Chapter 45: Soul of a Foreign Land

"Transplanting the Sharingan?"

Naruto was slightly surprised, but soon realized that the Uchiha clan's extermination was not simple.

The premise of transplanting the Sharingan is that Orochimaru himself has the Sharingan, and it is a fresh Sharingan. The Uchiha clan has been exterminated for a long time, and his Sharingan is most likely taken down at that time, just kept for a long time.

"Why don't you transplant it to yourself?"

Naruto asked directly.

"The Sharingan can only exert its maximum value on the body of the Uchiha clan. On the body of an outsider, there will be additional chakra consumption. With my strength, controlling the Sharingan will be a bit troublesome. But if it's you, possessing both the Nine-Tails and the Uzumaki clan's bloodline, controlling a pair of Sharingan should be no problem." Orochimaru explained.

"It sounds good, but I'll pass."

Naruto decisively refused.

He just envied the Sharingan. In fact, when Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique, the Sharingan couldn't catch his figure. Sasuke couldn't see him at all and really thought the Flying Thunder God Technique was like the Flying Thunder God Technique.

And Naruto himself, when using the Flying Thunder God Technique, he wouldn't use his eyes to observe. He would only use perception. The world of perception would be more detailed, allowing him to clearly understand what was around him in high-speed action and when to stop.

Prediction + Perception + Control is the key

He didn't use his eyes from the beginning. When his eyes could see clearly, Naruto had already hit the wall. He might even have hit through several walls. After all, that was a Flying Thunder God Technique that was so fast in short distances that it could be mistaken for a Flying Thunder God Technique.

"The observation ability of the Sharingan is useless against Naruto, and its copying ability would probably turn into an unknown jutsu due to Naruto's abnormal chakra. Who knows what it would become, just like opening a Pandora box. In a real battle, it's better not to use it."

As for the last genjutsu... Naruto's speed is so fast that people can mistake the Flying Thunder God Technique for a Flying Thunder God Technique. Isn't this genjutsu strong enough? And the output power of genjutsu is probably not as good as Naruto directly opening Nine-Tails. There's no need to use it. It's just useless.


Even if it can be used and is useful, can he guarantee that Orochimaru will honestly perform eye transplant surgery for him and not do some private work on his own? What if something goes wrong? Who can guarantee Naruto's safety?

"Really? The Mangekyou Sharingan is not actually the ultimate form of the Sharingan. Above the three-tomoe Sharingan, there is a stronger Mangekyou Sharingan. This level of Sharingan can even control Tailed Beasts with genjutsu, obtain unique eye techniques, and open a third power called Susanoo, which is very powerful."

Orochimaru continued to tempt.

"Oh, if it's really that strong, why don't you prepare it for yourself?" Naruto crossed his arms and leaned back slightly with a smile.

"Hehe...hehe... I've already said that my chakra volume is not enough to control the Sharingan. If you change your mind in the future, you can contact me through this snake." Orochimaru left a small white snake.

"Let's talk about it later."

Naruto accepted the white snake.

He felt that this guy was just fooling him and always wanted to fool him into transplanting the Sharingan with various words and then do some private work during the process. If he was anesthetized properly, no one knew what he would do.

There's no need to take this risk to transplant Sharingan.

Orochimaru slowly stood up and turned away.


Naruto suddenly laughed.

"Really? Have you changed your mind?"

Orochimaru asked.

"Foreign soul, do you like this new scenery?" Naruto continued with a smile on his face, "Where is your hometown? Has it encountered a disaster? Why are you dancing here? This is clearly not your place."


Orochimaru's pupils shrank instantly, and he understood in an instant what the foreign and hometown referred to, because this body was just recently changed.

Naruto is the first person who can discover his secret of immortality. He couldn't possibly know about this in advance unless Kabuto betrayed him... No, even if he betrayed him, he wouldn't have time to leak the news.

In addition to the previous predictive behavior, without exception, Naruto's perception ability is very, very strong, stronger than anyone else, stronger than Konoha's barrier. What kind of monster is this guy!


Orochimaru sighed lightly, crossed his arms over his chest and said seriously: "Time is a great power that we ordinary people cannot resist. Even the most beautiful hometown will be eroded and destroyed by time. If I keep staying in one place... my journey will come to a halt, and I want to see more scenery."

"There are many sceneries in this world. The scenery witnessed by the wind at different heights is also different. Longevity may not necessarily be a good thing. After witnessing countless sadness and loss, what will you become?" Naruto asked with a slight tilt of his head.

Among all the ninjas in the world, no one understands the feeling of longevity better than him. Others can only imagine and think. Even if they practice with special ninjutsu, they can only live for one or two hundred years at most. His life is much longer.

For him, time is a process, a process from self to seeing the world, and then being changed by the world. After being changed for a long time, he will inevitably turn his gaze back to himself, return to his original self, and thus maintain himself.

Wear and tear is given by heaven and is also a process that every soul will experience after experiencing time. There are many ways to resist wear and tear, but they will not be completely effective. Even the most solid rock will be marked by time.

"Hehe... Who knows..."

Orochimaru just laughed. In his eyes, even if Naruto could see his abnormality, he wouldn't take Naruto seriously. Because in the entire ninja world, only he has completed this theoretically immortal technique from theory to practice.

Naruto at most is just a genius who has extremely strong perception ability and can control Tailed Beasts and use Flying Thunder God technique. He will definitely leave his name in history in the ninja world. But his lifespan cannot exceed mine.

I am Orochimaru who has Immortality Jutsu, Immortality Jutsu means infinite resurrection. I don't believe Naruto can live longer than me. If you dare, try living for a thousand years without using Edo Tensei? Can you do it?

A thousand years later, you will become a background board of history like Rikudo Sennin, and you may not even reach the height of Rikudo Sennin at that time. And I can still live. How dare you discuss life with me?

Forget it, don't argue with you, it's unnecessary.

"Orochimaru-san, if possible, give me a pair of Sharingan when we meet next time. I will give you satisfactory compensation." Naruto took another sip of tea and said.

"Hehe... Really?"

Orochimaru laughed and left.


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