmad yelled.


"guy keep quiet…" Umar shouted as he dragged Ahmad to one side.


"what the hell is your problem, (In pidgin) why will you shout something like that?" Umar whispered angrily.


(In pidgin) "are you crazy? Why the hell you would do something like this in the first place…" Ahmad said. His eyes widened as he remembered something that happened before.


"after my fight with Bala, that was the white powder that was on your nose. That YOU said was dust from the mosque?" Ahmad asked angrily.


"... yes, but you have to understand bro…" Umar tried explaining.


"no! no! What's there to try and understand? You hiding around school snorting cocaine? How the hell did you get into…" Ahmad raged but was interrupted by Bala touching his shoulder.


"heas! You girls should gossip when we're done with this nonsense abeg." Bala said.


"shut up! We're here aren't we? Get out of my face." Ahmad warned as he swatted away his hand.


"omo wetin de happen for here now…" Baezán said as he approached the group.


"him? He's the one your getting it from, you dipshits were doing it before we got here weren't you?" Ahmad queried loudly.


"bro ENOUGH! This isn't important, let's talk about this later." Umar said angrily.


"what's G going to say about this? He will kill you." Ahmad said.


"DON'T TRY IT !" Umar shouted as he got in Ahmad's face.


"he can't find out… I plan on stopping, I've tried… I will. Ahmad do not tell anyone, not even the others." Umar warned.


"oh no, I won't tell them, you'll tell them by yourself like a man." Ahmad said not backing down.


"boss relax now, calm your mind. Dis tin no be issue. See am now." Baezán mumbled as he brought out the cocaine from his pocket and handed it to Ahmad. Ahmad took it and looked at it.


"this is…." be fore he could speak a teacher came in.


"heyy. You guys are supposed to be arranging this place not gisting." he shouted at them. Ahmad quickly held the small bag of cocaine behind him.


"sir they have something here. It looks like cocaine." Bala said. Ahmad and Umar's eyes widened in shock of what Bala said. Ahmad's shock quickly turned into anger as he stood their with the bag knowing Bala only did it to get him in trouble.


"all of you stay there and don't move." the teacher commanded.

They all stood their as they were told and as the teacher approached, Umar continued to get more anxious and was sweating profusely. Baezán and his other friends were so high that they didn't even know what was going on and were almost completely unresponsive. Umar then tried to grab the bag of cocaine from Ahmad but he moves away from him. Ahmad glares at Umar and then turns to glare at Bala who was almost laughing out loud. Ahmad knows what he has to do, his hatred of Bala will have to take second place now and he has to save himself and his friend.


"hold still." he whispers. Umar is confused but obliges and stays still, trusting Ahmad. Ahmad was facing the door where the teacher walking from and Umar was beside him but facing Ahmad's side where he could see the bag Ahmad was holding.


Ahmad looks at Umar and squints his eyes as if he was focusing on something, his eyes started glowing a dim red. Umar started feeling heat on his face, on the exact area where their was left over cocaine. Ahmad was using his control of heat to destroy the cocaine on Umar's face. Once he realized what Ahmad was doing, Umar closed his eyes and held still for Ahmad to finish what he was doing.

Within a few seconds, Ahmad had completely burned of all the left over cocaine that was on Umar's face. Once he was done, he squeezed the bag of cocaine he was holding. The bag started burning from both ends quickly as Bala raised an eyebrow on seeing the bag was completely destroyed in under a second as if it was never there.


The teacher walked up to them and started searching them. Umar's mind was calm knowing what Ahmad had done. After searching them all seeing there was nothing their and also discarding Baezán's state cause what he does is common knowledge, he made them all continue their punishment as they were supposed to.


They eventually arranged the hall with the teacher coordinating them, he then dismissed them and they all left the hall to go home. Ahmad and Umar eventually met Sadiq and Nasir just outside the school. They greeted each other but their was tension in the air as Ahmad didn't say much and Umar was being uncharacteristically nervous as they walked to find public transport. When they found transport they set off for home. The ride was quiet and uncomfortable, Sadiq and Nasir were rattled on why Ahmad was silent and Umar being nervous. Once they got to the junction of their estate, they saw it blocked by a scary car accident involving a huge oil tanker and a few dozen cars. Fortunately the oil tanker was empty and there was no explosion but due to the accident the entire road was blocked, so the boys would have to walk the rest of the way. So they paid their transport fare and went on their way.


