

G had made himself some breakfast as his mind continued to be uneased about the looming threat. He stayed up all night making calls to Reno and his other contacts, trying to get the boys out of the government's crosshairs but to no avail. He finished his breakfast and made his way to the kitchen to wash his dishes. As he washed, there was a knock at the door, he wondered who it could be, the boys are at school for their inter-house sport event and no one else he knew would show up without calling first. He cleaned up his hands and walked to the door, he opened the door slowly and standing on the other side were two men in black suits and shades. The two men who previously witnessed the boy's altercation with the bandits.


"Good morning, Commander Dabo. My name is Agent Kolawole, and this is my colleague, Agent Layi. We would like to have a word with you if you don't mind." The Agent said. G's heart almost jumped out of his chest, he knew this was bound to happen but didn't anticipate it being this quick, he remained stoic and ushered them in so they can talk.


"we believe you already know why we're here sir." Agent Layi said as he sat down.


"yes, but this isn't going to go the way you think it will." G replied.


"and what way is that?" Agent Layi asked.


"you're going to ask me where the boys are and for me to hand them over to you. When I refuse, you threaten to take them by force. But you know what they are capable of, which is why you came here . so that means you will go after something else… let me guess, my pension?" G deduced.


"(chuckles)… you are who they say you are Commander." Agent Kolawole said.


"Listen closely… you do whatever it is you want; you can even throw me in jail. But do NOT go near those boys." G warned with a stern voice.


"Commander, what is this relationship you have with these troglodytes? They are not your offspring, yet you choose to break the law and aid them in escaping treatment. I don't understand sir." Agent Layi said.


"that is none of your business boy. Maintain your lane." G replied.


"hold on now, we are not here to make an enemy out of you sir, believe it or not I respect you and what you've done during your time. But if I may repeat my colleague's question in a more respectful tone, what is the relationship you have with these Nucrons and why do you aid them in escaping treatment." Agent Kolawole asked.


"like I said my relationship with them is none of your business, but since you asked so nicely… I'm not helping them escape treatment, they took the antidote, they were one of the first to take it in their school, but…" G explained.


"it didn't work as should have, it made them weak and nauseous, it only neutralized their powers for a few hours and then they were fine the next morning." he continued.


"interesting, this… this is much different from what we believed." Agent Kolawole exclaimed.


"this is an even bigger reason why you need to hand them over!" Agent Layi said.


"i don't need to do anything!" G said.


"sir I'm sorry but we must insist. These boys have something that could be very beneficial to us…" Agent Kolawole said.


"is that so?… tell me Agent Kolawole, its all over the news of the task force capturing Nucrons who are at large. But nothing of where they taken to, what exactly happens to those people who get captured?" G queried.


"sir, we can't disclose such information, you just have to…" Agent Kolawole said.


"like I said, I don't have to anything! And you have warn out your welcome here. GET OUT." G commanded. The two agents looked at each other and without a word got up and made their way to the door. As he walked up to the door, Agent Layi stopped, turned back to G and said…


"those boys will come with us, one way or the other, whether you like it or not… and maybe you will come with them as well." maniacally as he walked out. As the two walked down the stairs, Agent Kolawole brought out his phone and dialed the number.


"hello sir, it was as you said, he refused and kicked us out." he said.


"did you learn anything from him?" the man asked.


"yes, we learned the antidote only worked for a few hours on them, they had their powers again the next day." Agent Kolawole reported.


"really? that's… interesting." the man replied.


"yes sir." Agent Kolawole said.


"well then that changes things, we need these boys in our possession now!" the man said.


"what do you suggest sir?" Agent Kolawole asked.


"we must apprehend them. Find them now and capture them." the man commanded.


"sir, the boys are in school, we can wait for them to come home and we catch them on their way back." Agent Kolawole suggested.


"ok good, make the arrangement and keep me posted." the man agreed and hung up the call. The two agents walked to their black Mercedes Benz C63 and went on their way.


G sat down on the couch, contemplating what the agent said to him, worry consumed him and after a few seconds he looked up and decided on what he was going to do, he feared for the boys safety and was going to them to make sure they were Ok. He went to his room, got his motorcycle keys and left the apartment.