Chapter 44: Secret Meeting

At night, there were still many Anbu near Naruto's house, but this did not stop the invasion of a shadow. He not only moved extremely fast, but also could avoid the perception of these Anbu and easily entered Naruto's house.

"You're here."

Naruto sat in a chair, one hand on his chin, tilting his head and said indifferently.

At this time, there was a candle lit in his house. The candle was near Naruto. Under the candlelight, Naruto's indifferent expression was particularly terrifying.

"Did you know in advance that I was coming?"

The man in the black robe had a hoarse voice and was a little trembling. Naruto's performance at this moment was somewhat unexpected to him. If there were any ambushes again, even he would have to shed two layers of skin before leaving.

"Yes, Orochimaru-san, would you like to sit down for a cup of tea?"

Naruto said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't know when Orochimaru would come over, but his perception range was too large and too clear. Even if Orochimaru could avoid the perception exploration of those Anbu, he couldn't avoid Naruto's perception ability. So Naruto found out as soon as he approached.

He even had time to find a candle and light it, and by the way brewed a pot of black tea.

"Hehe, sure."

Orochimaru directly flipped up his hood, revealing his cold and charming face inside, but there were already two large beads of sweat on his head.

He was nervous not because he was afraid of Naruto, but because of the unknown. The unknown is the greatest horror. Orochimaru didn't know how Naruto knew he was coming tonight. Would he make any arrangements in advance after knowing he was coming? If he can leave safely, how should he consider coming next time if he wants to?

"You seem a bit nervous."

Naruto stood up and took a step forward, appearing in front of the kitchen in the next moment with a pot of steaming tea in his hand. He disappeared with a smile and reappeared at the table, elegantly setting up the tea set.

What kind of speed was that? Even for the Flying Thunder God technique, this speed was outrageous!

Orochimaru felt a tremendous pressure looking at Naruto. Naruto was not just capable of using the Flying Thunder God technique, he was also a perfect Jinchuriki, able to use the power of the Nine-Tails. If he used both the Nine-Tails and Flying Thunder God...

If he wanted to kill me, I would almost certainly die!

"Of course, your Flying Thunder God technique is faster than the Fourth Hokage's. Naturally, a nameless rogue ninja like me would feel fear," Orochimaru said, his voice shifting as he continued to ask, "I'm curious, how did you know I was coming to your house tonight? Even those Anbu seem to know nothing."

"Maybe someone tipped me off," 

Naruto said casually as he poured tea.

"Someone tipped you off?" 

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows. He and Danzo were on the same side, and only Danzo and his confidants knew about tonight's plan. The Root members were loyal and there was no possibility of rebellion, so it could only be Danzo who informed him.

But Danzo had been forbidden by Hiruzen Sarutobi from approaching the Jinchuriki, and his subordinates were under surveillance. How could he have had the opportunity to inform him? Why would he need to inform him in advance?

Either someone else informed him...

Or this guy is lying!

"So, what are you here for?" 

Naruto asked casually as he took a sip from his teacup.

Asking questions was pointless. This guy just wanted to use language to manipulate him. A mix of truth and lies was the easiest way to disrupt judgment, so it was best not to listen.

He and that high-ranking official from Konoha were probably both people from the shadows. So appearing openly like this, he wouldn't reveal anything about assassinating the Third Hokage. So asking about that wasn't reliable either. It would be better to figure out his intentions.

"Konoha has been under Sarutobi Hiruzen's rule for decades. Although Konoha is still thriving on the surface, the Third Hokage is too old. His thoughts and decisions are no longer suitable for the position of Hokage. A glorious death would be the best ending for him," Orochimaru said as he picked up his tea.


"After Sarutobi Hiruzen's death, Konoha will inevitably fall into turmoil for a while and will need someone to maintain stability for some time. After that, someone in Konoha will restore your reputation and give you everything you deserve. In return, he hopes to see you again in a fair and square meeting."

Orochimaru continued to laugh.

"Oh, that sounds pretty good. Are there any other conditions?" Naruto thought for a moment and asked.

"He hopes you can provide a certain amount of military supply for Konoha. Without the Hokage, Konoha will become weak. If you can simultaneously display Flying Thunder God and Tailed Beast Transformation, and appear in Konoha as the son of the Fourth Hokage, you can become the new pillar of Konoha and become the brightest star of Konoha."

Orochimaru's words sounded nice, but in fact, he didn't believe they would really be realized. Because Danzo is not the kind of person who would believe in Jinchuriki. He only believes in Root ninjas who can be completely brainwashed. He would never let Naruto out of his control.

After the Third Hokage's death, this old guy must have prepared something else to deal specifically with Naruto. It is most likely some kind of brainwashing control method. Only when he has completely controlled the Jinchuriki will he feel that Konoha is safe.

Danzo would never allow a Jinchuriki who has Flying Thunder God and self-will. If nothing unexpected happens, he must use that...

The strongest genjutsu, the strongest brainwashing


"Is that so?"

Naruto calmly took a sip of tea, squinted slightly, smiled and looked at Orochimaru and said: "The public affairs should be finished, right? Next, are you going to start talking about some private things."

"Sure enough, you are the son of the Fourth Hokage. You not only fully inherited his intelligence but may even surpass him." Although Orochimaru was praising him, there was a dangerous color hidden in his golden vertical pupils.

"Say it, what's the matter."

"What do you think of this descendant of the Uchiha clan? You seem to have a good relationship with Sasuke-kun." Orochimaru thought for a moment and then asked indirectly.

He's not a fool. He wouldn't directly say I lack a good body, Can I snatch your friend's body?

It needs to be tactful and indirect!

"That guy has a pretty proud personality. He's decent in dealing with people and has good talent. Even I'm a bit envious of his Sharingan." Naruto said politely.

It seems that the relationship is not bad. I can't do anything to Sasuke in a short time...

"By the way, about Sharingan, I actually have a little research on it. If you need it, I can transplant a pair of Sharingan for you. How about it? Do you want to try?"

Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly, his hands propped up his chin and he said with a smile.


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