The boys continued their journey and eventually got passed the main road and got to the path way that led to their estate. Rumors have been flying around about the path being prone to bandit attacks but obviously the boys were undeterred. As they walked Sadiq and Nasir began to question Ahmad and Umar.


"guys this is getting old, what happened to you guys?" Sadiq asked.


"you've been quiet since. And I've NEVER seen Umar nervous before… EVER." Nasir said.


"guys its… nothing." Umar said. Ahmad still refusing to respond.


"guy talk now, what happened… was it Bala this time?" Sadiq asked Ahmad but he still remains silent.


"guy don't worry, he just got into it with Bala. No be issue." Umar said nervously. Ahmad then turned and glared at him for a moment before turning and continuing walking.


"damn. See death stare, so you were the one who did something." Nasir said.


"what did you do to him?" Sadiq asked Umar.


"I didn't do anything to him, its between him and Bala, I even had to separate them before…" Umar was explaining before Ahmad dropped his bag on the ground as he looked forward. The others upon seeing this also looked forward and saw almost a dozen men standing in front of them armed with guns.


One of the men stepped forward, dressed in combat boots, black cargo pants, a ripped singlet and a tie and die scarf covering his head, his demeanor exuding leadership. He smiles menacingly as he stared the boys down.


"big boys!" he yelled.


"how fa now. This road wey una de follow no good ooo, una no know?!" he asked.


"ehn. The road don block, so we had to pass through here." Sadiq said.


"ayya! Sorry ooo, and na we cause am ooo. Let's help you get home." The man suggest.


"(scoffs) don't worry, we sabi the way." Ahmad said.


"oh haba, OK now…" the man exclaimed. He looked down and noticed Ahmad's phone bulging out of his pocket.


"...oya just give us something now. Make our weekend steady…. that phone go de OK." he continued


"this phone no go do you guys now. We no get anything for hand boss." Ahmad said.


"no now boss. You go just give us the phone, and we go make sure say nothing do you before you reach house." the man implied.


"so if we no give you something go do us?" Nasir asked.


"I can't guarantee it." the man said with another menacing grin. Sadiq, Nasir and Umar got serious, dropping their bags and stood with Ahmad as he also dropped his bag on the ground. As the bandit saw this he started laughing hysterically.


"wetin be this?" he asked as he laughed along with his fellow bandits


"wetin una wan do? You wan fight us?" he asked again as he continued laughing. The boys looked at each other and they all smiled, knowing what they are capable of.


"boss whats the play now?" Umar whispered to Ahmad.


"hmm… lets try and have some fun… I want all parties to enjoy this…" Ahmad instructed with a smirk, he then looks at Nasir. Nasir smiles and then makes a motion with his hands.


The bandits start choking and falling to their knees as they struggled to catch their breath. Their leader stood their in shock at what was happening. Just then Nasir let them go and the were all able to breath properly. The lead bandit started shouting, asking them what happened but they were unable to speak. He then turns to the boys and realizes what is happening.


"oh! Oh! So na una type abi?" he shouted.


"them suppose don comot all that tin from una body. Una still de hide am abi." he continued as they all smiled at him.


"omo no be go scatter me, I go kill you before una kill me." he yelled as he cocked his gun and aimed to fire. The boys stood their unfazed.


"una no de fear abi? No problem you go soon feel…" before he could finish speaking Nasir hits him with an outrageous air blast sending him flying along with his compatriots. They all landed hard on the narrow rocky ground and shouting in agony as they landed. Some of them then got up, ran forward and started shooting at them. Umar raised a rock wall, protecting them from the bullets. Umar then pushes the wall with ridiculous speed towards the bandits and hits them with it, destroying the wall and neutralizing them.


Dust emerges from the collision, making it hard to see. Umar then hears footsteps from just beside the small hill on his right, he motions his hand towards the hill and rips his hand with a lot of force, flattening the hill and revealing the bandits hiding behind it trying to ambush them. Sadiq then used water from the small pond behind the bandits, carries them up in the air and then dropping them into the pond.


