Chapter 43: Library

Kakashi only taught Sasuke for two days, and he was like a deflated balloon. He had never seen such a monstrous genius before, and this kind of talent had exceeded the limit of his imagination.

If Sasuke continues to grow, maybe he could become the second Uchiha Madara?

He might even surpass him...

Sasuke and Hinata ran to practice with Naruto, and Kakashi felt unbalanced, so he followed them to do daily practice. However, he didn't understand what they were practicing. Why did they only occasionally fight, and most of the time they were sitting with their eyes closed? Is this the world of geniuses?

However, although Kakashi couldn't understand it, he actually found that they had made progress. For example, Sasuke's physical fitness was getting stronger and stronger, and the power of his techniques also improved... And Kakashi also found that Sasuke's Sharingan seemed to be able to stay open all the time without worrying about consumption.

I can't even close my Sharingan... Sasuke's chakra volume... I'm so envious.


Some time later, in the Konoha library,

"Yo, Naruto, what are you doing?

The Third Hokage asked with a smile, while his eyes sneakily glanced at the book in front of Naruto.

"One Hundred Years of Konoha"

"Chronicles of Konoha"


"Konoha's Rogue Ninja Collection"

"Icha Icha Paradise"

"Just looking at the history of Konoha and seeing what outstanding people have come out of Konoha. It's always good to broaden your horizons." Naruto answered.

Although he knew that the Third Hokage might be in danger in the near future, he didn't have any desire to remind him at all, and even looked forward to that day a little bit.

The rogue ninja with golden snake eyes... Naruto could basically confirm that it was Orochimaru. All aspects of the information were very consistent. The voice was as hoarse as described in the book, and it gave people the same cold feeling.

And Orochimaru was once a candidate for Hokage in Konoha and had a certain prestige in Konoha, so it was completely normal for him to know some people at the high level.


This person who was discovered because of human experiments and was kicked out of the village, Naruto really couldn't feel good about him. At most, he would just watch and not take action. If Orochimaru dared to do something disgusting in front of him or hurt people around him, he would be asking for trouble.

"Oh, is that so?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still smiling, then picked up a Will of Fire and handed it to Naruto: "Come and see this one too. It's pretty well written."

Naruto glanced at the name and said: "I've finished reading this one, so I put it back."

The so-called Will of Fire in the book is a spirit of selfless dedication. The meaning is: young people are the hope for the future. The older generation should trust and protect them. The sacrifices of the older generation are not meaningless but will inspire young people to become pillars of the future.


After reading the Will of Fire and the real stories of ten-year-old children going to the battlefield in the Chronicles of Konoha... it feels quite ironic.

Among them, Senju Hashirama's grandson, Senju Nawaki, also went to the battlefield at the age of twelve. He died very miserably and was described as very heroic, but Naruto found it very ironic.

Isn't the so-called Will of Fire about sacrificing the lives of the older generation? This sacrifice seems a bit wrong? There don't seem to be many heroic sacrifices among the upper echelons of Konoha. Well, the Second Hokage sacrificed himself to cover his students, and the Fourth Hokage sacrificed himself to save the village. Then what? Who else sacrificed for the village?

Naruto also had a selfish thought in his heart, why did my dad die, not you Third Hokage? You're obviously older!

Anyway, after reading these books, Naruto felt that this was said to those who had no status and no power. Those with status and power would sit in the rear, with a very small chance of sacrifice. They just need to fool people with the Will of Fire.

Moreover, the more he understood history, the more speechless Naruto felt towards the Third Hokage.

The First Ninja World War was led by the Second Hokage. Hanzo incited the Second Ninja World War. Tsunade successfully countered the poison threat in Sunagakure. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru joined forces to thwart Hanzo. Sasori's parents were killed by Sakumo Hatake. Sakumo Hatake committed suicide because of rumors in Konoha.

Eh, why does it feel a bit wrong?

The Third Ninja World War is even more interesting. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure were defeated by Might Duy alone. The battlefield in Iwagakure was turned around by Namikaze Minato who came later. Kumogakure was also repelled by Namikaze Minato...

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that Konoha can fight not because the Third Hokage is strong, but because there are many geniuses in Konoha who can fight one better than another. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't have any particularly dazzling achievements on the front line. He mainly sat in the rear.

...Then propagate the Will of Fire, let more geniuses go through fire and water for Konoha without hesitation.


"Is that so? Do you have any special thoughts about the Will of Fire?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with a smile.

Naruto was a bit speechless, but it wasn't good to tell the truth directly. But anyway, he is a dying person now, it doesn't matter if he says something nice to him, so he honestly said: "I also have the Will of Fire in my heart, but only for those I love and those who love me."

"Oh, why not everyone?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Because I have a bottom line now. Kindness without a bottom line will only lead to destruction and make one's descendants suffer. This is a lesson from history." Uzumaki Naruto said seriously.

In an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen's smile on his face froze. Of course he could hear what Naruto was talking about. The kindness without a bottom line in his mouth is most likely referring to Namikaze Minato. And those descendants who suffer are himself.

It's really uncomfortable. I can't refute it!

"In two days' time, you will be going to Konta Village for a mission. Be careful on your way there. You are our village's most precious treasure." Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject.

"Um, got it."

Naruto nodded his head without any thoughts about Sarutobi Hiruzen's polite words.

The treasure of the village? No no no, it should be said that it is a precious tailed beast weapon in the village. If I get lost, I guess this old man will be anxious.

"After you finish this mission, there will be about three months left for the Chunin Exam. If you can show off your proficient Flying Thunder God technique in front of all countries during the Chunin Exam, I believe your father will be comforted." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"Well, I'll try my best to learn and use it."

Naruto casually replied.

In fact, even half a month later he still won't use Flying Thunder God technique. But as long as his teleportation technique is fast enough and pure speed is as fast as teleportation, then in other people's eyes what he uses is Flying Thunder God technique.


According to Orochimaru's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen will soon be killed. Can he really live until the end of Chunin Exam? Who knows...


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