Chapter 46: Ino's Flower

"Knock knock knock!"

In the early morning, a knock on the door sounded. Naruto, who had gotten up early to practice, slowly opened his eyes and opened the door.


Outside the door, a girl with a golden ponytail had her hands behind her back. Her eyes were slightly evasive, but after Naruto opened the door, she quickly raised her head and said: "Good morning, Naruto. I heard that you guys are going on a mission today. It seems like you'll be out for a long time."

"Yeah, it should be quite a while."

Naruto nodded in response.

"Is that so..."

Ino lowered her head slightly again, but soon brought her hands from behind to the front. She first took out a bunch of white flowers, beautiful but with tiny thorns, and said: "Then... before you leave, accept this flower!"

Naruto thought for a moment and said: "I might be gone for a long time this time. If I accept this flower, it might be dead by the time I come back. So..."

"I can come to your house to help you take care of it. Please accept it!" Ino insisted.

Uh, is a flower necessary?

Naruto paused for a moment and finally sighed. He took out the house key from his pocket and threw it to Ino while saying: "Okay okay okay, I really can't do anything about it. Let's just say you're entrusting the flower to me."

"No, this is what I gave you. When you come home, you have to take good care of it yourself." Ino bit her lip and said softly with a determined look in her eyes.

"Ah, got it."

Naruto nodded, then gently pinched the flower in Ino's hand, leaned his head forward to smell it, and laughed: "This flower smells pretty good."


A bright smile like sunshine slowly appeared on Ino's face.


"So that's why you were late?"

Sasuke crossed his arms and asked playfully.


Naruto shrugged and said: "That guy went into my house and kept looking around saying he wanted to find a suitable place to put it. It was really troublesome."

"Hmm, cough cough, yeah."

Sasuke coughed while holding back his laughter. At the same time, he glanced at Hinata who looked like her worldview had been shattered. He was becoming more and more interested in how things would develop.

'Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!'

The news of your departure was 'accidentally' let known by me to Ino. As a good brother, how could I not help at such a critical moment? The way Hinata is panicking and sweating but not daring to do anything is just too interesting.

I wonder what will happen next?

Sasuke can now see his continuous progress and the hope of surpassing Itachi. Since then, his mentality will naturally change, and his gaze will also change slightly due to the acceleration of strength improvement.

Only when he has no hope of achieving his goal and is afraid that the speed of strength improvement is not fast enough, he will be Sasuke who is full of revenge and strength, and he will be that strong obsessed person, but now he has no worries.

"Cough cough, since everyone is here, let's set off first. The distance to the target location this time is a bit far. I estimate that it will take about a week to arrive. On this way, I hope you can perform a little better." Kakashi closed the Icha Icha Paradise and said.

"Um, got it."


"Next, let's start the action. If any of you are physically exhausted, don't hide it, just take the initiative to rest."

Speaking of which, Kakashi's eyes gradually began to change and gradually became serious: "If someone really faints halfway, we will have to spend a lot of time taking care of it, which will greatly slow down our progress, so don't force yourself."


Soon, a group of people led by Kakashi set off from Konoha. Perhaps to take care of Hinata, Kakashi's speed was not fast, and the rhythm was not urgent. He even observed the conditions of other people inadvertently.

This degree of travel seems very easy for Naruto. It's like there is no consumption at all. This guy's physical strength is also monster-level. The least worry should be him.

As for Sasuke, his travel speed is also very fast, his breath is very good, just like there is no physical exertion in the process of action. I didn't expect this guy's physical strength to be so good.

The last is Hinata, this girl seems to look a little tired, but she seems to be adapting. I don't know how long she can persist. I hope this journey can exercise Hinata's physical fitness.

This guy... what is she doing...

Naruto squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Hinata not far away secretly. He and Sasuke continued to sail with one relying on wind elemental power and the other relying on thunder elemental power. Their own physical consumption was almost nonexistent, all relying on elemental power to replace physical strength.

But Hinata is different. She directly absorbs the elemental power of all attributes without considering whether she is suitable or not. This kind of absorption of elemental power can have a good effect in a short time, but it is not conducive to long-term cultivation and is a deviation in the cultivation of elemental power.

Although I didn't teach her to cultivate, she still saw the elemental power on her own due to the advantage of Byakugan. However, because I didn't teach her, she took this wrong path.

Hmm... let's explain it...

That's what Naruto thought, but he soon realized that there was something wrong with Hinata's physique. Because after absorbing the full attribute elemental power, Hinata did not show any abnormal reactions. It was as if those elemental powers were completely absorbed by something in her body and then transformed into her own power.

Could it be that there is also some hidden power in her body? Is it also a Tailed Beast?

It doesn't seem like it, and it shouldn't be. Konoha only has one Tailed Beast, the Nine-Tails. Could it be because of Byakugan, or because of her bloodline?

Her talent is not simple either. She might be the strongest genius in the Hyuga clan, just that she hasn't developed her true potential until now.

Hmm... the speed of elemental power absorption has increased again...

Naruto silently observed, and his expression began to gradually change. He felt that teaching Hinata the state of spiritual sense was like turning on a switch in her body. Before turning on this switch, she would not realize that she had this ability to directly and quickly absorb full attribute elemental power.

And now, not only has she done it, but there are also no negative reactions. It's as if there is something of a higher level in Hinata's body that needs to consume a lot of energy to nourish. And the core of that thing... is in Hinata's eyes.

Her eyes are definitely not ordinary, definitely not ordinary Byakugan. Byakugan is definitely not without an evolutionary path as others see it, it's just that those people don't meet the conditions to activate it. If it's Hinata, maybe she can meet that condition.


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