All of a sudden, a pickup truck carrying reinforcements makes a sharp corner into the pathway, the engine roar echoes through the air as it was speeding through the narrow road. As they approached some started jumping down as it was moving to get right into the fight, Umar raised another wall to shield them from bullets, Ahmad grabs his shoulder and looks at him, Umar knowing what to do, brings down the wall and Ahmad steps forward, then fired a massive fireball at the moving truck. The impact shakes the ground, the driver just being able to jump out in the last second, the truck bursts into flames, flips over and lands back on the ground as the flames continues to rage.


The other bandits upon seeing this start running away, leaving their leader alone without backup. The boys walk to his position, smiling as they move and then standing over him as he stays on his knees.


"boss, abeg! Abeg no kill me, na only me my mama born." he pleaded.


"we just de here to survive. Oga I beg!" the bandit pleaded even more.


"you no know say na only you your Mama born till today abi?" Umar asked condescendingly.


"no boss… na here we de normally me and my boys de normally, we de…" the bandit was cut off by Sadiq.


"... harass people? that's why people don't pass through here anymore." he stated.


"you know say na our fault ba?" Nasir said.


"how?" Umar asked.


"how long have these guys occupied this place? All the while we've all been here for 10 plus years. Its now we're doing something about it." Nasir explained.


"(chuckles) and na because road no de again, na why we pass here in the first place." Sadiq added.


"wait, it's not completely our fault. When did we really start being able to use our powers efficiently enough to solve problems other than ours? Our first real time was Mama Ayo and her cultist son." Ahmad argued.


"guy even then, we've been training with G for years! We could've… or should've done something." Sadiq said.


"why are you guys talking like G would've allowed us to do something." Umar said.


"if he wanted us to do something, he would have had us do it." he continued.


"yeah true. So what do you guys think he would think of what we did here with this…" Ahmad said as they all turned to see the bandit running for a his life already a good distance from them.


(they all laugh) "…toh, the guy wise sha." Ahmad said as he chuckled.


"omo make we de go house, I'm tired man." he said as he went to pick up his bag. They all followed suit, picking up their bags and dusting themselves off from the battle. As Nasir was picking up his bag, he sensed something in the air. His eye brow rose up as he stood straight, looking around the area for what was putting him off.


"guys… something is wrong." he said.


"I think we're being watched." he said. The others were immediately on high alert, this was an unusual situation for them, they knew what was going on in the country and were ready for anything. Umar closed his eyes and started searching for abnormalities in the earth. As he searched, the others looked around keeping their eyes peeled and ready for a fight.


"... what ever it is, its not on the ground." Umar said as he opened his eyes.


"that's because its not on the ground…" Nasir stated. As he pointed to a street lamp, he then used his powers to bring the lamp down. As it crashed to the ground, a small drone disguised as a battery pack, detached from the lamp as it was on the decline and reverted to its drone form.


"we're cooked." Sadiq said as the drone hovered.


"looks like those guys are more advanced than we thought." Umar said.


"this is a bigger issue than we take it for." Nasir said.


Ahmad, acting on impulse shot a fireball at the drone, obliterating it completely.



Same time…

On a monitor, footage of the last few seconds of the boys played before it went dark from Ahmad's fireball. Two men, one sitting infront of the monitor and the other standing behind him, both wearing black suits.


"looks like our secret is out boss." the first said.


"yeah, so is theirs…" The second man said.


"so when are we going to capture them?" the first man asked.


"... I can't say for sure, these boys aren't like the other Nucrons we've captured so far. They're brave, coordinated… trained. It won't be easy to get them." The second man explained.


"They have to have some sort of ex-military personnel training them. No group of 17 year olds are this coordinated on their own." the first man added.


"yes, you must be right. This little incident can work in our favour." the second man said.


"how so?" the first man asked.


"send out another surveillance drone and make sure it keeps its distance. After this, they will go straight to their mentor and report the situation. We will learn more about them there…" the second man instructed.


"oh ok then, I'll get on that." the first man answered as he sat up.


"... also send this to the bosses, I believe they will be most interested in this debacle." the second man said as he walked away leaving the man at the chair to get to work. As he sent the footage to the bosses, it showed on his monitor "sending to Kronos Labs head office".



20 minutes later


G was sitting on a bench waiting, just then the boys ran through the gate in a panick. G shot up as he saw them in their distraught state


"boys… what happened?" he asked. They all scrambled to speak but were unable to calm down.


"heas! Boys!" G shouted. The boys immediately stayed silent and in one place as G brought the bench closer and had them sit down.


"now, calm down… Ahmad, tell me what happened." G commanded. Ahmad then took a deep breath and started talking.


"... ok, we were on our way back from school when we saw that the whole road was blocked by the massive accident…" Ahmad started.


"oh no, yeah I was just hearing about that at the mosque." G said.


"yeah, well we decided to take that narrow road and walk the rest of the way…" Ahmad continued.


"where its said to be full of bandits?" G asked.


"not anymore." Umar said quietly.


"... yes, anyway we ran into said bandits and "took care of them", we had just finished them when Nasir sensed that someone was watching us. It was a drone, disguised as a battery pack for one of those solar powered street lamps, we brought it down and it literally detached from the lamp and just hovered their." Ahmad explained. G's eyes widened as he heard this, a mix of anger and confusion rushed all over his face, he paced slowly, talking to himself silently as he paced. After a few seconds he stopped and turned to the boys.


"where's this drone now?" he asked.


"... I… I destroyed it." Ahmad answered as he looked down.


"this is terrible, all my effort and it still happens in the most ludicrous way…. how did you get yourselves into this mess?! I warned you to be careful!" G shouted at them.


"we didn't know, and we had to defend ourselves." Ahmad answered


"... we are in dangerous territory boys, I thought I got you guys some immunity but… we need to get ready for what's to come." G continued.


"the government knows about you now and they will be coming for you… for us… we need to be ready." he said.


"what are we going to do?" Umar asked.


"lay low." G answered.


"no movement this weekend, I'm tempted to stop you from going to school too…" he continued.


"wouldn't that be a little too much sir? And what would our parents think of it?" Ahmad queried.


"yes I thought so too. But your parents have never questioned my decision, they all know you still have powers anyway." G said. Ahmad remained silent as he looked down awkwardly, G looks at him in confusion.


"your mom doesn't know?" he asked.


"(sighs) she's always worrying that I might lose control and "give someone the hell on earth treatment", so I decided to keep it from her to give her peace of mind." Ahmad answered.


"umm… you realize she might eventually talk to one of our parents and find out right?" Nasir queried.


"not if she talks to mine." Sadiq stated.


"yours don't know as well?" G asked.


"its not like I can't tell them. Its just that they don't care to know, they're too busy with my younger siblings." Sadiq answered.


"...hmm… I'm sorry about that Sadiq." G sympathized as he put his hand on Sadiq's shoulder.


"no its fine, its more freedom for me." Sadiq said with a smile.


"hmm…" G exhaled.


"what about you Umar? Do your folks know?" he asked as he turned to Umar.


"... my brothers know but, my parents are too stuck up for me to tell them anything." Umar answered.


"they still want nothing less than 92% on all your subjects?" Ahmad asked.


"yep! After a few hours of persuasion they brought it down to 88%. aside from Math and English." Umar answered.


"(sighs) so Nasir is the only one who's parents know about his powers?" G asked.


"yes sir." they all answered.


"... fine then, when we know we are in the clear, I'll let you know what the next move will be regarding this topic…" G said.


"... but for now, no more training. We can't risk being caught here." G stated.


"also no weekend outings, leave your houses only if you absolutely have to, like going to school or going to the mosque… and even those you will not go alone you must be together or at least two of you. Understood?!" G commanded.


"yes sir!" they all answered.


"but sir, we have inter-house sports tomorrow." Ahmad indicated.


"do you have to be there?" G asked.


"yes sir. My punishment with Bala is happening their, we're doing maintenance of the final parade." Ahmad answered.


"what? Why are they still punishing you? Did you fight again?" G asked in frustration.


"no no no! They didn't punish us on the day we fought cause most teachers were busy, that's why they're doing it now." Ahmad explained.


"(sighs) fine! You three will be there understood?!" G commanded angrily.


"keep him and Bala out of each others way, and if I here another incident with this boy there I will beat you both to death!" G threatened.


"yes sir."Ahmad answered in fear.


"go home, NOW." G commanded angrily as he stormed off.


The boys gathered their things and left shortly after, their minds filled with questions, their bodies trembling in fear but their hearts remain strong as they try to navigate this insane predicament. They remain hopeful that they and G can overcome this and move on, but the Government is a reputable force and have their own mission to fulfil.